Layla has a DATE!

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Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2011
Reaction score
Near Columbia, South Carolina, USA
Sooo I found a boy bunny on Petfinder (the rabbit online dating site) and have now set her up on a "date" with the handsome fella in the hopes she takes to him...

Is there anything I should do in particular when introducing them, or just let them sniff each other/put in a neutral room?

He's neutered and she is going to be spayed soon when she's over 6 months, and I know to keep them separately caged until after she's spayed and fully healed, but I figured that time of them kept apart would give me time to bond with the new one individually..

Any tips/advice is welcome. I've bonded rabbits before but it's been a LONG time..

They will be kept in the same room. She will stay in her NIC condo and he will get the smaller cage with an exercise pen since he's somewhat recently neutered.
Sooo I adopted him today. His original name is Nikolai but I'm thinking I'm going to rename him Mumford. He is about a year old and already neutered. He's possibly a American fuzzy lop or lionhead mix, I think with mini lop since he has the longer body and ears and is not long-coated all over. I gave him run-around time with Layla at the rescue and she seemed kind of unsure at first, but kept running back to him and then leaping away when he'd move. He's not aggressive in the least and kept trying to nudge her to get her attention (not biting) and I don't think she knows what to do with another rabbit! So far I have their cages side by side with a gap between and they've pushed their litterboxes to as near as they can be and have been laying there staring at one another. No grunting, or any attempts at biting/fighting so far.

Buuut less blathering, and on with the pictures!

More pictures! ASAP!

He is a very very handsome fellow, and I love his coloring. I have a special soft spot for grey critters. <3

I'm sure he and Layla will get on just fine, after she's spayed and yadda yadda. They certainly would make an adorable pair, for sure! :) Can't wait for those pictures! LOL

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