Haru the Lionhead
Well-Known Member
I think this is the forth time I’m posting today
Haru is a Lionhead and the fur in her face is always covering one eye so I can’t really see it. She was sleeping today and I looked at her eyes, I know that when rabbits are sleeping their eyes can be half closed, but haru had one eye that was half closed and kind of looking down, and the other eye was open and it was straight, is that normal?also when she woke up I checked again, i can see the white part of her eye on one side, but not the other one, is that normal?it looks like her eyes aren’t the same size?my eyes aren’t the same too and I know that it’s fine but are rabbits the same?because a long time ago i saw a video of a guy talking about how would you know if a rabbits healthy or not before you get them, and he said that their eyes should be the same size.

Haru is a Lionhead and the fur in her face is always covering one eye so I can’t really see it. She was sleeping today and I looked at her eyes, I know that when rabbits are sleeping their eyes can be half closed, but haru had one eye that was half closed and kind of looking down, and the other eye was open and it was straight, is that normal?also when she woke up I checked again, i can see the white part of her eye on one side, but not the other one, is that normal?it looks like her eyes aren’t the same size?my eyes aren’t the same too and I know that it’s fine but are rabbits the same?because a long time ago i saw a video of a guy talking about how would you know if a rabbits healthy or not before you get them, and he said that their eyes should be the same size.