Is it safe to let them live in the same space, but not the same enclosure?

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Feb 7, 2021
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Chibi's World, Eastern USA
I have been reading some of the bonding threads and sites about bonding rabbits, even before getting Xiao Wu. I'm already aware of the bonding process could take time and if I begin it too early before Shen is fixed, it could backfire in the end. But I do want to know if it's okay to have them in the same room, but separated by a barrier like I have now? Shen has always had my side of the bedroom, where my work desk is. And we gave Xiao Wu the other half where Shen has not been to. Xiao Wu cannot reach the other side of the barrier, at all, and we revoked Shen's access to my bed. They can see and smell each other all the time, but really doesn't pay mind to one another unless Xiao Wu decides to try to sneak under my bed. >.> So far, it seems to be working, but do you think it will last or even work before we have Shen fixed? We're not going to put them into the same enclosure until after his surgery is done.

You don't want to start bonding until both rabbits have been spayed/neutered and their hormones have calmed down. Because after the surgery, Shen will forget all the progress that was made in the bonding sessions. I don't think it will hurt to have them in cages beside each other, but make sure that they cannot get to one another so a fight doesn't happen.
How tall is the divider? It's crazy how nimble rabbits can be. My lionhead jumped over a 3 foot barrier parkour style by bouncing off the wall and then over the divider.
They can also try to bite each other through the gate. I have some buns with scars on their noses and mouths to show for it.

I also have buns that won't even make the effort to hop over a one foot barrier. Guess it depends on your rabbit, but just be aware of the possibilities!
How tall is the divider? It's crazy how nimble rabbits can be. My lionhead jumped over a 3 foot barrier parkour style by bouncing off the wall and then over the divider.
They can also try to bite each other through the gate. I have some buns with scars on their noses and mouths to show for it.

I also have buns that won't even make the effort to hop over a one foot barrier. Guess it depends on your rabbit, but just be aware of the possibilities!
I am aware of the possibilities. I'm always in my room because I work from home, so my very presence stops Xiao Wu from attempting to get over the barrier. Plus she's cautious because of her surgery just the week before. The barrier is doubled due to the size of the x pen between the two sides, and the two have already established their sides of the room. Which both are contempt with. But we still watch them and I waste no time stopping any access to my side of the bedroom.

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