Frustrated bunny wants to complain

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Well-Known Member
Dec 9, 2017
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Hi everyone Odin here

A great bunny named after an immense almighty god with a beautiful fluffy bum, that can sway all the girls. No one can resist my charms and beauty.

This ruler thought my worthy life would be wonderful, ordering the servants and swaying ladies hearts. But the main servant it’s so lazy and ignore my commands.

So this ruler wonder if their any way to lodge a complain about my bunny servant.

How dare my servant let me be locked in the royal bedchamber, while letting the outsider scaredy-cat Toste move around free in the palace. The servant even gave that fatous bunny all the treasure that’s belongs to this ruler.

Yeah, Toste got floppy ears that sometimes can’t decide if they should be up or down. Always pretending being scared and hiding. Toste even dares enjoy my banquet of food, only leaving crumbles for me. My ignorant servant can’t see the cunning light in his eyes and that annoying smirk Toste shows me. What a miserably life this ruler have.

But the worse thing that really grind my gears, my servant haven’t cleaned my palace for a week. Now, my once fluffy and shiny fur started to smell funny and become disheveled.

This ruler need a good brushing and a through cleaning of my palace. My servant says she will do it later after her exams tomorrow...

How dare a servant be so disrespectful and courage to ignore my demands.

So where can I lodge my complains and get a new servant.

Ps. If any see the fatous bunny Toste, don’t get trick by his floppy ears. IMG_6057.jpg

He’s a wolf in sheep’s clothing!!!
He doesn't look frustrated at all :)) Tell him you will eat him if he complains
Haaaaa! Trixie here, I understand your frustration! My human mother is gone for 8+ hours. She tries to tell me she has to work in order to feed my hungry appetite. My human father is home with me all day though but I want more attention than what he gives me (basically all the time, but I need more if there's such a thing). I tug on the pen to try and call for him, and all he does is peer his head over the pen, smiles while he pets me. So what do I do? I now jump at the pen, climb over and try to reach for him telling him, I need more! I think I shock him every time I do it though, because he always gasps and then I think to myself "holy rabbit, I didn't think I could do that". I've finally managed to climb onto the bed so we'll see who gets the last laugh when I manage to hop all over the bed while he sleeps. :p

Ugh, humans just don't get it. If you figure out where to find the complaint department, do share!

Human mother note: PS your rabbit is so adorable @Hermelin!
It pleases me reading your comments and when this ruler manage to find the complaint deparment I will defintly share with the rest of the bunny committee.


// Odin

Bunny servant here: @Mehidk I also think Toste is really cute. But it’s hard getting good pictures of him. Don’t tell the spoiled Odin, he get easily jealous. Odin is the big brother but have still not accepted that there’s a younger brother in the house.
Hi, I'm Chowder. I would like to complain about Google. I dont know who they are but my human servant talks to them a lot.
When I first arrived at my new kingdom all was well. I had pellets 2 times a day, (the good kind with lots of colorful treats mixed in) Then my servant talked to Google. Now I get 1/4 of what I was getting and no delicious treats.
The servants subordinate gave me cherries 3-4times a day, then Google butts in and now 1 cherry a week. 1! I love those cherries.
Also I spread my hay all over the floor, just where I want it. Then human servant comes in and either heaps it all up or tosses it! I'm guessing Google told her to do that too.
If any one knows who this Google is I would like to have a word!
It pleases me reading your comments and when this ruler manage to find the complaint deparment I will defintly share with the rest of the bunny committee.

View attachment 44706

// Odin

Bunny servant here: @Mehidk I also think Toste is really cute. But it’s hard getting good pictures of him. Don’t tell the spoiled Odin, he get easily jealous. Odin is the big brother but have still not accepted that there’s a younger brother in the house.

My next goal is to convince my human mother and father that I am good enough to be out in the open. Toste seems to be lucky...too lucky. You and I must figure out a way to convince the human servants that we deserve the same treatment.

