Beezille's Buns

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ok, well this blog kinda died out a long time ago after i moved in with my friend, whose bunnys i never got pictures of.
in the end i was pretty mad and moved out cause what happened. she tried to give away two of her bunnies, a lionhead with no top teeth, and a lionlop. didnt work out they came back to her. after she got a bf she started neglecting all the animals. i fed the dogs, the cat, the rabbits. i was busy working a lot though and she told me she fed them already when i asked her to, but the lionhead died first. i was maddest about the lionlop. i had fed him but it hadnt been enough for when i wasnt there. i went out to get the lionlop so he could run around in my room with my bunnys. he was SKIN and BONE and his fur had started fallin out too. it was sad cause he was such a sweet bunny, very timid and shy but more time he spent with me the more he warmed up.

of course, joey lived between the garage and backyard and he lived off what he found. so i moved out and now joey is kept in a small cage last time i was there in the garage. sadly no matter what i say would mean anything to her. she is tobusy with her jobs and bf to seem to care about her rabbit.

Joey and BunBun

Joey, BunBun, Yoshi

Joey and me

young Yoshi

Well if things go right then I'll be getting two new bunnys at the end of the month. 1/4 new zealand and 3/4 flemish giant brothers on the 26thafter they turn 6 weeks. they are chesnut/black agouti. i go look at them sometime this week, looking forward to seeing her french lops too :)

not sure which bun this is out of the four, but she said they all look like this. they were three weeks old in this


then again, if i can find the money, ill be getting one of the flemish mixes and then be shipping an fawn english lop buck in from cali...thats if i can come up with the 400 though. its not looking so good at the moment

o and name ideas for the boys thats ive been bouncing around...
Dr Evil Foster (my roomies gf wants to name one that...or Thumper)
On another note, Ess and Sara are a year old. I got Ess a week before Easter and Sara a week after. so ill give them an early march birthday....
Dalton is almost two years old...i beleive in december.

All three have been bonded happily for almost a year. Took in a rabbit awhile back, Caramel, who was only with me for maybe a month before her head started tilting and she died. it was sad...dalton was closest to her and sat over her body and bit me when i went to take her out. the first time he was ever aggressive.

Moved into an apartment and though Ess and Dalton are litter trained, Sara is having issues. and she has gotten mean toward a female chinchilla i got a few weeks ago too. ill try to remember to get pictures of the chinchillas too.

Ess has lost all his baby fluff and is a grown up boy. he is the most loving, but doesnt like being pet, but will tolerate being held. he goes driving with me and just lays down in my lap or in the passenger seat.
So i am really upset right now with a vet who nuetered Ess in Janurary...which i dont know why but his "parts" didnt drop until then. i paid a little over 200$ to have him fixed and last night he was humping Sara, who i didnt think to get spayed because vets rarely do it and both the boys were fixed.
Well, i thought it was a dominence thing at first until i flipped Ess over and his "parts" could be seena little bit, like they were dropping again. i dont know how a vet could mess up something like this and i will be super mad if Sara ends up pregnant...of course the vet tells me he will do it again but i think ill find someone else. meantime...Sara and Dalton are free roaming while Ess stays in the cage.
ive never head of this happeneing...maybe with female dogs but never males. so im pretty mad right now and felt like i wasted a lot of money. and hopefully i dont get babies.
so i went and saw my two little baby boys yesterday, and they are a lot smaller than i expected :) thier a little over 4 weeks old right now and the one boy i held was a bit skittish. she says she handles them often, but im sure they'll need work still.
i pick them up maybe sunday, im debating...they'll only be 5 weeks old and she already pulled them from the mom, to young in my opinion...she also had her large rabbits on wire...she wonders why her flemish buck keeps getting sore hocks. :sigh:
also saw her french lops, which she had one boy, he was BEAUTIFUL! my friend fell in love with the girl she had running around in a playpen, though. she was as big as my daughter, lol.

i also made a list of things i needed to get ready for the two bunnies:
2-3 litter boxes (one for living room, my room, roomates room), a big water dish, a food dish, a kennel big enough to house both full grown, some toys (cat toys!)

then im out almost of hay and food...found Dalton in the closet this morning in the food bag. LOL. he is such a fatty....

