Horrible abuse case in Michigan!

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Sorry about the pictures you all-I will try again:) Heather, you can foster a bunny(?)and you are WI.? I maybe able to figure out ppl to drive them close to you....I have the babies and I have several others....the bunnies would be fully vetted (fixed/well-checked, nails trimmed etc)upon coming to you so I would just need you to of course watch for anything that buns sometimes "pop" up with-Do you feed greens and give unlimted timmy and pellets and keep them inside? That is what these all are on here andthen some specialty alfalfa I got for them as a treat and one 2 inch peice of banana per day...

Yes the masses were a POUND!!! They developed because of the cervix being an "open" cavity that bacteria gets into upon bunny going in and out of their "cycle"...upon us fixing a bun and taking the cervix and uterous and "parts" out and then closing that area up to the outside bacteriums-it can happen that the microscopic bacterias "leak" into the area when the procedure is taking place-they then grow into the masses you see in the Xray...its a fluke and not at all "common" but it can happen as it did with Sissy. The abscess can grow huge but with Sissy I noticed too she was loosing weight. She does NOT like to be picked up/held so we do palpitation and in doing that I could feel the lumps. The weight loss and lumps-I knew something was amiss and went and got the xrays taken. We at first thought the vet might be doing partial spays(I was PISSED) and upon the surgeon specialist taking the masses out and our seeing them they looked EXACTLY like her uterous-but they were full of bunny-infection and after pathologist reports confirmed they were not uterous tissue-and indeed abscess. She is still on baytril so we can make sure no bacteria again that may have been left behind can develop into mass(though we think we got it all with the removal of the masses). Sissy is thriving I am so happy to say-she is again piggen out and I am sure will gain her weight back too! THANK GOD!
Oh whew! I am glad that they weren't cancerous! An abscess is of course not great to have either. Good thing that is out of there! Interesting to know about spays/infection for the future--I haven't heard of that happening before but it certainly makes sense!
BIG ZERO for me with pictures here...I keep trying different things...I did it before and not sure whats going on here.
I was going to post the call from the vet on the details regarduing the IMPORTANCE of using an ANTIBIOTIC and ANTI-INFLAMMATORY (on RO) after this ordeal with Sissy...What I have learned is impairative for our future w buns & rescue certainly- It cannot be understated that we demand BOTH these drugs minimally 7-10days post op **after any surgery to our beloved pets**-seriously-. We now have LOST one bunny plus with Sissy paid a pricetag of $800.00 to save her! Had we done ANT. and the ANTI-INFLAM's (longer) this never would have happened...LESSON LEARNED SADLY!
makes the reality of it really, that their stories are so real, PICTURES, gosh they have to be:). THANK YOU!!
FROM our heart here!! WE THANK YOU!
I clicked the donate link on the Petfinder for the bunnies, but nothing happened. Is there an alternate link?!?! I really want to help them, and this is really the only way I can.
Isnt it just my luck that the donation button doesnt work:(
I am just overwhelmed....
I cant fix it right now...but I so SO much appreciate your donating....I have to syringe babies and will try to fix it later....
My address here at the rescue(where anybunny is welcome to visit the many and SEE the rescue set-up:)) is 5818Airline Hwy Fruitport Michigan 49415 and phone here is 231-865-6021. Maybe you want to snail mail? I will try and fix the button but am really limited in puter stuff...except to get pets on petfinder!
THANK YOU AGAIN....EVERYBUNNY HERE APPRECIATES YOUR PRAYERS TOO. Of course we need money to continue but we also need prayers to continue!

I would be happy to donate some funds to help the buns. I read through all the posts but it's late and I think I am losing it lol...can you pm me your paypal address so that I can send you funds via paypal as a donation? I just want to make sure I send the funds to you and not some other random place ;)

I am out in Cali or I would be open to adopting a baby when he/she is of age. I have Delilah who I sooo want to have bonded with another bun. I want her to be happy. I talked it over with my bf (of almost 6 yrs) and he fine with it. I think he sees that buns are usually happier in pairs. I would still have to discuss it with my bf's dad who we live with/ have lived withfor 3 yrs.Delilah is fixed.

The only thing is that I tried to have Delilah bonded with another bun via a bunny rescue group. I paid $85 for the adoption and $150 for the bonding. I traveled 2 hrs to one of the rescues that was nearest to us only to find out a week later that they would not bond. Delilah is a dutch and the lady claimed that they are sometimes very stubborn. She said she would needmonths to bond them and I can't travel that far weekly.At the end of the I gladly had her keep the $150 + $85 as a donation even though the bonding didn't work out. At the end of the day I want Delilah and the new bun to be happy and live an amazing life together forever!

