Charlie raided the Chocolate Chip bag

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Ok, I got about 12 CCs of pedialyte/water mix into him - I think he forgot he was thirsty, so he took that pretty easily. He also took about 10 CCs of Critical Care - ate it off the spoon once he saw me with the syringe. :)

I'm worried, but not really panicking yet. Like you said SAS- I'm trying to balance out the stressing him out vs. the benifit of getting the fluids etc. into him. We're giving him a break to rest and then will try to get some more into him again in an hour or so.

Thanks so much for all the support - you don't know how much it helps!!

Getting that fluid into him seemed to havehelped a lot. He's a bit more perked up, did a littlegrooming, although he is still making the grunting noise.He's been taking the water/apple pedialyte pretty well. Hetook about 10 more CCs about an hour ago.

He's been peeing. His poo is a bit on the odd side whichshouldn't be surprising I guess. He's not eating his cecals at themoment, and the last batch came out as a huge long snake covered inmucas.... not sure what that means... His regular poos aresoft, but not diarreah, just cecal consistency - they may just beregular poo shaped cecals, who knows.

So the good news is that it's been 12 hours since he ate the chocolate,so I think he's on his way and I have learned my lesson on leavingchocolate on mynight table and not moving it the nextmorning.
I'm so glad for the update. I was about to head to bed and decided to log back in and see if you had updated this!

Awww ....stinky little Charlie...I'm glad he's okay. I wish I'd seen this sooner so I could have sent good wishes and love your guys' way.

BUT...warm wishes and love and hugs now! :)

Hugs and love to all,

Rosie and the Girls :bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance:
I'm so glad he seems to have perked up. Poor little thing and poor you having to worry so much. It sounds like its leaving his body anyway and all will be well. :)
I'm so glad he's feeling better! I'm not surprised about the cecals considering all the sugar he just ate. It should clear up soon.

Is he eating normal food yet?
Hey guys - he's still not eating, and there have been no poops since last night - so now I'm treating it like stasis.

Misty is also not eating... so she is also getting the syringe. *sigh*

He made me cry this morning cause I grabbed him to start syringing himfood, and he just wet himself (and me). I know it's probablyjust cause he was pumped full of fluids, but as I was syring him, hejust kept peeing... it was breaking my heart cause he's so good withthe litter that he was probably just scared. :(

Edit: but he is no longer panting, and he's active.. so i think the chocolate scare is over...

Well... he's willing to eat oats and craisins... now to get him to eat some regular food...
Aw, the poor little guy! At least he's eating something...I'll be thinking of him today.
Oh Nadia, you must feel like you've been put through the ringer!

I'm really glad that it sounds like Charlie's on the mend. I find whenJordi is in pain, the only thing she will eat is alfalfa hay.

I hope everyone is back to normal ASAP!
Oh my goodness. Sorry I missed this post the other day.

Poor little buns! I hope Charlie is feeling better.Good thing he's eating something. I'm sure he'll come aroundthough. What a crazy little guy.
HoneyPot wrote:
Hey guys - he's still not eating, and there have been nopoops since last night - so now I'm treating it like stasis.

Misty is also not eating... so she is also getting the syringe. *sigh*

He made me cry this morning cause I grabbed him to start syringing himfood, and he just wet himself (and me). I know it's probablyjust cause he was pumped full of fluids, but as I was syring him, hejust kept peeing... it was breaking my heart cause he's so good withthe litter that he was probably just scared. :(

Edit: but he is no longer panting, and he's active.. so i think the chocolate scare is over...

Heh! Pipp peed on me as well -- a few times! It'sjust the SubQ and Pedialyte. It was during one of herhealthier and calmer periods, she wasn't scared, justwaterlogged. ;)

And one thing we all have to keep in mind is that bunnies don't eat andpoop ALL the time! I used to get so nervous when Pipp didn'tpoop for 8 or 12 hours or so, but then I started watching her closelywhile she was healthy, and she'd go 8 or 12 hours without poopingand/or eating all the time. We just don't noticethese things until they're sick!

Glad he's feeling better. And I'm sure Misty isfine, just picking up on the worry vibes. What'sthe latest?

Hugs and nose pats to all.

sas :) and the gang :bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance:

That's Maisie only eats/pees/poops atnight. She'll drink throughout the day (sometimes), but forthe most part only does her thing(s) at night.

So, it's definitely something to consider. :)
:) Things are progressing.Misty nibbled on some tomato and a little hay. She had somesmall hard poops last night - but there was some. Jordiwesgave me a great idea with the alfalfa hay - I remembered that I hadsome "treat" hay (aka Oat Hay) in the cupboard and they go bonkers forit. I layed some out and Misty forgot she wasn't eating, soshe had a bunch of it. *whew* one down..

Charlie I syringed about 5 CCs of Critical Care today (there was about10 CCs on the towel). He had some really really gross smellycecal type poops earlier. He nibbled on some tomato and Ithink when I wasn't looking he had a bite or two of hay. Hehad 1 hard normal looking poo about 10 minutes ago. He's beenpeeing quite a bit - I'm going to try getting him to take some morepedialyte.

Good thing I'm not busy at work today. :?

I told Art about Charlie this morning and howworried I was about him - and just before Art went to work at 1:30 orso he said, "hey...the chocolate she giving him probiotics?"

I never thought of that....of course, I'm thinking, "chocolate rabbit"and "Easter" and then he goes.."No..your friend that had the rabbitthat ATE chocolate.." and I'm like..'duh! OK"

Anyway - that was Art's thought - maybe giving a bit of probiotic if you have any?

LOL Peg - tell Art that everyone at the Vet now calls him "The Chocolate Bunny" as well.

I've been giving him Critical Care this morning, and the contains probiotics I believe...

Edit: AND this has thrown Charlie into a 2nd FULL blownmolt. Fur is just falling off of him, and he was all donemolting. :( :( Bringing out the vacuumagain..
Still no poop from Charlie. I'm going to try some more Critical Care when Neil gets home later.

Misty is being a :censored2:. She and Charlie are seperatedright now because she keeps attacking him and he's not defendinghimself as he usually does.

I read another thread about dominance changing when one bunny getssick... she keeps challenging him, and he's not responding, so nowshe's just flat out nipping and charging and growling at him when hemoves. So she's locked in the cage and he's out in the roomrunning around.

I'll have to deal with that once Charlie is back to 100%.

I am so tired...


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