Human Mother Note: Oh my GOODNESS! How can you handle the adorableness of Odin and Toste? I sure can't!
Hi, I'm Chowder. I would like to complain about Google. I dont know who they are but my human servant talks to them a lot.
When I first arrived at my new kingdom all was well. I had pellets 2 times a day, (the good kind with lots of colorful treats mixed in) Then my servant talked to Google. Now I get 1/4 of what I was getting and no delicious treats.
The servants subordinate gave me cherries 3-4times a day, then Google butts in and now 1 cherry a week. 1! I love those cherries.
Also I spread my hay all over the floor, just where I want it. Then human servant comes in and either heaps it all up or tosses it! I'm guessing Google told her to do that too.
If any one knows who this Google is I would like to have a word!
Hello Chowder and welcome! How dare your servant change up your routine all because of Google. It seems like Google is trying to act like a know-it-all and needs to butt out. I can't say much either though because my human parents also rely on Google. We all must band together and stand up to it!
My next goal is to convince my human mother and father that I am good enough to be out in the open. Toste seems to be lucky...too lucky. You and I must figure out a way to convince the human servants that we deserve the same treatment.

This regal bunny hopes you win your upcoming battles Trixie and be out in the open. We the true rulers need to be in an united front and take back what’s ours // Odin

Human Mother Note: Oh my GOODNESS! How can you handle the adorableness of Odin and Toste? I sure can't!

Bunny servant: To tell the truth I can’t handle their adorableness, I often give up resisting and just pick them up while covering them with kisses. I’m so lucky they love being picked up. Toste will bunny purr and close his eyes while Odin will give kisses back and snuggle up. They have completely captured my heart, but the queen of the house will often vocalize if Toste or Odin get more attention than her.

So the trio of bunnies have their quirky personalities
That’s just the joy of being a bunny servant.

Hi, I'm Chowder. I would like to complain about Google. I dont know who they are but my human servant talks to them a lot.
When I first arrived at my new kingdom all was well. I had pellets 2 times a day, (the good kind with lots of colorful treats mixed in) Then my servant talked to Google. Now I get 1/4 of what I was getting and no delicious treats.
The servants subordinate gave me cherries 3-4times a day, then Google butts in and now 1 cherry a week. 1! I love those cherries.
Also I spread my hay all over the floor, just where I want it. Then human servant comes in and either heaps it all up or tosses it! I'm guessing Google told her to do that too.
If any one knows who this Google is I would like to have a word!

Greetings Chowder.

Google is a common enemy in our bunny kingdoms. I’ve never understood why our servants listen to them without asking us. Who are the rulers in our kingdoms and who are the servants.

We need to set up new laws and reinforce our power. To not let google win !!!

// Odin
This thread is really cute!!( okay human servant! That’s enough expressing your own thoughts, now write my own - Hawkeye)

Greetings fellow bunny lords and lordresses!

This is Empress and Queen-pin Hawkeye of the Hawk Claw clan/gang (my servants know of the claw and my strong hand very well) is speaking to you.

I am very dissatisfied to learn of the horrible treatment you all have experienced at the hands of your humans/servants! Maybe I should pay Google a special visit with my strong hand and claw.

Also I recommend to train your humans better. My most loyal and trained human servant who is the Admiral of the Hawk Claw Gang and human mom tends to my every need. She tirelessly wakes up after I ring the royal cymbals ( bite the cage bars) alerting to my discomfort and dissatisfaction of some sort, Whether it be my hay is not piled up in a satisfactory manner or instead of plain water I desire water spiked with a drop of apple juice in my dish or I wish to be petted at night hours when my humans need sleep also I call my human when I feel I need a dose of my daily Elixir/cocktail (medicine) that keeps me strong and healthy despite my human administering it hours earlier ( that because it can be given multiple times a day- human one; shhh! Human one!! I didn’t give you permission to reveal such details now hush and write - Hawkeye).

My next human servant is the General of the Hawk Claw Clan. They are my Human Aunt. I was able to install more fear into this one. They aren’t as bold as the Admiral ( who will discipline you Hawkeye when you act up- Human One; Hush again!! We won’t talk about that here Admiral, keep writing- Hawkeye). I yell at the General (beep and honk) in protest and my even throw a few punches ( box them) when they attempt to bring me in my royal throne out of my room into my recreation grounds. They must wait until I’m completely ready to leave my room( huge cadge) then proceed at my command.

