Well-Known Member
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Here is the partiallist of the 2008 Bridge bunnies that we have compiled to date. If youlost a bunny last year and you're not on this list, please respond in this thread, and if possible, include a photo of your rabbit.
Thank you, and condolences to all. :rainbow:
12animalluv34's Sky
Angieluv's Babette
Angieluv's Gabriel
Angoragrl's Lilly
BabyBailey's Willy
Bat42072's Foster
Becca's Nibbles
Binkies' Gravy
Blumagic's George
Blumagic's Gracie
Bon's Gizmo
Bunman (David Lazarus - honorary bunny)
Bunnydude's Amber
Bunnysrule's Ruby
Celcticbuns' Cupid
Cheryl's Pippibun
Chevy_Dodge's Mom's Chevy
Chinmom's Sophie
Conejtas' Holly
Darfi's Prince
Delusional's Rosie
FlopsnWill's William
FusedBrain's Baby
Gabby's Brice
Gentlegiants' Ben
Gentlegiants' Big Mama
Gentlegiants' Max
Gentlegiants' Sally
Gentlegiants' Sammy
GoinbacktoCali's Gabby
Gumbo1993's Gumbo
Hayley411's Zues
Illusion's Bugzz
ilovetoeatchocolate's Angel
JadeIcing's Halo
Jenson's Jay
kathy5's CocoaBean
kirst3buns' Cadbury
Korr and Sophie's Sophie
Krickette's Bumper
Lagadvocate's Carmel
Lagadvocate's Charlie
Leaderofthepack's Sidney
Leaf's Ansel
Linz1987's Dottie
Linz1987's Pepper
LoverofLopz's Sophie
Luvabun's Pernod
LuvrofWabbitsandPolarBears' Pumpkins
Maherwoman's Teeny
MggsRabbitry's Cuddles
Mikoli's Ollie
MyBabyBunnies' Reese
NancyMcClelland's Mr. B
NancyMcClellan's Commander Bun Bun
Naturestee's Gir
Ofelia's Hiccup
p1rat3's Clover
Pandaboy's Oliver
Pinksalamander's William
Pipp's Dill
Pipp's Jordan
Pipp's Scooter
pla725's Monty
Polly's Cookie
Randy's Miracle
Ringer's Brownie
Shootingstar's Daisy
slavetoabunny's Billy
SnowyShiloh's Tallulah
Stargazerlily's Galaxy
Stargazerlily's Orion
Stephiemarie78's Coco
TinysMom's Hyacinth
TinysMom's Mochi
TinysMom's New Hope
TinysMom's Radagast
TinysMom's Runty
TinysMom's Sport
TinysMom's Theresa
TinysMom's Tiny
TinysMom's Valerie
Wabbitdad's Barney
Wabbitdad's Lily
Wabbitdad's Smores
Whiskeylousmama's Button
Wordstoasong's Honey
Wordstoasong's Midnight
Wordstoasong's Twilight
Zin's Fergie


Here is the partiallist of the 2008 Bridge bunnies that we have compiled to date. If youlost a bunny last year and you're not on this list, please respond in this thread, and if possible, include a photo of your rabbit.
Thank you, and condolences to all. :rainbow:
12animalluv34's Sky
Angieluv's Babette
Angieluv's Gabriel
Angoragrl's Lilly
BabyBailey's Willy
Bat42072's Foster
Becca's Nibbles
Binkies' Gravy
Blumagic's George
Blumagic's Gracie
Bon's Gizmo
Bunman (David Lazarus - honorary bunny)
Bunnydude's Amber
Bunnysrule's Ruby
Celcticbuns' Cupid
Cheryl's Pippibun
Chevy_Dodge's Mom's Chevy
Chinmom's Sophie
Conejtas' Holly
Darfi's Prince
Delusional's Rosie
FlopsnWill's William
FusedBrain's Baby
Gabby's Brice
Gentlegiants' Ben
Gentlegiants' Big Mama
Gentlegiants' Max
Gentlegiants' Sally
Gentlegiants' Sammy
GoinbacktoCali's Gabby
Gumbo1993's Gumbo
Hayley411's Zues
Illusion's Bugzz
ilovetoeatchocolate's Angel
JadeIcing's Halo
Jenson's Jay
kathy5's CocoaBean
kirst3buns' Cadbury
Korr and Sophie's Sophie
Krickette's Bumper
Lagadvocate's Carmel
Lagadvocate's Charlie
Leaderofthepack's Sidney
Leaf's Ansel
Linz1987's Dottie
Linz1987's Pepper
LoverofLopz's Sophie
Luvabun's Pernod
LuvrofWabbitsandPolarBears' Pumpkins
Maherwoman's Teeny
MggsRabbitry's Cuddles
Mikoli's Ollie
MyBabyBunnies' Reese
NancyMcClelland's Mr. B
NancyMcClellan's Commander Bun Bun
Naturestee's Gir
Ofelia's Hiccup
p1rat3's Clover
Pandaboy's Oliver
Pinksalamander's William
Pipp's Dill
Pipp's Jordan
Pipp's Scooter
pla725's Monty
Polly's Cookie
Randy's Miracle
Ringer's Brownie
Shootingstar's Daisy
slavetoabunny's Billy
SnowyShiloh's Tallulah
Stargazerlily's Galaxy
Stargazerlily's Orion
Stephiemarie78's Coco
TinysMom's Hyacinth
TinysMom's Mochi
TinysMom's New Hope
TinysMom's Radagast
TinysMom's Runty
TinysMom's Sport
TinysMom's Theresa
TinysMom's Tiny
TinysMom's Valerie
Wabbitdad's Barney
Wabbitdad's Lily
Wabbitdad's Smores
Whiskeylousmama's Button
Wordstoasong's Honey
Wordstoasong's Midnight
Wordstoasong's Twilight
Zin's Fergie