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naturestee wrote:
I love strategy board and card games. "Real"games, not the cheesy stuff like Monopoly (no offence, I hateit). Problem is, you need somebody else to playwith. My hubby loves games just as much as me. Acouple of examples are Settlers of Catan, Carcassone, Arkham Horror,and Bohnanza. You could check them out. Maybe starta game night? My mom always asks me to bring games when Ivisit now.:D
Settlers of Catan is an awesome game - I have all the expansions. I agree about the monopoly comments. :(

I find that it is the same game every time you play - the person who builds a hotel on Boardwalk wins...

I took a knitting class through the localcommunity school and I love it. I got sick of sitting infront of the tv feeling like I should be doing somethingmore. So now at night when watching tv I am also knittingstuff, whether it is a felted bag for my daughter, knitted washclothsfor my mom or some fun little scarfs for my young daughters.
I love board games, too...but love the moreinteractive and exciting ones, like Taboo, Scattergories,etc. I LOVE word games...seems I have a proficiency in wordpuzzle type stuff.

I also have a problem with Monopoly, but only because I never do verywell in it. I always feel so discouraged after getting beatto heck by someone. Feel the same way about Scrabble (despitemy love and proficiency with word games, my family beats me likenobody's business in Scrabble, so I've lost affinity for it).

I also like cross stitching, painting, writing, drawing, etc. What about learning an instrument?

Good idea about learning a foreign language...that'll be handy for the rest of your life! :)

Joining a gym is good, too. Nothing like satisfaction at gettin' in shape! :D
Learning to play in instrument is WAYfun. The violin is fun to learn (maybe not for theneighbours) - butit's tons of fun if you canfindothers to form a quartet or something similar.

How about making cheese?

I'm serious, but of course it would help if you like cheese.

This is the recipe for queso blanco , kind of like pot or farmer'scheese. It'seasy: I made it last night, and it's gone already:).

Take a gallon of milk, and put it in a large pot. Heat it - very slowly- while stirring, until it reaches between 185 and 190 fahrenheit. Stiroccassionally, so it doesn't scorch. Ok, so you might need to get acandy or dairy thermometer. Not expensive.

When you get the milk to the temperature, slowly add about a quartercup of cider vinegar. Stir with a wooden spoon, slowly, and curds willform. Be patient. When the curds separate from the whey, wait a minuteor so. Don't rush it - I'm watching you! OK, now take it off the heat.If you have cheesecloth, great, if you don't, get a REALLY CLEANdishtowel or cotton T-shirt; soak it in hot water, and line a drainingcolander (like you would use for spaghetti) with that. Pour or ladlethe curds and whey into it. Then make a bag with the cloth, tie it upwith a rubber band, and hang it on the faucet of your sink. Let itdrain overnight.

The next day, you will have a delicious spreadable cheese that you canflavor with your favorite herbs (whip them into it, and add a touch ofsalt, please :)

You should feel happy with yourself about making a fine thing. You willfeel doubly happy if you give some to someone else who is having a badday.

Well since college has started again I have beenbusy with college work in the evenings. But if I have nothingto do I mostly read in the evenings.

My mum has taken up bead work, so I am getting into that too.We are going to make a bead curtain thing soon.hehe. Butmainly christmas decorations and braclets etc we will bedoing.

I have also started cooking my own dinners and desserts and that takesup most of my evenings! Since I have turned veggie my mumseems to leave me out at dinner times, so I have to get my own:disgust:She doesnt understand why I am vegetarian.

This weekend I made scones, and pumpkin soup. Delicious :D

When I had the time, I use to make Native American dreamcatchers.
And then it was easy to expand out into NA jewlery, too.
Supplies are very reasonably priced at the local craft stores.Different types and colors of strings and yarns, feathers, woodenbeads, pieces of leather are all really easy to find. They also carryall of the accessories to make earrings, hairclips, pins, etc.
There's good instructions for making dreamcatchers on the internet, andI just used my imagination for the jewelry. They make great gifts!!!

There's some of the dreamcatchers I made on the bunnie room wall....


JimD, your stuff looks awesome. My rabbits arepretty much my hobby. Although I do enjoy going to the different rabbitshows and photographing the rabbits for my web site, so I guess that'sconsidered a hobby.
Michaela wrote:
I love monopoly! I've got the new edition one but no one inmy house will ever play it with me:(
Hehehe...when I was young my sister and I used to love to play Monopolywith our older brother, Ken. I have to say, if you could nominate oneperson in the world who would suck at Monopoly, it was him! Even thoughhe was older than both of us, we always wound up taking over all hismoney and properties, and - every time - he'd get mad and throw theboard into the air, causing all the little houses and hotels andeverything else to go flying everywhere. He had quite the temper backthen! The first time it happened sis and I got upset with him, butafter that it became the fun thing to do...invite Ken to play Monopolyjust to watch him lose...he'd get all red in the face and then thetantrum would kick in....

Siblings can be so cruel to one another....*evil grin*
Them dream catchers are so amazing! I wouldnever of thought of making them! I want to try itnow!

And Monopoly is the best game ever.I had played it many yearsago, butI bought one about a month ago and the day I boughtit home my mum and sister played with me. I think they forgothow much they hated it because they wont play with me again.And its probually because I won :D

I got the new version also, and you are aloud to bid properties??? Youcould never do that before! Does anyone else's monopoly gameallow bidding?

Linz_1987 wrote:
Them dream catchers are so amazing! I would never of thoughtof making them! I want to try it now!

And Monopoly is the best game ever.I had played it many yearsago, butI bought one about a month ago and the day I boughtit home my mum and sister played with me. I think they forgothow much they hated it because they wont play with me again.And its probually because I won :D

I got the new version also, and you are aloud to bid properties??? Youcould never do that before! Does anyone else's monopoly gameallow bidding?
The best website for dreamcatchers is having problems with their web-server. :(

Here's a couple of links that give some basic instructions. It takesone or two attempts before you get the hang of it. My first one was"abstract" to say the least.




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