So Sara has always been on the...not mean, but...angry? lol. she is very independent, doesnt like being touched or held and likes me only wheni have food. she has been free roaming and getting spoiled a lot. slept in my closet last night, guess it was comfy in there. well anyways, i walk out to the kitchen this morning at like 4 in the morning to make a bottle, and she follows me out, follows me back in. i didnt really think anything of it, just figured she was curious. then i go to the living room to let the dog out of his kennel and she runs out from the dining room (where the rabbits and chis are) and nudges my foot then runs off. she is still grunting at me and hasnt charged again, but she seems...nicer?

then Ess was happy to see me, came and greeted me. and Dalton stole my banana...
k so pictures of the buns, plus the chins.

Dalton...hes always so calm. when out he just finds a wall and plops down and goes to sleep. eat and sleep...hes such a boy!



Sara...she has calmed down a lot last few days. actually lets m epick her up now and took her to petsmart with me yesterday and she fell asleep in my arms

4912.jpg lovebug

old picture os Ess when he was following me around the house...he isnt so attached anymore, this is when he started lightning up...he used to be the color of his ears and nose, but he got a lot lighter on his body


Chrysanthemum...aka Chrissy





ChiChi...we were thinking about names and nothing but chi chi ever stuck. heres this boy. hes a rescue. Chrissy was froma breeder, i fell in love with her picture on craigslist.


Chrissy is a bit bigger than Chi Chi but also about 6 months older.



and this is my monkey :) Charlee. she is nine months old as of yesterday. growing up SOOOO fast
Went and got a kennel yesterday for the new buns, i hope itll be big enough for them, if not...then dang. getting ready for the boys. picking them up sunday or monday...but going to southern MO and camping with a friend all weekend, so dont know if were picking the boys up on the way back or not. im excited. still need to go get some food, though

got another cage for Sara so she doesnt run around everywhere but i set it up at my parents (needed the tools) and found out it wouldnt fit in my car.
she went to petsmart and target with us (had to be in the baby bag in target and she slept the whole time there. she got a lot of love...which isnt normal for her cause she kicks and grunts and scares people.she nipped a couple times then was fine.

been talking to my roomie about a bunny at a shelter in KCMO named Brumby. i had been looking at him about 2 months ago before i started looking for english lops/flemish giants.
this is from his foster mom. dont know if i can get him now that im geting these 2 boys, but i want to go see him and take dalton with me....i must be insane with 5 rabbits in the apartment, a dog, a cat, a baby, and 2 chins...and wanting another big bunny :) they make me happy though, being a single mom thier kinda my getaway hobby that i can do for me.

Hello Brenda,I’m sorry for my delayed response to your inquiry about Brumby. My only computer access is at my work and it has been a busy week so far.

I foster Brumby who was rescued from the Lee Summit Shelter in line to be euthanized. We had him neutered on Feb 19th. It will take him awhile to lose the mating drive but he is slowly coming around. He constantly spayed me whenever I got near him and he would attach himself to my leg when I was in his pen to feed or clean. He is a very active, high-energy boy. I know we have him as a French Lop on our website, but he doesn’t really have the French Lop head or body. He definitely is a mix breed; I believe a mix of a Lop and maybe a New Zealand Black. The vet thought he was between 1 and 2 years of age. He weights 7.9 lbs. He has only one ear that is down like a Lop, the other sticks straight up in the air. He is an obvious mix, a real Brumby!! As I said, he is settling down somewhat to where his personality can come through. He likes to be petted on the ground and will tolerate being picked up for a short period of time. He does not get along too well with any of my other bunnies just now; he is pretty aggressive still, but I believe that will change somewhat in another 3 months or so. (You had mentioned that you had other bunnies at home.) His litter habits are pretty good since he has quit spraying. He is very curious and wants to investigate everything!!! He eats well and likes his Timothy hay, Pellets, salad greens, parsley, cilantro, carrot, broccoli and kale. He also likes a tiny bit of apple, banana, grape, blue berry or cranberry as a special treat once in awhile. He has a lot of character and will stretch as high as he can for a kiss on his nose.

sent me this one today, cause i inquired about if she still had him and how he had been doing since being fixed

He is still in my foster care and has not been adopted as yet. He looks more like a New Zealand Black then he does French Lop. He has the long body and head of the New Zealand and less like a Lop. I don’t believe we have him represented correctly on our web site.

