How do I know when the bunnies are bonded?

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When bunnies are together at a pet store, it's usually because they are extremely young and enjoy company. As they grow up and hormones kick in, it's rare that they will be able to remain bonded without getting them fixed and putting in some bonding work. I know stories of females that grew up together as babies, but had to be separated, spayed, then reintroduced months later and their bonding lasted a few months. So not any easier than just getting two separate bunnies.

Both bunnies will need to be in separate cages. If your first bun's cage is too large to fit a second cage in, you may need to restrict some of his space and give it to the new bunny. This is what we did when we got a second. Now that they are bonded they share the original large cage space.
A perfect example of bunnies un-bonding is Jessi.

Her old owner bought her and her sister at the same time. When they hit about 5 months they started fighting.

So I in turn got Jessi about 6 1/2 7 months old. She is now spayed and bonded to my fixed male storm.
I had my Fluffy for a week and decided to get her a buddy while she was new to us. When they had thier bonding sessions, they were always completely happy to see each other. Fluffy is double the size of Happy and I was scared at first. The little one would run and jump around all crazy when they were together. Thier cages were side by side and eventually I removed a grid in between so they can jump back and fourth as well as come out, but all they wanted to do was check out each other's home. I moved Happy's cage above Fluffy's and added ramps so she can get to it. It's a 3 by 2 and 3 grids high. I know it's small for 2 but I'm adding more tomorrow. They're cage is always open when we are home so they can roam around the house. I'm happy with how everything has went. Should I seperate them now and wait till adolescence to prevent fighting. I was unaware they could turn on each other when they reach a certain age. I would hate for a figth to break out when we are not home :(

Funny I had almost assumed if we had only gotten two bunnies the same age (As babies) that they would be easier to bond. Wow, I'm grateful for this site. I only learned how to get here to the forums today. Loads of info :)
Happy and Fluffy should be separated until spayed/neutered for health, temperament, and to zip out the risk of unwanted pregnancies (sometimes the "gender fairy" visits!).
I have a 2 bunnies I’m trying to bond one a male and one a female. And I think they are bonding well but idk. There have been no fights, Sage my girl she grooms Finley all the time so I know she is the submissive one they also use the litter box together, cuddle together a lot but not all the time, and they mirror each other sometimes. But my boy Finley was humping excessively in the beginning but hasn’t done it since.When will I know when it’s time for them to start living together or spend the night together?

He also rubs his head on her ears and body a lot i am not sure why? Anyone know the reason?
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