I have two rabbits currently, Gatsby and Skips. Gatsby is just shy of 17 weeks and Skips is 12 weeks old. I never incorporated alfalfa and was curious if I still should. All opinions are welcome but please try to be kind.
Alfalfa is very sweet and can be hard to get a rabbit to eat timothy (or any kind of adult hay). As long as the rabbits get alfalfa pellets, there is no need to feed alfalfa hay.
Just wanted to mention that if you plan to switch the pellet feed, you'll need to do it gradually by mixing the old with the new over a period of time. So don't wait until you are totally out of the old to switch to the new. Here is how to transition.
Also, your rabbits seem to be of the age when greens are beginning to be introduced. As they transition to a diet that includes daily greens, it is best to avoid treats altogether. Once they are on a daily diet that included 2-4 cups of greens, then some treats can be added. There are very few treats for sale that are considered good for rabbits. The one you showed isn't terrible but does have cane molasses and preservatives. Check here for treat ideas (and amounts).