First Show

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mistyjr wrote:
Have you weighed them?
I have weighed them, and they are all in the accepted weight ranges. I think I will have some judges/other breeders come look at them and tell me what they think :)

My first show is coming up Saturday!! I'm bouncing off the walls a bit in excitement. I just can't wait! I'll be doing some grooming tomorrow, letting them get some running time on my makeshift running board, etc. I'll also be packing the night beforehand (minus the buns, obviously) so that we can hit the ground running in the morning. I am NOT a morning person, so my wonderful husband is definitely going to be the driver, hehe.
I've been lurking in here since you started this topic... Figured I'd just chime in and wish you luck :) Your buns are gorgeous, I'd never seen a tan until coming to RO. Beautiful buns.
MarisaAndToby wrote:
, I'd never seen a tan until coming to RO. Beautiful buns.
I hadn't seen a tan in real life until about 2 months before I got mine. Didn't stop me from wanting one since about October or November of last year. They are gorgeous in person. Hopefully you will get to see some at some point. :biggrin2:
They really are so pretty in person :) I loved seeing pictures of them online, but nothing compares to seeing them in the flesh. Especially when they are running around.

They really are the 'aristocrat of the fancy'. :)
Yea they seem to be more of the racy (racey?) breed. More greyhound physique.

I love harmony and I think those tans in the video are gorgeous!! Harmony is a "blue" tan.
You can actually ship rabbits through the mail. They have to have special carriers etc blah blah blah. I'd go more into detail if it were actually going to happen soon.

A tan male would be more for my friend who owns Harmony.
If I tell her that I know of people who may have tans in the future.. she might pitch in the $$ to have one shipped overnight.

But that's not until the far, far future if you even decide to breed the trio so I'm not worried.

All I know for sure is that she wants to use my buck again and breed him to her doe, harmony, and hopes for another 50% rex tan baby.

I should get you guys a picture of her adorableness! I'll do that tonight when I go down there to feed everyone... hmm I should do that sooner than usual since it's starting to rain and I have feed bags to unload.

Hope Bowser leaves my fingers alone lol that little scamp! He's got it stuck in his head that ALL treats are in the palm of your hand even if the treat is on the ground in front of him. He goes for the hand and it takes him a while to be convinced that it's not in your hand. Bowswer is an adorable broken black mini rex baby. 2 months old and a real " in your pocket" baby. I flick his nose when he starts nibbling.

Here is my tan baby girl.

She's 50% tan and 50% mini rex.

Her mother is Harmony, a blue tan, and her father his blade, a broken black otter mini rex.

I really like how glossy her coat is turning out to be but that's about all I can say.
I have to have a judge look at her.

What do you fellow tan breeders/raisers think? She might be too cobby but you can't tell in the pictures that well.

She's only about 2 months old.. I don't think she even has her prime JR coat in yet.

I don't think she is as pretty as those 2 tans in the video up above but.. she's still a sweetheart and her birth was a nice surprise.




She is beautiful :)

The show went so well today!!!!!

In the first show my buck got Best of Variety (black) and Best Opposite sex. Best in show actually went to a junior chocolate doe. My other doe got best of the Sr Doe class, and my other doe got 2nd place!

In the second doe (Ringer) won BEST OF BREED!!!! She was then in the running for BIS, and when the judge looked at her, she remarked at how absolutely beautiful she was. She kept going on and on about her, but unfortunately it went to a black rex. Oh well!

In the 2nd show, my buck got Best of his class (Sr bucks) and my other doe got 2nd place in the Sr Doe class.

All in all it was a great experience. I loved it so much, and now I've got pretty ribbons to show off :p
Thank you!!

I am still on cloud 9 :) I wasn't able to fall asleep last night because I was still so excited (even though I was absolutely beyond exhausted!)

I will post some pictures of my girl tomorrow, of her getting judged for BIS. And naturally, I'll need to take a picture of her with all her ribbons!

I love Ringer, Guardian, and Guise :) They all did so wonderfully.
Do you remember any of the comments? Congratulations! How many tans were being judged with yours?

As far as one of your does being chunky lol. Most competitve tans are 4-5 lbs. If they are bigger than that they are either a little overweight or larger framed. Also the older tan standard called for most of them to be much close to 6lbs. This caused alot of tans to become heavier in the hind quarters. If you have a side profile of the said rabbit i could get a better idea. I know alot of tans that have become really hippy and i think i can demostrate this with pictures.

If you go on my website in the tan page

You can see Beyonce. If you go down her top line you can see how angular it is. After her hip bones it's termed choppy. As she just was chopped straight to the table with no roundness to her hind end. This goes along with type. I pair her with Chevy or Seawolf for instance (two of my bucks) to even this out. See how smooth of a top line they have as they sit.
woahlookitsme wrote:
Do you remember any of the comments? Congratulations! How many tans were being judged with yours?

As far as one of your does being chunky lol. Most competitve tans are 4-5 lbs. If they are bigger than that they are either a little overweight or larger framed. Also the older tan standard called for most of them to be much close to 6lbs. This caused alot of tans to become heavier in the hind quarters. If you have a side profile of the said rabbit i could get a better idea. I know alot of tans that have become really hippy and i think i can demostrate this with pictures.

