Active Member
At the beginning of the separation from the other rabbits, Evi wasn't doing the greatest. She would pretty much stay by the rabbit room door, sometimes even just laying against it in her own urine and feces. Now she just goes back there and poops and pees and then runs off (maybe a screw you to the other ladies? Hahaha). When I get home from work or when I'm just at home, she pretty much has the run of the house. She runs back and forth and all around lol. She is definitely not a chewer (thank the Universe), she seems to have mapped out her bathroom spot (in front of the other rabbit's door), she lets me give her lots of pets, she comes and hangs out with me in the kitchen, even going so far as to just lay in the doorway watching me do stuff. She goes to her pen when she's hungry, thirsty, or tired. However, she HATES being locked in the pen and won't settle down until I put the top on. One thing I've noticed is that she doesn't clean herself very well and it looks like I'm going to have to step in and assist. She's a dirty girl lol