
Rabbits Online Forum

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  1. 3

    Fighting - Please help - new owner of 3 female buns

    Hello! I’m hoping someone might be able to give me some advice with my buns. We have 3 females from the same litter, approx 4 months old. They’ve been brilliant - until now - and two are fighting 😞 furious chasing, fur going everywhere. Happened three times, between grooming and sleeping...
  2. D

    HELP!! Biting and moving her pen

    How can I stop my rabbit (14week female) from biting her pen and moving it around? The pen is attached to her cage and she has normal access to it most of the day apart from through the night. She has been really good with her routine for the past 5 weeks of having her, but now she makes so much...
  3. Crazyclare

    What sex

    My babies will be 4 week old on Saturday wondering if anyone knows roughly from pictures what sex they could be.
  4. X

    How do I stop my spayed bunny peeing on my pillows?

    My 4 month old bunny keeps peeing on my pillows, I'm really confused as she's spayed which I thought would stop marking, She's totally free roam, I don't have a cage for her, and I can't afford one She normally sleeps on my bed at night on one pillow while I sleep on the other, she'll be fine...
  5. T

    Bonding Aggresive/Stubborn female Bunnies

    Hi. So I have two spayed female bunnies both roughly around 2 years old. I have tried bonding them multiple times doing different methods but to no avail. 1st time (3months) This was when I acquired the second bunny Dr.Yang. I set their enclosure next to each other but to make they do not...
  6. Lemony4

    Dewlap size linked to age in unspayed females?

    Hi all, I adopted my female rabbit 2 years ago from a shelter. She was found on the street so they had no idea how old she was. However she did arrive unspayed and they told me that due to her dewlap being pretty small, that was an indicator that she was young-- around 2 or younger. I suppose if...
  7. cosmoluna

    When can I officially call my bunnies bonded?

    Hi Everyone!! I’m so excited to finally say after 4 long months of separation and bonding dates, my two buns have FINALLY figured it out and have been living together in a pen for the past 4 days. I have not had to separate them, there has been no fighting, nipping, or aggression. On Friday...
  8. J

    Age females stop conceiving....

    So I ran into an issue last night. I purchased a rabbit from someone who claims they had lots of experience with rabbits and was sure that this rabbit I was purchasing was a female. I already have an unspayed female at home so I was hoping that I could give my Thumper a friend for while I am...
  9. cosmoluna

    Trying to mount, turns into a tornado?

    Hi- so after 2 months of bonding through an X pen, I have been reintroducing my two fixed bunnies after my female was spayed. They went 24 hours together free roaming with no fighting, lots of grooming, cuddling, and binkying, but last night my female started trying to mount my male since she is...
  10. Tabi

    Bunny won't stop humping new baby bunny?

    Hi everyone, I have a question regarding my 5 year old mini lop cross. We recently had his bonded female Luna pass away, and he was absolutely distraught. He has been incredibly needy so we decided to adopt a new baby bunny. He's been licking her and sleeping with her, and she's been cuddling...
  11. cosmoluna

    bunny digging at other bunny after spay?

    hi all- so yesterday morning my bunny luna got spayed. before this, luna and cosmo (male) would free roam in my room 24/7 together happily with no fighting for around 3 months. just grooming, cuddling, and playing. when luna returned from surgery, she was really cold all over and i had to stay...
  12. M

    Spayed Pair of Females Fighting All of a Sudden.

    Hi, Brand new to this forum and I need some help. I have 2 female rabbits (Unsure of breed I'm afraid). We got them around 7 months ago. They were both in the pet store together and had already bonded. They were already very close and this is why we got both as we did'nt want them to be...
  13. Savannah Gerdes

    Can my rabbit have a miscarriage?

    About a week ago my male rabbit broke out of his cage while my female rabbit was out. They're not hostile to each other and are quite friendly so I can only assume they mated. Last night he broke out once again and most likely mated again. Is it likely my female wont have babies? I thought that...
  14. cosmoluna

    Will my baby female rabbit fight my neutered male once she reaches sexual maturity?

    So around 3 weeks ago I adopted an 8 week old female holland lop as a companion for my 9 month old neutered male holland lop. I tried everything I heard about bonding, and for some reason it was love at first sight and the 2 are inseparable. my male grooms her, they cuddle, eat together, and he...
  15. LetaRayn

    What is this?

    Hello guys Today when I picked up my rabbit I noticed something near the private eara and I didn't know what is it? When I bought it they told me she is a female but know I think she is a male so I will put some pictures to the private eare and I hope you guys know what is it? Is there...
  16. EmilyJayneHarlow


    I have a 2 year old male, dwarf lop (he is neutered), and I’m thinking of getting a female mini lop. I’m wanting to get a baby, as I had my male from a baby, What’s the best way to bond the two? Does the age make a difference to bonding?. My male seems a bit lonely sometimes so wanting to...
  17. Rachel Hill

    Is this Bad????

    I've had Grey (Male//Lionhead) for about 6 months and I just adopted Millie (Female//Dutch) about 2 weeks ago. Is it bad that I have my cages set up so they can see and smell each other? I have to keep them separated for a while until Grey gets neutered at the beginning of next month, but I want...
  18. S

    My rabbit became aggressive after being spayed

    Hello! I have two female rabbits, Nene and Kuu, that are about three years old. These two are sisters and they used to constantly be next to each other, grooming, and sleeping together. There were times when Nene would chase after Kuu - she never fights back - and that was when we decided to...
  19. T

    Rabbit extremely agreesive

    hi, I have had my rabbit Tonks for two years. She was around 8 months old when I brought her home from the rabbit society. She has been spayed, has an extra larger dog cage, unlimited supply of hay, pellets recommended by my society, a cup and a half of Romaine lettuces everyday with a...
  20. Jessica08033

    baby bunny poop

    Hello, I just recently got a two month old female bunny. I’ve never had such a young bunny before. Her poop is mushy and it is in big clumps. I believe it’s tiny little balls all mushed together but it also really smells. It’s very different from my older bunny. Is this normal?