Halloween's Coming

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Orion wants to be the Grim Reaper

Bethany is still wavering between Barbie or a Princess....she's SUCH a girl!!! hehe

I'm going as a Mom ;)

As for the holiday itself:

I adore Halloween, but I married someone who is not very "into" theholidays. The understanding just isn't there when I want to drape"cobwebs" all over the house and hang spooky spiders. As the years goby I will add more and more to my holiday tomfoolery. I'd probably do alot more if I wasn't working, as well...

Growing up I was never allowed to do anything atHalloween. My parents where really stict about it. I don't know if itis to do with my Dad being a vicar or not, but my Mum is so set in herways and just couldn't see the fun side. I have never been trick ortreating :(.

Apparently the new neighbours are into paganism and celebrate Halloweenlike their New year and they have a street party and go really OTT, sothis should be fun this year. Alyssa already has her outfit. Its apurple and black witches dress.

What date do you allin America celebrate it because I know its different? Ours is October 31st.

It's October 31st everywhere because November1st is All Saint's Day. Because it's a Pagan holiday, any Paganimmigrants who came across the ocean would still keep it the same day.I think the only big holiday Americans have different is Thanksgiving.

As for dressing up, I love Hallowe'en and seeing little kids in theirlittle black cat and Superman outfits, but I tend to stay home and helpgive out candy.
With Peter being a Magician, Halloween at myhouse is BIGGER than Christmas! We start plannig in September... MYfront door is always decorated the first of fall, and all else comesout in October.

Every ear we build a HUGE haunted house in our garage for all the kids.Last year we had line ups ALL night, and didn't finnish until almost10:30! Kids were comming out and saying no thanks to the candy, thatthe haunted house was all they wanted! All Summer we had kids asking usif we would do it again next year...

It is quite the haunted house Peter builds. He painted plywood walls,black, and theres green all over it to simulate the creepiness. He putsthese up to seperate everything. We've got a smoke machine (from ourshows) and Peter builds all these animatronic scary things, that areset off by motion detectors. Lots of bloody body parts, and real liveguys inside lurking around the corners! The kids LOVE it!

I am in charge of the front lawn. It is our grave yard. We have tombstones, and bodies hanging from the tree. We use strobe lights tosimulate lightening, and play ahunted house music, to add to theeffect! I also get dry ice, and put it all over the front lawn to looklike that creepy fog you always see at night in cemetaries...

It really is ALOT of fun! Last year I was a witch, Daytona was thedevil (LMBO) and Peter was some scary guy. This year, I think i'm gonnabe a black cat, Daytona i'm not sure of, and i'massumingPeter will be his usual scary guy self!

Lyndsy: You should post pictures of your haunted house this year!! It sounds awesome!
Halloween is AWESOME! Any holiday where you knock on a door and get candy is my kind of holiday!

We didn't have much money when I was a kid, but we always had this hugebox of costumes in the basement. One time I wore myGrandmother's Campfire Girls' dress and went as an indianprincess. The family across the street from us had 10 kids,so we would go out in a huge group and spent hours and hourstrick-or-treating. When my brother and I got home we wouldsit on the floor in my room and count our loot and eat candy until weboth got stomach aches. :)
Halloween has never been very big over hereuntil fairly recently ... It seemed to take offaround 8 years ago, when we moved into our new house.

All of a sudden, from Halloween being, just another night, it seemed to gain in popularity.

Tis fun to see the tiddy ones come out when dusk falls, and the heightsof the visitors to the house grows steadily through the night! (Unfortunately, a lot of the olderteens prefer to egg and flour houses at this time of year tho)

Am really looking forward to reading all about your night over in the USA!


Boys and girls of every age
Wouldn't you like to see something strange?
Come with us and you will see
This, our town of Halloween

This is Halloween, this is Halloween
Pumpkins scream in the dead of night

This is Halloween, everybody make a scene
Trick or treat till the neighbors gonna die of fright
It's our town, everybody scream
In this town of Halloween

I am the one hiding under your bed
Teeth ground sharp and eyes glowing red
I am the one hiding under your stairs
Fingers like snakes and spiders in my hair
This is Halloween, this is Halloween
Halloween! Halloween! Halloween! Halloween!
In this town we call home
Everyone hail to the pumpkin song
In this town, don't we love it now?
Everybody's waiting for the next surprise
Round that corner, man hiding in the trash can
Something's waiting now to pounce, and how you'll scream

Scream! This is Halloween
Red 'n' black, slimy green
Aren't you scared?

Well, that's just fine
Say it once, say it twice
Take the chance and roll the dice
Ride with the moon in the dead of night

Everybody scream, everybody scream
In our town of Halloween

I am the clown with the tear-away face
Here in a flash and gone without a trace

I am the "who" when you call, "Who's there?"
I am the wind blowing through your hair
I am the shadow on the moon at night
Filling your dreams to the brim with fright

This is Halloween, this is Halloween
Halloween! Halloween! Halloween! Halloween!
Halloween! Halloween!