My last human is my human grandma who is now ranked as more than a foot soldier because their loyalty. My human grandma only experienced the Claw( which is how I personally initiate and move humans up a rank for their loyalty and or bravery) once and she was initiated into the Hawk Claw gang after trying to place the royal rations ( food pellets) into my royal glass food platter( dish) without permission and as a unidentifiable human entering my room. They received the mark of the Claw welcoming them into the Clan. They never attempted this feat again but now my loyal Admiral and General give my royal rations and even hold my glass platter to my jaw for exclusive access and most times I refuse to start eating unless it is held to my mouth (very sassy).

More about my human grandma. She cleans and fluffs the royal throne( litter box) along with the General too. They have proved their loyalty and are good servants.

See all the humans need is a little training and develop a sassy attitude helps too.

- Hawkeye along with Human One the Admiral
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This regal bunny hopes you win your upcoming battles Trixie and be out in the open. We the true rulers need to be in an united front and take back what’s ours // Odin

I come bearing good news - well sort of. Last night, both my human mother and father let me out for an hour or so to roam around the chamber. Maybe Google tried to tell them? It was quite adventurous to be able to sniff around and check all the materials that I could possibly climb and chew on. I did find the goods they try to hide from me but human father pulled me away before I could bury my face into the deliciousness of pellets. Then, human mother attempted to look at my weaponry that I call "nails" and she tells me that they need to be trimmed. I have yet to allow her to do this for fearing she may draw blood. I am not fond of the idea, but she is right...I do need a touch up. Sir Odin, does your servant trim yours?

Bunny servant: To tell the truth I can’t handle their adorableness, I often give up resisting and just pick them up while covering them with kisses. I’m so lucky they love being picked up. Toste will bunny purr and close his eyes while Odin will give kisses back and snuggle up. They have completely captured my heart, but the queen of the house will often vocalize if Toste or Odin get more attention than her.

So the trio of bunnies have their quirky personalities
That’s just the joy of being a bunny servant.
Human Mother: That's so wonderful to hear that they loved being picked up! Is that something that they were used to prior to you adopting the trio or did you have to build the relationship up? Trixie LOVES to getting pets, massages, and side belly rubs but she's still weary of being picked up (she'll grunt at me for a second and then give kisses after).
This thread is really cute!!( okay human servant! That’s enough expressing your own thoughts, now write my own - Hawkeye)

Greetings fellow bunny lords and lordresses!

This is Empress and Queen-pin Hawkeye of the Hawk Claw clan/gang (my servants know of the claw and my strong hand very well) is speaking to you.

I am very dissatisfied to learn of the horrible treatment you all have experienced at the hands of your humans/servants! Maybe I should pay Google a special visit with my strong hand and claw.

Also I recommend to train your humans better. My most loyal and trained human servant who is the Admiral of the Hawk Claw Gang and human mom tends to my every need. She tirelessly wakes up after I ring the royal cymbals ( bite the cage bars) alerting to my discomfort and dissatisfaction of some sort, Whether it be my hay is not piled up in a satisfactory manner or instead of plain water I desire water spiked with a drop of apple juice in my dish or I wish to be petted at night hours when my humans need sleep also I call my human when I feel I need a dose of my daily Elixir/cocktail (medicine) that keeps me strong and healthy despite my human administering it hours earlier ( that because it can be given multiple times a day- human one; shhh! Human one!! I didn’t give you permission to reveal such details now hush and write - Hawkeye).

My next human servant is the General of the Hawk Claw Clan. They are my Human Aunt. I was able to install more fear into this one. They aren’t as bold as the Admiral ( who will discipline you Hawkeye when you act up- Human One; Hush again!! We won’t talk about that here Admiral, keep writing- Hawkeye). I yell at the General (beep and honk) in protest and my even throw a few punches ( box them) when they attempt to bring me in my royal throne out of my room into my recreation grounds. They must wait until I’m completely ready to leave my room( huge cadge) then proceed at my command.

My last human is my human grandma who is now ranked as more than a foot soldier because their loyalty. My human grandma only experienced the Claw( which is how I personally initiate and move humans up a rank for their loyalty and or bravery) once and she was initiated into the Hawk Claw gang after trying to place the royal rations ( food pellets) into my royal glass food platter( dish) without permission and as a unidentifiable human entering my room. They received the mark of the Claw welcoming them into the Clan. They never attempted this feat again but now my loyal Admiral and General give my royal rations and even hold my glass platter to my jaw for exclusive access and most times I refuse to start eating unless it is held to my mouth (very sassy).

