Does anyone else use the rabbit forum while they sit in class?

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Rabbit Geek
Apr 1, 2014
Reaction score
River Falls, WI
I am sitting in class right now. I am really bored of school and excited for it to be over so I can have family and rabbit time!

I know it's *naughty, naughty* of me! but IM BORED!!! I'm not so bored when I'm thinking about rabbits, though...

Post if you sit in class with your phone/iPod/tablet and use the rabbit forum.
lol, i am home schooled and spend most of my time on here when i am "doing school" lol, shh, don't tell mom :imstupid
i dont got to school, well not a student anyways. but yes when i get bored and i am suppose to be doing paper work when my class is over (i'm a teacher) then i read lots on here.... hehehe. shhhhhhhh, dont tell my boss.
I'm homeschooling next year!!!

I will have lots more time for my rabbits and I will be able to learn more. I'm a top student and I plan to get college done early so that is why.

(I admit there is a little bit of bun desire too)

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