Tender lumplings everywhere
Life's no fun without a good scare
That's our job, but we're not mean
In our town of Halloween
In this town
Don't we love it now?
Everyone's waiting for the next surprise
Skeleton Jack might catch you in the back
And scream like a banshee
Make you jump out of your skin
This is Halloween, everyone scream
Won't ya please make way for a very special guy
Our man Jack is king of the pumpkin patch
Everyone hail to the Pumpkin King now
This is Halloween, this is Halloween
Halloween! Halloween! Halloween! Halloween!
In this town we call home
Everyone hail to the pumpkin song

I love Halloween!!! Too bad we don'tmany trick or treaters in my area, i like to see the kids'costumes! At work, we all dress up in crazy costumes insteadof our uniform, its always really fun, but this year should be the best;). I've never actually wanted to go to work thisbad... I like the pumpkin idea. BunBun is always onthe hunt for snacks, and Mallory might like her first taste of pumpkin,without the GI stasis!

Happy Halloween!!!

I've always loved Halloween. My dad isnothing but a big kid when it comes to the holidays. He has the fullFreddy Krueger costume, from the Nightmare On Elm Streetmovies,and loves scaring the trick or treaters half to death.Even his grand kids get chased.

There is no where to trick or treat here, so we will be headingoff to the mall again this year. All the stores hand out candy and thelocal radio station holds a huge party for the kids. It's alot of fun.Jeremy is still undecided as to what he wants to be this year.

As for me I am going as an over-worked, over-stressed housewife.:p

Anyway we were at walmart today and my son looked at me and said "Mommy Iam gonna be the grim reaper for halloween with the syth and all" Gypsyand I started laughing so hard it was so funny{ he is only 3} thengypsy grabs up and evil witchy mask and scared the bejesiums[sp} out ofthe poor little bugger.

As for what I am gonna be for halloween I still havnt decided, Imthinking along the lines of a witch or something...Im not very creative.
Im not really a fan of haloween, as we alwaysget teenagers vandalizing things. There is no fun side to haloween inthe UK :XI would love to go trick or treating!

Last year we had teenagers knocking on our door all night, so in theend we didnt answer it. One time they set fire to some dog mess wrappedin newspaper and planted it on our doorstep. It wasntuntilour dog kept looking at the back door with her hacklesup growling at the flames that we even realised our doorstep was onfire! The dog saved our lives :angel:Bless her heart.

But other than that main event, we just get eggs thrown at our windows. Its alot of fun *not*

They take haloween more seriously over in America, i would love to visit there on haloween to have so much fun.

This year i will probually be sitting in the hall way looking out for teenagers setting fire to our doorstep again.

Last year was a really bad year. What with the fire, and my next doorneighbour got a brick from her brick wall thrown through her livingroom window, and she was sitting right infront of the window inocentlywatching TV,and it missed her by an inch. The police werentbothered about it either. How niceand festive isthat?

Anyway! I hope you all have a lovely haloween! And dont forget sweets are bad for your teeth! - Dr.Wonka
Oh I forgot to mention, I was suppose to be bornon Halloween (my calendar says halloween is on the 31st oct?) but i was3 days early. Its ashame cos it would of been so cool if my birthdaywas on Halloween! lol I would definetly dress up then!

Have you all heard of the monster mash song buy halloween? its sogreat! Its a really old song so not sure if some of us have heard ofit.
Carolyn wrote:
Sadly, some of us have to be careful of our outsidebunnies on Halloween.

I've known some people that have had their rabbitries vandalized or their pet rabbits let loose, hurt, or killed.

One can't be too careful.


Thanks Carolyn, although my street is pretty quiet i'll be careful anyway. Nobody is getting my bunnies!
If anyone hurt my babies i would seriously killthem! Personally i think people like that should be in for the chop, sothey cant breed more people like that. Great idea from Linz! lol
I willbe taking off My A) witch costume to puton my B) itch costume and willbe sitting in the garage with a shot gun. last thing I need is moresurprise breedings . or more surpirse anythings !
Any One want to take the chanceof meeting up with me in a veryDARK place on Halloween !!!! :scared:

seriously altho the Kids willgo out I will be sitttingthere watching . Shadow willmost likely take the Van and haulthem round . :dragster:
gypsy wrote:
I will be taking offMy A) witch costume to put on myB) itch costume and willbe sitting in the garage with a shot gun. last thing I need is moresurprise breedings . or more surpirse anythings !
Any One want to take the chanceof meeting up with me in a veryDARK place on Halloween !!!! :scared:

seriously altho the Kids willgo out I will be sitttingthere watching . Shadow willmost likely take the Van and haulthem round . :dragster:
Gee thanks mom....although I might just send my ol man to sit with thebunnies and you can help me take the monsters out this year..... If youneed more guns let me know.
Speaking of Halloween and things to do, myhusband and I went to a corn maze last night and it was great. Ifanyone lives near Indiana they should check out this maze! Wedid the haunted maze at night and it was fun. It was worth the hour anda half dive to get there.


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