More about my human grandma. She cleans and fluffs the royal throne( litter box) along with the General too. They have proved their loyalty and are good servants.

See all the humans need is a little training and develop a sassy attitude helps too.

- Hawkeye along with Human One the Admiral
Greetings Hawkeye! I must say, you have your servants very well trained! This is such wonderful news! I must consider using this what you call "Sass" to see if perhaps it would work on my human mother and father. As mentioned to Odin above, I am working on being free roam but have yet to succeed so I will have to see if the "Sass" will convince them.
I come bearing good news - well sort of. Last night, both my human mother and father let me out for an hour or so to roam around the chamber. Maybe Google tried to tell them? It was quite adventurous to be able to sniff around and check all the materials that I could possibly climb and chew on. I did find the goods they try to hide from me but human father pulled me away before I could bury my face into the deliciousness of pellets. Then, human mother attempted to look at my weaponry that I call "nails" and she tells me that they need to be trimmed. I have yet to allow her to do this for fearing she may draw blood. I am not fond of the idea, but she is right...I do need a touch up. Sir Odin, does your servant trim yours?

Good work Trixie, it gladdens me to hear your bringing us with good news and managed to explore your kingdom.

This regal bunny always put up a fierce battle when it's time to trim my beautiful claws. How can you fight without your fierce claws, that have been deadly sharpened and making my people write songs about my victorious battles. That will be written down in history and become a legend. But alas my servant seem to not understand that a king need his claws for the upcoming battles, forcing my once glorious claws to become trimmed.
// Odin

Human Mother: That's so wonderful to hear that they loved being picked up! Is that something that they were used to prior to you adopting the trio or did you have to build the relationship up? Trixie LOVES to getting pets, massages, and side belly rubs but she's still weary of being picked up (she'll grunt at me for a second and then give kisses after).

Bunny servant: None of my bunnies where used with being picked up. The easiest ones to train was Odin and Lilja, I only got bitten once by Lilja and Odin did nothing. While Toste he would growl, lung, scream and bite me if I picked him up. It sounded like Toste was being abused by me. So it was something I trained them to be used with, but Toste turned up to be the most docile of my bunnies. When it come to trimming Toste claws and handling him, but he's still not fully socialized like the other two. So Toste was the hardest to train of all my bunnies, it's still a working process with him.

Seem like it's only a matter of time until Trixie will accept being picked up. You can bribe her with treats when she's up in your arms, or distract her right before being picked up with treats. She will associate picking up with something good and yummy. If she have place she love being petted on, you can use that as a reward.
This thread is really cute!!( okay human servant! That’s enough expressing your own thoughts, now write my own - Hawkeye)

Greetings fellow bunny lords and lordresses!

This is Empress and Queen-pin Hawkeye of the Hawk Claw clan/gang (my servants know of the claw and my strong hand very well) is speaking to you.

I am very dissatisfied to learn of the horrible treatment you all have experienced at the hands of your humans/servants! Maybe I should pay Google a special visit with my strong hand and claw.

Also I recommend to train your humans better. My most loyal and trained human servant who is the Admiral of the Hawk Claw Gang and human mom tends to my every need. She tirelessly wakes up after I ring the royal cymbals ( bite the cage bars) alerting to my discomfort and dissatisfaction of some sort, Whether it be my hay is not piled up in a satisfactory manner or instead of plain water I desire water spiked with a drop of apple juice in my dish or I wish to be petted at night hours when my humans need sleep also I call my human when I feel I need a dose of my daily Elixir/cocktail (medicine) that keeps me strong and healthy despite my human administering it hours earlier ( that because it can be given multiple times a day- human one; shhh! Human one!! I didn’t give you permission to reveal such details now hush and write - Hawkeye).

My next human servant is the General of the Hawk Claw Clan. They are my Human Aunt. I was able to install more fear into this one. They aren’t as bold as the Admiral ( who will discipline you Hawkeye when you act up- Human One; Hush again!! We won’t talk about that here Admiral, keep writing- Hawkeye). I yell at the General (beep and honk) in protest and my even throw a few punches ( box them) when they attempt to bring me in my royal throne out of my room into my recreation grounds. They must wait until I’m completely ready to leave my room( huge cadge) then proceed at my command.

