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  1. A

    Temporary Cage

    Hi, we are currently putting house on market and will have pictures and tours. I need to clean well today and need to unfortunately put my buns in a cage. I was given one but I feel it is too small. I would like advice. This would be temporary. I hate having to do this too. What size should I get?
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    Neutering my rabbit

    Hi everyone. It has been about 4 years now. I finally decided to adopt a rabbit from a neighbors daughter. They told me the bun was a girl. I made an appointment for the vet for nail trims and an exam. Found out he is a boy. I have never had a tabbut spayed or neutered and im at odds on what to...
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    Should I get another rabbit?

    I just lost a rabbit a week ago and my Maria is all alone. Is is wrong of me to want to get another one to keep her company? Or should I give Maria away? She has already lost two friends.. I just hate seeing her by herself.
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    Bye Thumper..

    She started having urinary tract issues which I thought were cleared up. Almost 2 months or so later I thought she was getting it again. My brother called me and my boyfriend how she was laying there not moving. I left work early to take her to the closest vet opened on a Sunday. They were going...
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    How do I give my rabbits medicine successfully?

    I read a post where someone injected lettuce with medicine. I have two rabbits, one with snuffles and the other an upper repository infection. I went to an exotic vet. Its very difficult to give them medicine with the syringe. When my boyfriend is available to help me, its easier because he is...
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    Snuffles or something else?

    For almost 2 years now my rabbit Maria has been to 4 vets. One insisted it was a tear duct issue, one other thought it may be a tooth issue (but her teeth or fine), one other gave her medicine and she seemed better then not so much, last one thinks its snuffles, but I'm not sure it is...