Hi everyone exciting news!! My rabbit is now free roamed!! I feel so proud of myself for doing it! Pancho seems to be doing so much better. He does binkys and zoomies more often!
I am so happy for you and Pancho. My mini lop is free range in the backyard and he loveessss it. I didn't even have to do anything I bought him at 12 weeks and he was constantly escaping his cage no matter how secure I made it. He would jump over, dig under, push the fencing with his nose and everything else you can think of. So one day I stopped trying to keep him in and he has been out for 2 years with not a single issue.
Great! How big is Pancho? My bunny who passed away at 10 years old was a free roaming bunny. He was 4 pounds and looked like a teddywidder rabbit. (I always thought he was a lionhead lop mix) Anyway my new guy, Loki is a Netherland dwarf and he's only 1.7 pounds and is so small I am afraid he will fall through the spindles on the stairs. So he's got a 4x2 main cage where he sleeps and attached to that he's got a 4X6 cage. And I let him run in two bunny proofed rooms under supervision, but I am afraid he would get stuck somewhere in the house and we wouldn't find him.... so I think he will have to be caged at night. Thoughts & opnions from anyone...
Pancho is like 5 pounds and he's a 1 year old. Also your setup seems to be working out fine! if you want your bunny to have a home base then that's fine too as long as its a proper size which seems like you already nailed that part!