He is less driven by the mating instinct now and is focused on exploring, running and testing his boundaries. He is a master of escape and I have had to devise a new system to keep him in his 4’ high pen when I am not home! He doesn’t like going back in his pen when play time is up. I came home one afternoon and he greeted me at the bottom of the steps; he had been chasing the cat!!!

Several people have been interested in him as a possible bond for their single female bunny but none have been the easy ‘love at first sight’ yet. He gets very excited around other bunnies. He is bigger then some of the bunnies that were looking for a mate and his over zealous attitude could erupt into a spat if not closely watched. I still think that he will continue to calm more in another month.

He loves attention and likes to be petted. His litter box habits are good. He is a good eater and I imagine he will put on a bit more weight.

He is a sweet boy.

so i still have yet to see pictures of him, but she is going to try and get me some. Brumby would be my first official rescue bunny from an adotpion group. :)
well, spent the weekend down in southern, MO. my buns were excited to see me when i got home. mainly cause they got treats :)
picked up the new boys yesterday. the bigger one i named Fallow and im waiting for my roomie to name to smaller one. Fallow is a bit shy, not very outgoing, but once you have him he loves being scratched on his nose.
the no named baby, he is a bit smaller, very outgoing. nudges me for more scratches and even ignores the cat and dog when they get in his face.
thier surprisingly easy to tell apart. Fallow has a small rip on the tip of his right ear, and has a mainly black belly with black face, while his brother is smaller, and has little black and the agouti on his face.
will get pictures.

still need to talk to my roomie about Brumby. i need to go see him then after we see what my roomie says. he is a beautiful boy. ill post pictures they sent me roomie said yes to Brumby, now i just have to decide if i have time for another bunny. right now, with no job i say yes. money-wise, yes. space is my main issue. its a 2 bedroom apartment and the chins and the trio are in thedining room, while the new boys are in the living room next to the dogs kennel.

anyways, i have time to think about it. the next adoption event isnt until may 9th. but here are some pictures. hes a lovely boy








decided not to get Brumby.
im fighting off Staph again and just isnt ideal right now, meaning Sara might also be pregnant. joy.
kk...sooo...Dalton has turned into a house bunny. he was before i got him for almost a year, no cage at all. he is now running around my room and slept in the closet last night. he gets along great with the boys also so i can let them out in my room too. the boys are working on litter training and doing very good. still poop outside the litter box, but always pee in it. and they are very long as you have cheerios.

My daughter had been trying to catch Dalton all morning :) he tolerates her more than anyone else.




Dalton doing what he does best, laze about

at almost six weeks





9.5 weeks old

Fallow on top, Blake, and Dalton


Blake, Dalton, and Fallow


Dalton's butt




Fallow again


Blake to the left, Dalton, then Fallow
the rabbits got changed onto purinca rabbit chow, it goes a lot farther than other brands, and at the feed store better priced.

the two boys, Blake and Fallow, are doing amazing. i got them, had them for a week, gone for two weeks, and came back they didnt know me. understandable. they love my roomie though, which is good cause the dog and cat hate him. but last night they ran around all afternoon and night and did very well, minus a couple carpet digging incidents. and Fallow crawled into my lap a couple times.
Charlee chases them and it freaks them out, but Dalton is slow and so lets her pull on him a bit.
and cute picture of Sara

dont know if shes prego or not..shes not getting any bigger but who knows.
aquired a kitten, who we have named Martini. she was a sorta rescue from a hoarding house with three litters who were slowly dying off. we got her at 4-5 weeks old last week. she has distemper but the form is treatable. last night found her cuddled up next to my dog, ty. it was super cute. her being so small and him being so big.

also dog watching a friends dog-pitbull boxer, great little dog. shes about 11 months old and her and my dog play constantly.

had the boys out last night and they got a lot of attention. Fallow cuddled on the couch with me on his back, kept nudging me for cheerios. hes insane about them. blake is more outgoing but is a lot more independent than his brother. Dalton is house bunny now, tends to stay in the closet but the kitten will go in and play with him, and he tolreates it quit well.

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