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  1. Fran & Gabriel

    Mushy/watery stool HELP!

    Hi @kdhall ! Ever since I got Gabe I noticed that he wouldn't drink as much as my previous rabbits but I thought it was due to the colder UK weather ( I used to live in Italy). Since his teeth operation though he has been drinking more ! :) It could be that his abnormal teeth would make it...
  2. Fran & Gabriel

    Mushy/watery stool HELP!

    @Thumperina :D ahahah my grandparents as well! But I am glad that research on rabbits health is advancing ( even if very slowly compared to dogs and cats), Thank you for your kind words!:)
  3. Fran & Gabriel

    Mushy/watery stool HELP!

    UPDATE Gabe's dental operation was successful ( at least for now, we will see if the teeth roots were all removed successfully). He still poops somewhat mushy but he is still taking the meds. We will see how that goes. Thanks to everybody answering me !! <3
  4. Fran & Gabriel

    Mushy/watery stool HELP!

    Hi JBun, Thank you for your reply!:) It has been a couple of hectic days but now Gabe is in a stable condition. In the end I brought him to the vet since he also seemed to be in pain and the vets kept him overnight. I have to give him Metoclopramide, Cisapride and Metacam for a week ( I'm not...
  5. Fran & Gabriel

    Mushy/watery stool HELP!

    Hello it's Fran&Gabriel again. Apologies for the long post This morning I saw that Gabe drops mushy/watery stool. After a quick search online I am freaking out since it says that its an emergency and the bunny can die within 12 hrs. A quick health history for Gabe (small netherland dwarf...
  6. Fran & Gabriel

    Cryptorchid Bun (undescended testicles) spay or not spay?

    Hi Popsicles! Thank you for your interest :) Gabriel is going to be neutered in a month time. My little bunny had already a lot of health problems :( he suffers from malocclusion ( his mandible is longer that his upper jaw) and had his teeth burred down by the vet last week. Plus he also found...
  7. Fran & Gabriel

    Cryptorchid Bun (undescended testicles) spay or not spay?

    Thanks for the info! I had him seen from 3 different vets by now and they were all puzzled XD the last one saw with an ultrasound that there are indeed undescended small testicles. I will definitely consider neutering him then if is not such an invasive procedure :) !
  8. Fran & Gabriel

    Cryptorchid Bun (undescended testicles) spay or not spay?

    Hello everybody, my little netherland dwarf Gabriel (6 months old) has undescended testicles. I have no problem with his behaviour ( he doesn't hump or spray urine) and he is the only rabbit in the house. I was wondering if removing the testicles is still necessary, I'd rather not risk a complex...