Firework anxiety

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Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2021
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South Carolina, USA
Hey everyone! Since it is Memorial Day weekend in the US (where I am located), there are lots of fireworks in my town tonight. My bun is about 3 years old, so he has gone though a few Fourth of July’s and a few New Year’s Eve’s. He is a pretty skittish bunny, so he does not like the fireworks. On New Year’s Eve he was very worked up and I was terrified that he was going to have a heart attack. He is completely free roam in my bedroom and I ended up putting him in his cage, which I think made him even more anxious. I ended up letting him roam around as usual and distracted him by hand feeding him hay and playing with him to keep him occupied. I also have on some music, but the fireworks are audible over the music. He has done fine with other sounds (thunderstorms, lawn mower/leaf blower right outside of my windows, tornado sirens, etc.) but he does not like the fireworks. He is doing okay with the fireworks right now, but every time there is a loud, sudden sound from a firework, he stands up tall and puts his ears up and thumps around the room and breathes very quickly. What is the best way to ensure that he is okay tonight and on the Fourth of July? Should I just leave him be in my room with some music on? I am so stressed that something is going to happen to him and I think he is sensing my stress, but I’m not sure what to do to keep him safe during the fireworks.
Play fireworks sounds from YouTube for him so he gets used to the random sounds of it. The sudden bursts and spurts are probably what’s getting to him even more than loudness. Playing firework sounds from a low to moderate loudness range worked perfectly for my rabbit. It helps desensitize them from the sound.

I’ve found with my own bunny that he only gets scared of sounds when he rarely ever hears it or if he hears it for the first time. With sounds he has heard before, he doesn’t get scared even if it’s really loud. He doesn’t react to fireworks at all now and he was binkying around the room last time they were going off.
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You could try keeping lavender in the room. Its very soothing for the bunny. Not for eating, but for comfort. Try to set up a corner of the room thats comfortable, and just sit next to him, and pet him the entire time. I dont recommend playing music loud enough to drown out the fireworks, thats too much. YouTube has some music for rabbits, keep it on softly and just try to let him know youre there to keep him safe. All the best 💓
Hi I know I'm "late to the party" but here's my thought..I'd get a box and cut a couple of holes for him to hope in and out of but otherwise all closed up and put it in a corner.
Put one of his favourite blankets or something of yours even, that you don't mind giving to him for comfort and he will most likely use it to hide in when he is scared.
Not only does it give them a "safe space" but it will also block off some of the sound in there.
My buns love their safe space👍 💙
Ours are not bothered at all. The first time I used the gigantic Shop Vac a couple of the really opened their eyes wide, but they don't even pay attention to it--Serena and Nikki would try to climb it, even when it was running.
You could play some quite music, We heard fireworks last night
Fireworks are illegal here, but we have to deal with them anyway. My bunny doesn't react a whole lot to them anymore, but I try to pretend like nothing is going on when I hear them and keep the tv turned up loud. However, July Fourth weekend is pretty awful (they go off all night long for days on end) so I am taking my bunny and guinea pig down to my parents' farm for the July Fourth weekend. Nobody sets them off down there.
Also, it helps if you live your life normally with loud sounds here and there--bunnies are VERY SMART and adaptable and can get accustomed. Unless they sitting them off under your window--that' why I own a high power target shooting BB implement.( Long version)

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