momma geting ready to have babies

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New Member
Mar 7, 2004
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Ceres, California, USA
My Doe started pulling her hair today, but she isnot it in her nest box that she can get in and out of withease, she is just laying it in her cage this will be her firstlitter. Is there anything I can do, we have been picking upthe fur and putting it in her nest, I know she is close. :?
Greetings Moorerabbits,

Don't limit your rabbit's food in the late stages ofpregnancy. The last day before the rabbit gives birth, theytend to stop eating or slow it down considerably. Once she'smilking you definitely don't want to restrict her feed.

You may want to have a small scale on hand (kitchen or postagewilldo)and keep a daily log of the baby'sweight. They usually eat early in the morning and theirbellies should be round and warm. They should gain somewherearound1/4 oz. If the mother isn't feedingthem, they'll need your help.

There's so much to know, I'd suggest you get a book about it or searchthe net for more complete information about doe's ignoring their babiesand nests being able to be closeable (reopened at feeding time ofcourse) in case she's not a good mom. It's not common for thedoe to sit in the nest, because that would attract attention topredators. They usually don't stay on or by the nest afterthe babies are born. If the mom islaying in thenest, urinating or defecating in it, digging up the babies, these arereasons to close her off.

I don't have any experience in this area. What I know is whatI've been told by breeders or have read through pure interest on mypart. PamNock will be a great source of help if you havespecific questions about the care and health of rabbits.


You will have to keep a close eye on her.Keep putting the hair in the box. If she does have them onthe wire, unless you are there to put them in the box you may losethem. Once they are in the box, she will feed themthere. Does never move their kits, so it is up to you to movethem if she does have them outside the box. Keep us posted.
This is somewhat similar to my bunny...actually,almost the opposite. This is her first litter, and today marked her28th day, but she isn't pulling out any hair, and she hasn't started tomake a nest with the hay and white shredded paper I gave her... isthere something wrong?? She is a Dwarf Mix, so she could have a smalllitter and give birth late...but I'm still a little worried...I'mcertain that she is pregnant becuase she has eaten a lot more, she hasgotten fatter a little and she stuffs all the hay into her mouth when Iput it into her cage. ...... if anyone can help..please do!



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