Can I file Beau's incisors myself !

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Nov 30, 2005
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Last time I took Beau (2yr.old neuteredmini-lop) to the vet with an eye problem, the vet told me that soon hewould need to have his top incisors trimmed as they are growing uneven.I told the vet (new vet) that I have been clipping his peg teeth(upper) for some time as they grow like a spindly handlebarmustache...the vet seemed to think I could clip his incisors myself (atthe time I felt very uncomfortable doing this). Just tonight I havebeen reading the dental section of the health references. I read morethan once that teeth should be filed or "ground" with a drill ratherthan clipped because of trauma to the root of the teeth. I don't havethe money to have his incisors removed (which the vet seems to think isthe answer) and I want to know if I could be taught to drill hisincisors myself without harming him ??
I would think that drilling/filing would be morescary or painful than clipping. I've never done either,though. I know Tinysmom clips teeth on several of hernon-breeders, including a rescue girl she adopted that has tusks.
You are correct, clipping the teeth for too longcauses them to start to bleed due to the root. Filing them down is aneasy process if you have a motorized nail file. These cut the work andtime down there fore reducing the stress the bunny has toundergo. Just look for a nail file that has a file that spinswith a fairly small top as it'll fit in his mouth better. Make a goodjudgment on how often they need to be done though, if the one top toothis not inline with the other top tooth(like-wise for bottom teeth)they'll only need to be done a few times. If the bottom teeth are overtop of the top teeth you'll need to keep them short enough to not toucheach other, this depending on the bunny will allow time for both themolars to adjust and the jaw. Good luck =)
You won't believe this!!!!!!!!!! I went onanother site that said a dremel drill was NOT to be used in the handsof a novice. So I thought and thought and 2 days ago went to SallyHansen and bought a battery operated nail file...didn't use it yetthough. Now I feel better about using it. Thanks :DOnly avery small amount needs to be filed off one top incisor.

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