Feeding rabbits vegs

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Active Member
Feb 27, 2020
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I have 2 baby bunny rabbits and I was wondering what vegetables and herbs I can give them, how much I give them
You figured it out, perfect!
How old are your rabbits? Baby rabbits can start eating leafy greens at 3 months. When you start introducing herbs and veggies take it super slowly so your rabbits don't get diarrhea - 1 veggie at a time in less than 3 teaspoon amounts. If your rabbits do get diarrhea, remove all veggies, and offer lots of hay! Stay away from gassy veggies such as cabbages, kale, and broccoli.

What do your rabbits' diets look like so far?
They are 12 weeks old, can they eat cauliflower leaves and carrots, they eat pets at home nuggets and hay
I would first start out with simple veggies like cilantro, dark leaf lettuces (no iceberg), basil, mint. Don't do any sugary veggies like carrots yet, but you can feed them carrot greens. Also, stay away from all fruits, it is likely that the sugar will hurt the rabbits' stomachs.
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I recommend introducing vegetables, fruits, and outdoor exercise time (where they can eat grass) at around 3 months of age. You can totally introduce these things sooner, if you decide to deworm your rabbit!

By 5-6 months of age, they should be fully used to all types of greens :) Remember, even if you have an older rabbit, it is always important to introduce something slowly to see how they react! I like to start with herbs such as parsley and cilantro, as it is easier to limit intake by ripping off a few stems. Definitely introduce vegetables before fruit, as fruit is considered the treat and can be very sugary. Vegetables, on the other hand, provide many essential nutrients and vitamins and are considered part of their diet. A good rule of thumb is to start with a pinky size amount of vegetables and gradually increase to 1/2 - 1 cup daily! I also like to stick to organic greens as it gives me some peace of mind that my rabbits will not be eating anything harmful. You can grow it yourself, or buy it organic from your grocery store! Best of luck!
How old are the baby bunnies?
I recommend introducing vegetables, fruits, and outdoor exercise time (where they can eat grass) at around 3 months of age. You can totally introduce these things sooner, if you decide to deworm your rabbit!

Because of the current outbreak of RHDV2 in the US (not sure where OP lives) it is being recommended for bunny owners here in the US to keep their rabbits strictly indoors with no outside playtime at all.

Unless a baby rabbit is known to have been offered greens along with her momma from the very start, then greens should not be introduced until 12 weeks of age. De-worming doesn't have anything to do with it. A young rabbit's gut (if she hasn't been nursing from a momma who was being given greens) does not have the enzymes to digest the greens. By 12 weeks, their tummies can typically begin to establish those enzymes if the greens are introduced slowly and in small amounts. Even then, some rabbits are still not able to handle greens at 12 weeks of age and need to wait a few more weeks.

Here's the link to info on RHVD2:

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