Sorry for the novel, I just want to be upfront an honest with my situation to ensure that everyone is on the same page. :)

Hope I can help out in some way!


You paid for a bond??
Ok, you say you are in Cali-let me hook you up with ppl to HELP you GET a honeybunny for your heart bunny!!!!!!
Probably needs to be younger...
Look we are transporting bunnies to a gal HERE/on RO in Cali...one of the "little eared bunnies" :((
We have the baies!!!!
Email me at [email protected]...
Do NOT pay for bonding!!! I will hook you up with folks by you to help!! EMAIL ME!!
christinelea1 wrote:
Paypal buttons now work-they did for me just now and still thank you and hope to hear from you Kate!
Just sent a small donation to you. I will be sending more your way VERY soon :)

CritterCafeRescue BUNNIES/pets and Momma want to tell you thanks.

KATE and all that have helped!

Please continue to keep us in your prayers, please.

Ok I have run into some problems and ANY of your imput I welcome you BUNLOVES:)

Ok first one...the babies have coccidia:(

Vet has them on Bactrim however I do not think this is the best thing....many other things available(one for horses but at a cost of 200plus dollars and lots would go to waste we better wait), PLEASE share your ideas with me, thank you...

ANOTHER thing from another group has come to light-I am copy/pasting and dont know how to begin a new thread here but I can tell you I am sick about this and want to help but I cant-we have waaaay over capacity of this house(I am actually looking for a bigger house and need my head examined)..I know you all are smarter that me with puters as the little pictures FINALLY came up and too(a volunter to helped me to help get some here...Ok here is the thing-DISTURBING...so sad....I just read...

Please help if anyone is nearby...I am not but my prayers are with you and are with these bunnies...MY GOD, what has this world come to??WHAT???

I am sorry to never bring good news...well the little eared buns are very much loved if that means anythng:(

Will post more as we just recieve letter from prosecuter this other is more important though...

Please-I hope this is ok, if its not please help me to understand what to do to make it ok!!

From: (email removed)
Date: Fri, 30 Oct 2009 14:09:36 -0400
Subject: Need anyone's help who lives near Laurel or anywhere for nasty rabbit situation
To: (email removed)


To be removed from my Rabbit Associates list, please ask nicely. If you have asked already and haven't been removed, please ask nicely again...I might have forgotten to save the file after removing you the first time. My apologies.

Dog rescuer (Suzanne) found rabbit situation in Laurel, MD,...neglect and abuse, as far as all seeing it are concerned. One visitor couldn't even look more than 3 minutes.
As many as 32 Dutch rabbits living outside in mud hole.
Owner feeding tiny amount of pellets and a vegetable here and there and sometimes providing water but not always.
Suzanne has been there on very hot days to find no water.
Owner not providing hay at all.
No grass, just dirt and mud.
Only underground warrens the rabbits have created for shelter.
Suzanne, on limited social security budget, buys vegetables and hay and goes every weekday to feed rabbits. It is becoming too much for her.
Earlier this week, rabbit count was 13.
Today, according to warren (see below about get warren involved), only 8 rabbits.
Rabbits living in cesspool of poop and ammonia. It reeks.

Suzanne contacted a number of rabbit groups and animal control, all to no response so far.
Suzanne talked with one of her friends who has rabbits.
Rabbit friend on my list of rabbit associates and gave Suzanne my name.
Yesterday, I went with Suzanne and another rabbit friend to view the situation.
Dutch rabbits living outside in mud whole in downtown Laurel, across from Police Station on B street.
House in bad shape and has no number on it, but it's next to house number 60 on B street in downtown Laurel. You can access the house from the alley in the back and really see what is happening.
At one time, Suzanne counted 32 rabbits.
This week, only 13. We think he is eating them. Again, today only 8.
Fence is so low that they can escape and any animal can get in.
Owner admitted to Suzanne that cats have taken some.
Poop and food attracting rats. While there, I saw animal very large animal crossing the alley and hiding under a shed of another neighbor's yard. Perhaps a predator.
No rabbit is fixed, so more babies are being born and many just die since there is nothing to use to build a nest for the babies.

Joel, the man who lives there is from El Salvador and speaks a little English. I haven't spoken with him since he wasn't home but I spoke with a female tenant named Rosie who gave me the man's name (Joel) and his phone (removed).
I hope to return this Sunday with a Peruvian bunny friend who speaks fluent Spanish to talk with Joel and see exactly what is happening.