My last human is my human grandma who is now ranked as more than a foot soldier because their loyalty. My human grandma only experienced the Claw( which is how I personally initiate and move humans up a rank for their loyalty and or bravery) once and she was initiated into the Hawk Claw gang after trying to place the royal rations ( food pellets) into my royal glass food platter( dish) without permission and as a unidentifiable human entering my room. They received the mark of the Claw welcoming them into the Clan. They never attempted this feat again but now my loyal Admiral and General give my royal rations and even hold my glass platter to my jaw for exclusive access and most times I refuse to start eating unless it is held to my mouth (very sassy).

More about my human grandma. She cleans and fluffs the royal throne( litter box) along with the General too. They have proved their loyalty and are good servants.

See all the humans need is a little training and develop a sassy attitude helps too.

- Hawkeye along with Human One the Admiral

Good work Hawkeye to train your servants to such high quality!

This king truly admires your might while managing to expand your Hawk Claw Gang. The one with the most power in my kingdom is still the queen dowager Lilja. The queen dowager rule with her iron paws , pulling the strings in the shadow. It's quite hard being a king, that have still not managed to grasp all the forces in my own kingdom. While the fatous Toste it's lurking in the dark, slowly building up his forces to overthrow this king throne.

// Odin
Chowder here, my human servant did dehydrate some plantains for a tasty treat. However it was not the ultra ripe sweet plantain and I'd rather a banana. And the dog is still here. Could do without him. Have not heard about Google for a day or more.
Chowder human servant (CHS) here: I go into the bunny room. Floppy bunny. No pick up. I go into the bunny room. Bunny in hay house. No pick up. WHEN IS MY BUNNY TIME? I WANT my time. I give dehydrated bananas (plantains ). Where is my time? Google has told me, floppy bunny,leave a lone. In bunny house, leave alone. Google serves us all.
Chowder human servant (CHS) here: I go into the bunny room. Floppy bunny. No pick up. I go into the bunny room. Bunny in hay house. No pick up. WHEN IS MY BUNNY TIME? I WANT my time. I give dehydrated bananas (plantains ). Where is my time? Google has told me, floppy bunny,leave a lone. In bunny house, leave alone. Google serves us all.

Bunny servant: I laughed while reading your text. I think my bunnies wonder why they always get picked up while they are sleeping, eating and playing. So I get my bunny time whenever I want, I just think they are too kind, to let me do whatever I want
Human Mother: Why can't our floof babies just let us love them the way we want to?! I'm still working on Trixie getting used to being picked up, I give her a treat when I try to hold her and I think it's helping!

Trixie: (over hears) Human Mother believes that by feeding me delicious morsels will make me have a change of heart...I guess I can spare her some heartache by letting her hold me for a few minutes. Hm..maybe if I snuggle with the human parents, I'll even get a blueberry :O.

Perhaps I'll put up with it...for now.
Human Mother: Why can't our floof babies just let us love them the way we want to?! I'm still working on Trixie getting used to being picked up, I give her a treat when I try to hold her and I think it's helping!

Trixie: (over hears) Human Mother believes that by feeding me delicious morsels will make me have a change of heart...I guess I can spare her some heartache by letting her hold me for a few minutes. Hm..maybe if I snuggle with the human parents, I'll even get a blueberry :O.

Perhaps I'll put up with it...for now.
Trixie, my name is Chowder. And yes the blueberries are worth a little snuggly. I have even willing jumped on my human servants lap for one.
Hi everyone Toste here, the bunny Odin calls a fatous scardy-cat. I’m the youngest bunny of the family and always fight with the queen dowager Lilja. We seem to never to be on the same side. My big brother Odin still have not accepted me, I hope he will do it in the future.

My bunny mommy have a litter box that’s a box and a wall you have to push on. I walk up slowly and push my head on the wall, it will move a little but not enough for me to get out.

I fight with my strong front paws and use my sharp claws, still the wall won’t creat a path for me. I try to push with my back legs and the wall just swing back before I can get out.

I always end up waiting for my bunny mom to open the wall for me, so I can jump out. It’s easier getting in than out of the litter box.

// Toste

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