If you go on my website in the tan page

You can see Beyonce. If you go down her top line you can see how angular it is. After her hip bones it's termed choppy. As she just was chopped straight to the table with no roundness to her hind end. This goes along with type. I pair her with Chevy or Seawolf for instance (two of my bucks) to even this out. See how smooth of a top line they have as they sit.
Thank you for pointing me to those pictures. They really were a great learning experience. I really can see what you mean when you say "choppy". It's really interesting (and fun, in my opinion) trying to figure out what pairs are best to make really good buns.

For Guardian, my other doe, they said that her hipbones protruded a bit. I am going to try to put a bit more weight on her. Also, both judges said that she was a bit too delicate for their tastes. They both used that word. I suppose I like the more delicate look, but if the judges want to see a little more meat on their bones, i'll have to agree.

I really didn't get any negative feedback on Ringer. They both just absolutely loved her. I didn't hear why she didn't get BOB the first show. I really should have asked. I was just so happy that my buck won out of his variety group. He was competing against 5 other SR black bucks. It's not a huge amount, but it was thrilling for me :)

Thats good your buck won. Black is the most competitive color and Bucks are the worst aging animals in tans as far as looks go lol. I could help evaluate them if you had posing pictures if you would like.

As far as Guardian, Beyonce is like that too. Really fine boned and skinny. We have to give her rolled oats and lots of hay. She won the ARBA bob youth tan at the california convention and ever since she grew to senior her fat content hasnt increased. She is an awesome mom and is the tan we have to take the babies off early than 8weeks just to make sure we aren't sacrificing her health.

My first show for the fall season is this weekend. I can take pictures and post them up. Ill be showing my three brit babies and two tans (diesel and serena) Very excited to see how they do. Diesel will be competing with his siblings that i sold. Two of them are under my winnings page.

Congrats again! :)
woahlookitsme wrote:
Thats good your buck won. Black is the most competitive color and Bucks are the worst aging animals in tans as far as looks go lol. I could help evaluate them if you had posing pictures if you would like.

As far as Guardian, Beyonce is like that too. Really fine boned and skinny. We have to give her rolled oats and lots of hay. She won the ARBA bob youth tan at the california convention and ever since she grew to senior her fat content hasnt increased. She is an awesome mom and is the tan we have to take the babies off early than 8weeks just to make sure we aren't sacrificing her health.

My first show for the fall season is this weekend. I can take pictures and post them up. Ill be showing my three brit babies and two tans (diesel and serena) Very excited to see how they do. Diesel will be competing with his siblings that i sold. Two of them are under my winnings page.

Congrats again! :)
Yes! Pictures please!!!!!!

Yeah, I'm trying to fatten Guardian up a bit before the next show. I think she's a gorgeous rabbit, and they commented on her fur and that her markings/coloring were really striking, but that she was just too delicate.

Our next show is on Oct 8th. I'm just hoping that she won't get BOB this show, then get last place in the next show. I suppose it all just has to do with judges' opinions, but I'd still be upset :p
Not all of it is judges opinion. Im sure up north where tans are more popular and known you might not have a problem. But the south is known for our meat rabbits and thats what most people know. Put a tan in front of them and they'll only let them take 5 steps for evaluation and god forbid they dont run at all. A meat judge even tried to teach youth about a straight demarcation line by flattening them on the table like a himi. Most of it, down here at least, is about experience that judge has with a tan and we definitely know the judges who do and who don't.
woahlookitsme wrote:
Not all of it is judges opinion. Im sure up north where tans are more popular and known you might not have a problem. But the south is known for our meat rabbits and thats what most people know. Put a tan in front of them and they'll only let them take 5 steps for evaluation and god forbid they dont run at all. A meat judge even tried to teach youth about a straight demarcation line by flattening them on the table like a himi. Most of it, down here at least, is about experience that judge has with a tan and we definitely know the judges who do and who don't.
That makes a lot of sense, actually. I've heard from other breeders, even up here, that sometimes the judges haven't let their rabbits move around on the table.

What sorts of things make a good Tan judge? Letting them move on the table is obviously one, but is there anything else I should look for to determine how seriously I should take their critiques on my rabbits? I have no problem with people telling me about the areas that I need to improve on, but I'd like to have it come from people who know what they're talking about ;)
Sadly sometimes it is who the judge knows and who he doesn't know.
I can give you 2 cases both at the same show with 2 different judges, one was with my rabbit.
2 French lop intermediates on the table 1 mine and 1 belonging to a girl that shows at every show. The judge did not even actually take my rabbit out of the box and look at it and gave her first.
2nd incident same day, New Zealands on the table (not mine) 2 top breeders in the area and someone wearing a shirt saying they had been "trained" by the judge in question. The judge only talked to the ones wearing "his" shirts and didn't even look at the other rabbits. I have noticed he hasn't been asked to judge anything locally lately and i know grievances were filed. He even gave another french lop to the girl that competed against me that day. He and the other judge were heard discussing the matter later and he asked if "his rabbit" had been given the first.

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