Thank you, we took him to the vet and it was a botfly and as they were getting ready to clean him up and give him antibiotics sadly he passed awayI agree, that looks like a maggot. The most important and urgent thing to do right now is a very thorough check of your rabbit, top to bottom. A wet bum or stuck on wet cecotrope poop, can cause flies to lay eggs on your rabbit, which hatch into maggots. This can cause flystrike to occur, which can be fatal if not caught quickly. If this is happening, this is an immediate emergency and you need to get your rabbit to the vet without delay.
If your rabbit is clean and no maggots, wetness, poop, or sores on your rabbit, then the worm isn't a pinworm or tapeworm, which would be the most common intestinal worms in rabbits. So this is most likely coming from the rabbits environment somewhere. I would do a thorough cleaning of your rabbits litter box and environment. The litter box or a hidden spot with pee and poop accidents would be the likely source. Or even household items like the trash can or food left out.
pinworm in rabbits
tapeworm in rabbits
I'm so sorry you loss your bunny. I have free range bunnies and from time to time they get a botfly. I put a&d ointment over any scabs or sores to check for worms. If they have a worm it will try to come out for air. When it does I use tweezers to pull it out. As soon as you get the worm out you need to flush the hole with water or a saline solution. The botfly worm releases a poison when it is pulled out that is deadly to your bunny. After flushing the wound I use deluded proxide to clean around the wound with a q-tip and put a+d ointmet over the wound to keep anything from getting in. I've only had one bunny to die from this and it was the one time that I didn't rinse out the wound after removing the the botfly worm. The others all made a full recovery. And my bunny kept licking me as it to say thank you! thank you! I originally googled this procedure.
I’m beyond heartbroken and I’m beating myself up over the situation and have the what if’s I’m taking his loss very hard.Oh ! Sad ! So sorry !
My niece had two bunnies die from fly strike.
So I checked my bun once a week.
Yes it is hard. But I would not have known about fly strike if my niece had not lost her bunnies from it.I’m beyond heartbroken and I’m beating myself up over the situation and have the what if’s I’m taking his loss very hard.