Well-Known Member

My sister sent me a picture of "thick pale yellow stuff" that she thought was diareah. I thought it could be urine because I remember when I first got Pup he peed yellow but this looked thick in the picture.
I asked her how she was acting and she said "normal, hopping around her cage."
The pet store was feeding her Kaytee rabbit pellets but i dont thikn they were for young rabbits.
Yesterday I bought young rabbit alfalfa pellets. Could this be the answer if it is diarreah?
Could she be actually sick bc i never heard of pale yellow diarreah in rabbits before.
I can't leave work and I am freaking out right now. Vets cant tell me anythig bc the rabbit "isnt physically there." You guys are my hope until I get home at 7 but I'm afraid that is too late.
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