
Rabbits Online Forum

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  1. Bcwildex

    Help gendering rabbit?

    Hi! I posted here a few months ago after my rabbit had a litter, for help with gendering and the replies I received were very helpful! I decided to keep one of the bunnies, and now he is now just over 4 months old — however I’ve been keeping an eye on him and his testicles do not appear to...
  2. Bcwildex

    Help gendering baby rabbits?

    Hi! First time posting here and in need of help. My kits are 7 weeks old at the minute but I am struggling to determine their sex. They’re mini lop x lionhead mix so they’re v small. Here is a link to images of their parts: I’ve also attached the pics to this post —each pic has their names so...
  3. C

    Help with bunny gender

    Hello! We recently adopted a 9 week old holland lop, and aren’t sure of its sex. Here is a photo: Please help! Thanks
  4. E

    Sex of Bunny

    Would anyone be able to help me tell the sex of my bunny? I have done research but I’m having trouble determining whether or not it looks more like a male or a female. It is 13 weeks old. Thank you!
  5. H

    Help in sexing my 5mo rabbit (pt 2)?

    I finally got some clearer pics of Hendrix's hindquarters. Still not sure of his (?) gender but I think he's a boy from these pics. I also think I can feel tiny testicles under his fur but I definitely can't see them. Is it possible to tell from these pictures? Thanks so much for your help.
  6. H

    Can you guys help in sexing my rabbit?

    I've had Hendrix since early May- I got him when he was 7 weeks old! I've always just called him a boy, I don't know why. I didn't want to trance him to find out his real gender because I know that can be scary and dangerous for rabbits if not done by a professional. I was planning on waiting...
  7. Rosy

    identifying rabbits gender

    Hi all. Two of my bunnies are around 8 weeks old and i would like to identify what sex they are. They are currently living together and obviously, if they are of opposite genders, i would not want a surprise litter. What is the best way to do this? What is the best way to hold them? I will post...
  8. Brie Prsnk


    My past rabbit that passed away a month ago was always assumed to be a male. We got him from a small local pet shop about 10 years ago at 6 months old. The pet store just assumed so his whole life he was a he but... one day I picked him up and he had nipples that you could feel and they were...
  9. E

    Gender id

    Can Somebody help me to id the gender from my baby bunnies? 2/3 seem to be the same gender I am not that Good into it that is why i prefer a second opinio Sorry of this does not belong here
  10. Brittini

    Gender of 8 week old Holland lop

    I need help identifying gender of my 8 week old purebred Holland lop. I was told buck, but the gentials are sloped toward the anus and there is a clear slit on the genitals. 20190721_192810 by Brittini posted Jul 21, 2019 at 7:39 PM
  11. E

    Is it a boy or a girl?

    Hey hey, I got a new baby bunny but got some trouble id the gender. Who can tell me if it is a boy or a girl? I suspect him 2 be around 3/4 months and don't see any testicals at all yet
  12. apryl

    am i able to get another bunny/what gender is my current one?

    hello, so i have a dwarf hotot bunny and i tried getting her a friend a couple times but they each died and it messed with me pretty bad. i think i might have figured out why but i’m not sure. so before, i had a black dwarf male. a year or two later, someone had found two wild newborn baby...