Captured a loose rabbit....

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Retired Moderator
Jan 18, 2007
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Austin, Texas, USA
I was at my parents house and my friend called me (drunk) from downtown at the bars. Her and her boyfriend caught a rabbit that was running around through the streets. I rushed from my parents house (a half hour away) and met them at their car where they had the bunny.

He? She? a black and white dutch bunny and seems pretty terrified. It is in my dogs kennel (hard plastic) right now because my Super Pet Giant cage is at the storage unit (which is closed right now). I gave it water, a baby carrot, and lined the bottom of the kennel with hay. He is breathing rather hard (stressing). I am putting him in the bathroom with the door closed for the night, because it will be quite in there. Right now he keeps thumping. Poor guy :(.

He smells strongly of cedar bedding, so I am assuming he was in a outside hutch. Possibly an escapee?

Is there anything else that I can do?
I am going to call a lady in the next town over that deals with the local dog/cat rescue group, who also deals with bunnies on a small scale. Dori has pet therapy bunnies and is a super wonderful lady. I'm hoping she can help me out with this little bunny.
[align=center]Saw your FB status =)
Awww I'm glad you were able to save the bunbun =D
We need pics!

Um, I'm not sure... I would play calming music (quietly) or something.. =O
I just can't believe that there are this many "domesticated" rabbits out running loose, this is the 3rd or 4th post I've seen about them since being on this forum, really what are people thinking?
Atleast if it's an escape it's a little more understandable.

Thanks for taking this bun in.
Nice save Amy! :) Sounds like you are doing plenty to try and keep this bun calm.

Angela - It's shocking how many domestic pet rabbits are DUMPED by irresponsible and neglectful owners. My friend and I rescued three rabbits last year that had been abandoned. The sad thing is they were still hanging around the ladies house hoping she would care for them. We caught them and they were SUPER sweet! It's really a shame.
Thanks you guys :)!

The bun is super calm now....found him "dead bunny flopped" in the carrier this morning. His little lips were turned out so I could see them and his little teeths :innocent.

No poop or pee yet, but he has been munching on hay. I'm not sure he has ever had hay. I gave him some banana chips and a little bit of pellets....he attacked them like he's been starving. Poor little dude!

We are going out to breakfast, then we are going to grab the cage for him and get him all set up. I'll have to call the bunny lady later.

And yes....I will post pictures :).
The one other thing that I would personally do is make some posts on Craigslist or call around to different humane societies in the area about a found bunny in case someone is looking for him/her.

Good luck!

Kathy :)
Arg...I just typed up a HUGE post and I accidentally x'd out of the window :X.

Let's try again....

I posted an ad on Craigslist for the bunny. I didn't list it's breed or colors, so the person can describe it to me.

I am assuming the little bun is a fair bunny, since I don't know of any local Dutch rabbit breeders and there is only one pet store in town that sells rabbits and they come from a lady that breeds Lionheads and Hollands, so that is all that they get in. On the last day of the fair a lot of breeders will give away rabbits for free, since they need space in their rabbitries. However, the little dude doesn't have a tattoo in it's ear.

So, if he is a fair rabbit then I'm assuming he is somewhere around 7 months of age because he doesn't seem like a matured adult rabbit and if he was purchased there as a baby, then he'd be somewhere around 6 weeks old.

Oh...and he is a BOY! I picked him up to put him into the cage and felt around...GOOLIES!!!

He is all set up in the Super Pet Giant cage...enjoying a comfy cage pad, a willow tent, litter box stocked with hay, fresh water, and lots of toys. He seems really comfy and is super friendly. He also doesn't mind being held at all, which makes me wonder if he was a kid's bunny?

We have LOTS of poops too, nice ones at that!

I am going to email the lady that does the bunny rescue work with the local dog/cat rescue and see what she can do. If they can't take him into their system, then I will have to get him neutered and try to adopt him out myself (after Easter). It is really hard to adopt out bunnies around here though. I think the rescue group has had the same 3 bunnies (from tiny babies) for the last 9 months or so!

I am going to bun proof the living room a bit better tonight, and let him hop around since he is so relaxed already.

If an owner can't be found and anyone is interested...we don't mind a drive to Vegas or anywhere within a couple hours of us ;).










Well, there he lucky bun! He is super cute. I love bunnies that have that "vienna" type marking on their heads. He kinda looks like my kitty, Tibi, who has that same marking.
He is really cute, Amy! Are you worried at all about fleas/mites? I'm paranoid about that kind of stuff when an animal has been loose.

I'm sure it won't take long for someone to adopt him!
Alicia...I knew you would be :p.

Kathy...I am not worried about fleas or mites. We don't really see a whole lot of fleas around here. I suppose it wouldn't be a bad idea to give him some Ivermectin though. I think I should probably wait a few days and let him get some food in his system.
The little bunny is litter box trained :shock:! Only a few stray poops outside of his box!! He didn't want to come out of his cage last night, but I think it was because the kitties were really fired up and running through the apartment. I am going to lock the kitties up today and try again.
Dutch bunnies can have severe reactions to very careful.

He's a cutie!
TinysMom wrote:
Dutch bunnies can have severe reactions to very careful.

He's a cutie!
Thanks for letting me know, Peg! I had no idea. I was just about to head out to run errands and was going to pick some up. So, I think I will just toss that idea in the trash.
You may be better off just looking for fleas. The easiest is to put down a white piece of paper, fluff the rabbit's fur over the paper. If black specks show up drip a little water on the specks, if they run red it's flea poop.

What a cute and lucky bunny :)
Oh my gosh, he's so cute! I agree with the others, I doubt it will take long for you to find a home for this little cutie-pie.

Glad you managed to get him instead of having him roam around in the streets. If he was a kids bun, he must have been terrified :(
He sure is a handsome little fellow, I was never a big dutch person until Mocha and Latte came my way, now I must say I am smitten w/ the breed.
Are you sure you don't want to keep him? ;)

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