Help with babies! ASAP

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BFA00AC4-74BE-436E-B579-EDE0FEF77D8A.jpeg E53568D7-7DC5-48A6-A069-1BCEC1B33970.jpeg 9621C398-7BA8-45BA-9A18-CA8B0A4388D9.jpeg This is how they are doing. They were born Tuesday afternoon so they are around 5 days old. All of them are surprisingly alive. I’m very surprised because this is her first litter. I don’t think any of them are peanuts, I think they’re just runts.
Congratulations :)

They look fairly big on the picture. AFAIK Mini Lops do not carry the dwarf gene, a peanut can only happen when both parents are true dwarfs. Most Runts catch up with their siblings once they eat on their own, be warned that onw get's easily attached to this little ones ;).

Do you already have a plan about what to do with them when they grow up?
i think my doe isn’t feeling well. She continually keeps sneezing, but it isn’t a normal sneeze after she eaten hay or anything, it’s continuous and it doesn’t stop. She keeps sneezing like 2 sneezes a second or something. It doesn’t seem normal and I didn’t change anything so I don’t know what caused it.
No I don’t see anything.
Also when will her fur grow back? Because it looks weird her nearly without fur on her legs
image.jpg image.jpg I have a question about the kits, when will I be able to know their gender?
Also what colour are these two?
They're adorable, congratulations!
I have another question, I’m thinking of buying a bigger home for her to raise her babies but I’m not sure if I move the nesting box she will abandon them.
I moved my does nesting box to a bigger enclosure and she was fine with it. I just made sure she could see them and then brought her to them. As for sexing, I sexed mine at 3 weeks then asked the vet to make sure I was right at their 5 week check up. I only had one female so thought maybe I'd made a mistake but turns out there was only one! :) Enjoy
I have another question, I’m thinking of buying a bigger home for her to raise her babies but I’m not sure if I move the nesting box she will abandon them.
Not sure what you mean by bigger home for her, like a new hutch or larger cage maybe? Can you post some pictures of her setup?

Your kits are about 15 days old now they are not going to stay in the nest box forever so you will just want to give them some bigger box with hay they will sleep there, they will be more active as they grow.

You can extend her cage by attaching a playpen to it or in some other way, she can get stressed having so many new rabbits in her territory, they will constantly demand her attention and won't let her lay down they will want her to feed them and she will have no chance to relax properly. Give her some place where kits can't reach her, like high shelf or roof of her hiding home or something.
I meant that when the mother started pulling out her own fur she nearly had no fur on her legs and I wanted to know how long it takes to grow back.
Oh ok, my mother doe pulled a lot of fur for her babies and it is starting to grow back so I'm really not sure hiw long it takes.

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