"I didn't know I was pregnant" t.v. show...

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Retired Moderator
Jan 18, 2007
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Austin, Texas, USA
Wow! This is so weird. I am watching TLC and there is a show on called "I didn't know I was pregant".

This lady went to the hospital for abdominal pains and comes to find out she was about to pop out a baby!

There is a commercial on right now, so I don't know if the baby is alive or not....
Ooh I have seen that before! Sooo strange! How could you not know you were pregnant!?! lol.

I wonder if it's on where i am....probably so. i will see. lol.

ETA: it's on! Im watching it. lol.


I've watched that show before! I always ask myself, "How the heck do you not know you're pregnant?!" :D
Seriously guys, I like so many weird food combos, Nate asks me every few months about it. I'll probably just figure I'm getting fatter, if I ever got pregnant:biggrin2:

Besides, I've heard some ppl say that the first baby barely shows... if you weren't puking your guts out every morning, maybe it's possible????
Ok sitting here about to pop with a child,lol, i found it completely impossible for someone to get to 9 months pregnant and not know!!!!!!!!!! But some of the women on the show didnt quite make it to nine months, and some had some conditions that i have no experience with so wonder if it is possible to not feel the baby move. But i still find it hard to believe because sometimes when the baby moves it feels like he is trying to bust out t hrough my stomach, all your organs are squished w hich means i barely eat dinner because i get filled fast. Your stomach moves, and rolls, and feet in the ribs hurt like heck, and you wobble , and pressure in your pelvic bones, so i find it sssssssooooooooooooooo hard to not know,lol.

NorthernAutumn wrote:
Besides, I've heard some ppl say that the first baby barely shows... if you weren't puking your guts out every morning, maybe it's possible????
I think you show, but you probably are just inexperienced with the clues.

A co-worker friend of mine is pregnant with her first. She is "normal" framed and you sure can see that baby! I got to feel his foot, it was pretty cool. She is due in February.
personally, i'm wondering how some one could not have a*that time of the month*for nine(irish) months straight andnot gosee a doctor, even if they had no clue they were pregnant:rollseyes
LadyBug wrote:
personally, i'm wondering how some one could not have a*that time of the month*for nine(irish) months straight andnot gosee a doctor, even if they had no clue they were pregnant:rollseyes
I have heard of people having whant they thought was thier cycle the whole pregnancy, so they thought it was fine, but what i can understand is something moving around inside and not knowing it? At this point, t hird t rimester for me, the movement is not sweet and subtle,lol.
I've heard of this before too...some women not realizing they were pregnant until suddenly there's a baby sitting next to them at the table.;) And I too wonder how that could happen. When I went through pregnancy I believe it was around 3-1/2 months or so that I first felt 'flutterings'. As he grew bigger the movement became very pronounced (and uncomfortable at times). How does one not notice a 6-7lb weight pressing on their bladder? :dunno I sure did...and I was one whose cycles were so intermittent that I could never rely on them to tell (I'd sometimes have an 8-9 month gap in-between). But a baby...well, it was danged hard not to notice him.:biggrin2:
I watched it too. It seems that some of the women had no morning sickness (one of them was staining through their pregnancy so they thought they still had their period). One did have morning sickness but thought they were sick.

A few of them were in menopause - one for 14 years? - so even the doctors didn't suspect. She lost a lot of weight, which they think kicked her body into ovulating.

pinksalamander wrote:
I think I've seen that before. Didn't one lady have a baby in the toilet?

Fran :) :hearts :brownbunny

How the h**** could you manage that?! I'm sorry, but my son (I had my twins by c-section) sure didn't "fall out" that easily, I had to do some work! It's also not a real comfortable experience either, if I had been in that much pain and not known why I would have been calling an ambulance. I also wonder about how someone could not feel the baby move and know something was up, by the time I was five months I was getting soccer champ kinda kicks. Surely that would be hard to mistake for gas pains?

Yup, believe it or not. I don't know if it was from this programme, but the one I saw she had a baby in the toilet. She had been feeling really ill and had gone to the loo as she thought that was what the 'problem' was, pushed alot, and gave birth into the toilet! HA. She didn't notice at first! Then she looked in the toilet and saw the baby and had to get her Husband in to help her because there was a baby in the toilet.

To be honest, some people really are this stupid! I don't think its not being able to 'feel' it. I think its being ignorant and stupid coupled with having a ligt pregnancy.

Fran :) :hearts :brownbunny
She was in labor at home but didn't know it. While at the hospital she didn't know what was happening, went into the bathroom and she felt like her insides were being ripped out. The baby was born in the toilet, a boy ~2lbs. She called for help, the nurses came in and saw the baby, took it out, and other nurses tended to her. Turns out.. (da da da dumm.) she was having twins; the umbilical cord had ripped. They were trying to pullt it out with the placenta as they thought she had eclamsia? but then realized there was another baby. That one was a girl.

She was a very heavy woman to begin. My cousin was very overweight when she got pregnant and didn't tell us she was pregnant until she was 6 months along. She really didn't look pregnant, even up to the day she gave birth.

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