So to put a long story short, i would appreciate any advice on my current situation with my buns, i got my male about year ago and he was such a confident boy and we where really close, we would cuddle and he would sleep on me etc, about 6 months ago i decided to get him a friend so i adopted a female of the same age (she is NOT a people bunny and completely hates me unless i have food) and they where very easy to bond, in under a month they seemed (to me at least) to be fully bonded so they began to live together and all was ok except me and my boy lost our bond and he would nip me a lot and wouldn't let me fuss him at all, they where never really very affectionate and only my boy would groom her, they would cuddle a bit but the majority of the time she would flop and lay in the back corner and he would flop and lay on the top of a mini hutch by the door, They would spend all evening cuddled when i let them into the rest of the room but 70% of the day they spent apart. Gradually over the last month they began to get feisty over food, (when he was single he always used to pick up a piece and run around the room for ages before finally eating) They would just steal food out of each others mouth and get mad if they finished first but gradually this has gotten worse and they had begun to fight over food, chasing, nipping and fur pulling (in hindsight i probably should of separated them sooner but i didn't) but as soon as they had calmed down they would be back to normal, for a week this went on and i tried to separate them during feeding (thye could still see and touch each other) but this made it worse and they began to fight during the day too, my female had begun to hump and push back to my boy and he did not like it so would nip her when she humped him and she would nip him and he would pull a big chunk of fur out then they would chase etc so i separated them fully, he still grooms her through the bars and they basically act exactly like they used to but the just cant actually get to each other. I am not a very confident bonder and just worry that as i didnt separate them as soon as i should have and all their fights they wont be easy to bond again, and also if they still fight over veg they will un bond again.
Sorry for the wall of text and the fact that i am rubbish at grammar and explaining things! Thanks in advance for any advice you may have, i just want them to be happy together and my boy to love me again xo
Sorry for the wall of text and the fact that i am rubbish at grammar and explaining things! Thanks in advance for any advice you may have, i just want them to be happy together and my boy to love me again xo