Nala and Gaz

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I gasped when I saw pictures of the gliders and scared the crap out of my son!
THEY ARE SO FREAKING CUTE! I'm SO jealous of you right now.
Are they soft? They look pretty soft, are they like rabbits or chinchillas or maybe cats? They're just such interesting little creatures!

And your little hammies are so adorable! Its so amazing how fast they grow!
Cuuuuuute! I never saw a close-up pic of sugar gliders, so I didn't know til now that they have little bat ears! Also, are their tails prehensile? (yes, I could google, but I'm afraid I'll find out enough to want some, and I no can haz)
I dunno if their tails are prehensile, actually... probably not? they grip things like crazy with their little hands and feet. they're very soft and tiny... one of them crabs at me sometimes when I first open the bonding pouch, so I try to talk to them first before I open it and that seems to help. they don't have names yet, as I'm still learning their personalities/how to tell them apart. I think I might put a drop of food coloring on one of their heads to help me tell the difference :p

the hammies are cute, as always, and should be exploring out of the nest on their own any day now (happens at 11-14 days and they're 11 1/2).

my bunns have been back together ever since they got off restrictions from their spays... there was some occasional booty-biting at first, but they seem to have gradually gotten back to where their bond originally was. they're very snuggly with each other now, like they were as babies. their poop habits have finally improved a bit, too - not NEARLY as many strays as there used to be!
Amazing what I miss when I do not log in for a couple of days. The gliders and hammies are SOOOO cute!!! I will get around to reading your glider thread soon. Are you going to name any of the hamsters or keep any of them? I would love a picture of them in their cage/ a picture of their cage and a picture of their mom :)
their cage is pretty boring, since I had to take the wheel and some of the toys away to "baby-proof" it, but I can try to remember to take a pic in a bit.

here's where all my hammy pics are - the dad is solid and the mom is the striped one.

I *might* keep one of the babies, but hopefully I'll find homes for the others.
Nala vs phone book:


12 day old baby hammies eating kale:



(really wish my camera didn't suck at focusing on tiny things at close range)
oh yeah, my video of them finally uploaded... it's SO noisy when they're all nomming kale at the same time!

The baby hams are so darling! I haven't had a hamster in a few years- and we have a cat now who I'm pretty sure would like to eat one- but I do love hammies. The babies are so sweet. What a big litter! Your sugar gliders are cute, too, and so is Miss Nala. Do you have any pictures of Gaz to share? She is so sweet! I love Holland Lops, they are my favorite. Your girl looks like my precious baby Tallulah who died a few years ago. Looking at Gaz makes my eyes tear up.

In any case, I'm glad you decided to start a bunny blog :D I update my bunny blog very sporadically, but I do have a cooking blog which I'm mentioning only since you said you don't like blogs. My blog is solely for the purpose of sharing really good recipes, though. I never just talk about what I ate or share random pictures of it, talk about non-recipe subjects, or even recipes I made that didn't turn out well. Just recipes that are great and worth the effort for other people to make. Blogs are my favorite place to get recipes :D Have to admit that I don't read any non-recipe blogs!
I've got tons of pics of Gaz in my photobucket album... while Nala is cute as can be in real life, Gaz actually tends to be more photogenic so she gets a lot of attention from the camera :p

here's a brand new pic of little Gazzles in the condo:

and one of the girls eating their hay:
I wonder if Gaz is so photogenic because she's a holland lop? I think they're really photogenic. Not that Nala is adorable, because she is but Gaz does photograph really nicely!
yeah, something about Gaz's little "eeyore" face just photographs SO nicely (as do her dead bunny flops)! Nala's also more prone to closing her eyes when the flash goes off.
more hammy pics! 12 1/2 day old babies nomming kale again - it's SO cute, they were putting it in their little cheek pouches! I didn't figure they'd do that on their second day ever of eating solid food.

my favorite, with its cheek pouch stuffed:

the little runt:

both together to show the size difference:

hammy pile:

there's more, but I figured that was enough picture spam in the thread :p
I do too, I couldn't believe it when I saw her stuffing her teeny tiny cheek pouch with kale! I think I'm gonna keep her, she's just TOO precious... mommy and daddy threw a real curve-ball with the tan fur on one out of 12 babies. oh, and they're big enough now (barely) for me to tell genders apart so I found out today that one's female :)

also, the rest of the babies all looked like they were the sort of charcoal color that Misty is (some with a stripe like mom, others solid like dad) but today they started differentiating a bit - some have started turning from charcoal to more of a warm brown color like their dad.

on an unrelated note, I think some of my neighbors officially think I'm certifiable. they're used to the bunny pen in the yard, but today a couple people actually slowed down for a closer look 'cause I had a pop-up (mostly screen) tent in the bunny pen in the yard, lol. I'm sure they were baffled as to what I was up to.

I had the sugar gliders playing in the tent (though they mostly just wanted to play on me) with the bunnies running in the pen. it was SO cute - the bunnies kept "burrowing" under the bottom of the tent, so you'd see this bump in the tent floor moving around, lol. they did some insane binkies, too - gaz did the biggest, jumpiest binkies I've ever seen her do!

it made me think "sibling rivalry" - like they were being extra cute to make sure I didn't forget about them with all the new babies in the house... as if I could ever forget to love on their adorable little bunny faces! the hammy and glider babies get lots of extra attention because, well, they're babies and they're not gonna stay so tiny and super-cute forever... but I will *always* have enough love left over for my precious little bunnykins.
Haha bunnies often get jealous of new arrivals! They want to know their fuzzbutts are #1... That and that you'll still feed them their veggies even though there are weird new furry things around to gather your attention :) sounds great though! If my neighbors were to ever look inside my loft... I think theyd know me as the weird rabbit girl from there on out ... By the way amazing pictures of the hammies! So cute :)

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