I called the City of Laurel Police Department and talked with Animal Control. They said that there are no regulations about rabbits, just cats, dogs, and ferrets. Laurel Animal Control told me to call PG County Animal Control but I could not get through. I will keep trying.
I donated several bales of hay and bags of Oxbow pellets, both the kind for babies (Bunny Basics 15/23) and the kind for adults (Bunny Basics T). Suzanne will continue to feed them until we find a solution. She'll use my hay and pellets. She's been buying the veggies but it's getting too expensive. I know one of us rabbit folks gets free veggies from Mom's. There's a Mom's Organic Store near Suzanne so I asked Suzanne to talk with them. I might even give the Laurel Mom's Organic Store a call, since I don't think that's the Mom's Organic Store that our other rabbit friend uses for her veggies.
After my Spanish-speaking friend talks with the owner, Joel, perhaps we can make some kind of proposal to Joel.

I called back Laurel Animal Control and told them that there was so much animal feces (pellets) and urine that it reeked and that it was attracting other rodents. Laurel legal code states that this is not allowed in a public or PRIVATE space. That got things started...yeah!
!!!!!Laurel Animal Control Warden just called. He went over to the mud hole to take a look. He didn't have any idea that this is a problem until after I explained that cottontails are wild rabbits and shouldn't be contained and the others are domestic and should be in the house or much better shelter than a mud hole with underground holes full of mud. He promised to call PG County Animal Control to take this to the next step.

I asked to be kept informed and will keep those interested informed.
IF ANYONE CAN HELP WITH SUPPLYING OR PLACING hay, pellets, veggies until we can rectify this situation (Joel even told the warren that he was getting one more tomorrow!), please let me know. I will put you in touch with Suzanne to coordinate feedings until matters are resolved.
I will postpone my Sunday visit with the interpreter to the house until I see what PG County Animal Control does. I don't want to interfere... yet.
If anyone else is good with this sort of thing, please step in.
I have never done this before and am not exactly sure how to approach matters, other than carefully.

Thanks very much,


Nancy (emoved)
(address removed)
Falls Church, VA

(email removed)
(Phone removed)
(Cell removed)
(Fax removed)
(email removed)

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Bactrim could be ok cor cocidia, but I thought Albon was more commonly used for coccidia? They're from the same class of drugs I think.

What a sad story. I hope you can help these bunnies out, although there are some cultural and language barriers to get over. It may be difficult to convince him to give over the bunnies or not use them as food, because it's common in many cultures to raise animals near the house, even in an urban area, for food. I don't agree with it, of course, but at the very least you can get some better living conditions for these bunnies.
Wanted to say that prosecution of the persons that did what they did to "the little eared" bunnies has halted because of the vets NOT PROVIDING (and) lack of information to the prosecutor. on this case..he has repeatedly tried to get in touch with her, he wrote to CritterCafeRescue in a letterrecieved yesterday, to no avail...I am just stooped here....and LIVID!!!

This is a vet that is constantly talking about how to better the animals in our community!

She said in her initial letter faxed to the police dept on June17th2009, the ears were cut off by human hands probably with scissorsbecause the cuts were so smooth edged-no animal or preditor could have caused such cuts- that they were done she estimated 7-10days before the 7 little himalain buns were brought here by Muskegon Police...and the "owner" of the buns!

In the prosecutors letter he states that while we cannot arrest someone for cutting the ears we CAN arrest someone for the emaciation and dehydration and for having had no shelter or care which is considered NEGLECT and he needs Dr.Sandy's statement on the physical condition of the bunnies to continue the case...she has been nonresponsive!

I am considering writing Dr.Sandy and telling her that via the internet there is many, many people concerned about this case and that we all want an arrest made; that people world wide have been following since June15th when the buns came here!!!

I could not write to her yet because I am so mad and SO disappointed.... yesterday when the letter arrived containing Dr.Sandy's original fax to police and the prosecutors concerns now, also where the case is at now(a standstill)AND a letter to CCR thanking us for taking the bunnies and caring/vetting them...I just cried myself into a headache and then went outside and screamed at the top of my lungs-AND SWORE outload here to all the animals telling them how mad I am at Dr.Sandy....and YES I even called her a few callous and horrible names, COWARD being one of them!

The animals totally GET IT!!! and agree....and listened to me rant, bless their hearts.

Well...anyone with ideas to urge Dr.Sandy into her testimony under oath regarding what she saw that day when these poor bunnies came I would like to talk to.

My letter to her is one thing....maybe I can privatly give to anyone who wants it, her email addressallowing anyone that cares the chance to help in letter writing urging her to take the darn time and GET WITH this prosecutor who WANTS TO ARREST THE PEOPLE NEGLIGENT but cant because of her lack of testimony?? Maybe I should write a letter and have as many people as possible sign it??

It took so much to get these babies healthy-they suffered so drastically and I cant believe this is where we stand now...I am so sad.

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