Attention all Bunnies and Bunny slaves. I am Fraggles and I am running for president!

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Fraggles, I have to say that at first I supported your campaign, and then I supported Harmony. However, I disagree with you both on some critical points. Allow me to lay them out here for you (bunny flop style), and if you will accept me, I would be willing to run as a Keeper of the Peace/Concern for all types of bunnies (I think the job title needs a bit of work).

Neither of you have mentioned free vet care. What about us bunnies whose parents don't make enough money to really afford taking us to the vet, except in severe emergencies? If vet care was free (dare I say socialized?), all bunnies, regardless of parent's financial status would be able to go to the vet whenever they needed to.

Also, all bunnies should have equal access to food. There should be bunny food given to all of our parents that will contain all of the best stuff...every day. That way we never have to worry about somebunnies not having enough to eat or not ever being able to get treats.

Also, and most bunnies may disagree with me on this point, I would move away from calling our parents "slaves". While yes, they do our every bidding, the word slave has a bad history. I don't like bad histories. They're even worse than bad strawberries. I think we would have to work together to decide what to call our owners, but I would state that they need a new term.

And finally, there will be no laws on the bodies of bunnies. Ever. Bunnies should be able to choose whomever they want to love, regardless of size, breed, or gender. We should never be forced into shows, nor should we be forced to breed and have babies. There are a lot of baby bunnies out there who need homes already. If I say no to breeding, I mean no! And this whole business of shows? If a bunny doesn't want to brush their fur or lose an ounce, their humans shouldn't make them.

So there. What do you think, Fraggles? Can I run in your campaign?
Uh... Hmm... Uhm...

I- uhh... I- hmm...

I Harvey do not like bunny leads... hmm sometimes... No..
all the time... maybe most of the time... yeah... Most times.

can you emil... elil.. imul..elim.. eliminate them forEVA
Fraggles when you're president! :biggrin: ...yeah forever...
qtipthebun wrote:
Also, and most bunnies may disagree with me on this point, I would move away from calling our parents "slaves". While yes, they do our every bidding, the word slave has a bad history. I don't like bad histories. They're even worse than bad strawberries. I think we would have to work together to decide what to call our owners, but I would state that they need a new term.

I'm with you on this, Q. I've been thinking that it would bother people whose ancestors were involved in slavery, one way or another. I think servants is a better term, but maybe there is an even better one someone can suggest.
At our house it is mommy and daddy, with us being the kids. It confuses some people, but since there are no human children (thank goodness! they might pull our ears!) it works for us. I think it also gets us more treats because we are the babies that never grow up :p
Hopefully Fraggles will come to her senses and pick you up as a running mate and dump that octopus in thin desguise, Ink. Then again, she might have to go with Muppet since they are sisters. Tricky situation now.
I have no problem running against her if she picks the octopus over me. I would offer to squish the octopus with my paw, but I believe in non-violence in all situations!
Tisk tisk...... Still hating on the Octopus huh? I thought we decided to drop the whole Octopus issue when I chose Ink the rabbit as my running mate. Q-tip you have a lot of great points but your very young. Plus do you even live with an Octopus? Well I do! Which makes me qualified to be president.
*sigh* oh Fraggles, when will you learn? Until you drop Ink the octopus in drag my vote will have to go to any REAL rabbit.

Qtip, what would you say to having Becky or Cinderella as your running mate? They are both 5 so they have more experience. Plus, they bring in the rescue vote to go with your breeder vote. Together we could have it all

*evil laughter from Houdini* You may call me a Peakenise, but I'm a REAL bun, unlike certain "rabbits" named Ink. It would serve you right if my wife beats you. :p
Fraggles...worse than an octopus, I live with a parrot! It's like an octopus...only it can talk. And it says annoying things. So I think I know all about housemates who aren't fit to run in a presidential campaign.

Hmm, Becky and Cinderella...I do need a runningmate....the question is, do either of you agree with my politics....
Qtip, our whole warren agrees with your platform. We are a free loving group of buns. Both Becky and Cindi have needed serious vet care so they understand the seriousness of access. They feel very lucky to have parents that can afford their care and an excellent vet to take care of them. They feel every bun should be so lucky.

Healthy treats and free flowing greens are extremely important. We want to make sure everybun has the joy of eating wonderful, healthy vegetables. We support our local SPCA by sharing greens, hay, and toys but we can only do so much on our own. We even graciously share our mommy's time so the poor incarcerated buns, through no fault of their own, can have some comfort as well.

As stated in a previous post, in our warren we do not use the term slave. We prefer parents. Sometimes mommy has to do something we do not like that is for our own good like trimming toe nails. If they were slaves we would all have very long nails and end up with sore feet. Historically slaves also did not love their masters, where we love mommy and daddy very much and they love us.

Freedom of body is very important. The four of us havethe opportunity to play together when ever we want without being forced to have babies. We are also relieved that mommy refused to sell Houdini for his fur when someone wanted to buy him, we would have missed our friend so much. If buns enjoy showing then by all means, strut your stuff. We prefer to remain more low key so we don't like to model. We do enjoy going to the park in our stroller so we get fresh air but stay safe. That's just how we roll.

As a bonus, the others of the warren, plus to honorary turtle members for going under cover, will be at your disposal.


As for a party name, how about Whole World Warren? We could be the triple W party :)
Mini-Lop, which bunny is the second one over (next to the angora?) That little one looks like it could be my twin, so if cute-Q-tip-looking-bunny wants to run as my running mate....

I think we've got a pretty good platform going. Think we can campaign to beat Fraggles?
That is Cinderella, she would be honored to be your vice president:)

I think we should challenge Fraggles to a debate on the issues and set an election date where RO members can vote :)
Poor Fraggles always getting picked on :( Poor Tattoo for being so misunderstood (his dinner offer to the shrimp still stands though) And poor Ink who just thinks your all jealous of his perfect tail. Ink would also like to invite the shrimps to a dinner party if they really can't make Tattoo's.

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