Lionhead Nationals/ OSRBA May 6th/7th

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I understand about the PA State Rabbit bowl, no worries. :D

I've almost decided I'm just gonna stick this royalty test to the sidefor awhile! It gets me too because this is something I'm REALLY wantingto do for once! LOL! But these past 7 weeks have been horrid but it'smostly these past7 days! It's enough to make the healthy illto their stomachs!

In the past 7 days my uncle has experienced chest pains causing him tobe in and out of the hospital all week running tests. Yesterday myuncle was rushed to the 'big hospital' in the area and diagnosed withpleuristy. Also yesterday my cousin climbed a fence and cut himselfrequring surgery to close it up and the neighbor girl had an anxityattack. Then today my uncle's sister was mowing lawn and the swing setfell ontop of her and I'm unsure of her condition at this point.

It's just crazy and to addthe stress of work and college exams! :huh

I guess we just need to bubble wrap everyone around here!

I know that was QUITE off topic from the 'point of this thread' as I'm justgoing on and on LOL!
It seems like when something bad happens, thingsjust begin to snowball. We get more stressed, more bad thingshappen -- it's just horrible.

The Pennsylvania rabbit youth take their competitions veryseriously. They have a very competitive youth bowl state andthey do well at national competitions.Their royaltycompetition is the most difficult I know of. We were thrilledwhen Stephanie won 1st runner up for queen this year the competitionwas stiff. The downside of me doing the questions is that mykids can't compete in the state rabbit bowl, nor can I distribute myquestion lists.

I don't think this whole test thing would behard to make if I had like a standard of somewhat to go by LOL! I sitand think about the knowledge of my 4-H Club members and then startthinking how the other clubs kid's aren't very knowledged. In peviousyears the committee for the royalty testings have just used previoustest questions. New blood to the committee means we are going to doDIFFERENT questions then in the past LOL!

I don't think the whole committeeliked me very wellLOL! I came to my first meeting telling themthat weneed to make skill-a-thonmandatory like the rest of thelivestock. This way they could bring back Rabbit Judging which wouldhelp increase the knowledge of our members. Our fair has gotton to thepoint that skill-a-thon and showmanship are not mandatory which I thinkboth should be. Then I told them they needed to start lookingfor judges fornext years fair NOW so theyaren'trushing at the last moment. Let's just say somethingslook like they will be changing because I had my fellow club advisorsbacking me up! LOL


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