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  1. Bella Von Hoppenheimer

    How to accommodate for bunny losing her sight?

    Thanks that's helpful! I've been considering switching to low-sided litter boxes anyway because both buns are getting older and sometimes have trouble hopping over.
  2. Bella Von Hoppenheimer

    How to accommodate for bunny losing her sight?

    I'm not sure if I should put this in the Health and Wellness forum, because it's not exactly a medical issue that I can fix. I just want to put the question out there in case anyone has any advice. Bella has cataracts and the vet says she'll probably be blind within the next year or so. What...
  3. Bella Von Hoppenheimer

    Possible Stasis?

    Woohoo she's eating hay and seems to be back to normal! I'm still going to keep an eye on her to make sure she drinks water and poops, but hopefully this was just a little upset and she'll be fine. She doesn't usually get stressed or stop eating if I'm away for a while, but maybe it was a combo...
  4. Bella Von Hoppenheimer

    Possible Stasis?

    Okay thanks! I had forgotten about the baby gas drops, but I have some that I might try later. I just gave her a massage and force-fed some critical care and now she's munching on some lettuce. I'll wait and watch now to make sure she starts eating hay.
  5. Bella Von Hoppenheimer

    Possible Stasis?

    I was gone for a couple days and made sure to leave the bunnies plenty of water and hay, but when I got back, Bella wouldn't eat her favorite treats. I've offered her banana and blueberries, but she won't touch them. Bella hops around if I bother her a bit, but then she hunkers or lays down in a...
  6. Bella Von Hoppenheimer

    Help! I can't groom my bunny

    This is helpful thank you! I've always done grooming in "sessions", and I have to do it that way for Bella because she doesn't like being petted, but Vinny loves it and will hunker down on the floor for as long as I'm willing to pet him.
  7. Bella Von Hoppenheimer

    Help! I can't groom my bunny

    My bunny Vinny has never enjoyed being groomed, but he put up with it, until recently. He's started actively trying to jump off of the table while I'm brushing him. I've tried giving him hay and treats while I groom, but he's not really food motivated. I've tried building barriers out of...
  8. Bella Von Hoppenheimer

    Peeing outside litter box, but only at night?

    Okay it's been a while and I've tried a few things including a night light, cleaning the spot every day, rewarding them when they go on the box, etc, but nothing has really worked. And then they started going outside the box during the day as well! So I didn't know what to do and I was ready to...
  9. Bella Von Hoppenheimer

    Peeing outside litter box, but only at night?

    The vision thing is a possibility. I noticed that one of Bella's eyes looks a little bit cloudy and I'm taking her to the vet this weekend to check it out. I am going to set up a night light tonight and see if that makes a difference.
  10. Bella Von Hoppenheimer

    Peeing outside litter box, but only at night?

    I noticed a couple weeks ago that the bunnies had started occasionally going right next to the litter box. I had read somewhere that they can get confused by smells and "miss" the box, and the best thing to do is clean the area around the box and reinforce where they're supposed to poo. Their...
  11. Bella Von Hoppenheimer

    Hi there!

    I've been a bunny mom for two years now and I absolutely love my little cuties! Their names are Bella and Vinny Von Hoppenheimer. They live in my sun room (which doesn't actually get much sun lol) with daily play sessions in the living room.