I had Holly cremated and have a little urn with her ashes in my room where she likes to hang around, and I still speak to her daily, although I know she isn’t here. That might be a bit weird to others.. :/
I literally laughed out loud when I read that last sentence and got out of our warm and comfy bed to get on the actual computer and post this picture for you:

This is Layne, who passed last January 19th during a bout with stasis. We arguably couldn't even afford cremation after the vet bill to try to save him, so I just couldn't spare the extra $15+ to upgrade to a real/fancier urn and we got stuck with the free tin. His little tin was so plain and sad, so I decorated it for him! I carried it everywhere at first (it's small enough to fit in my purse) and sometimes slept with it in my hand. We still talk to him sometimes and periodically put little "offerings" in his tin (like a craisin or a bit of hay; the ashes are in a sealed zipper bag inside, so we can put gifts to him in there and then clean it out later). We even took him to the Houston zoo on the free Tuesday in February and scattered a little pinch of his ashes by each of our favorite exhibits. He still sits on our little bedside table.