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  1. Blue eyes

    Jerk Bunnies

    I assume your rabbits and hutches are outdoors. Please provide your location on your profile per forum policy. @Preitler is an experienced one for housing and breeding multiple outdoor rabbits. He may be able to offer some opinions. (Outdoor housing with multiple rabbits is much different than...
  2. Blue eyes

    Unsuccessful bonding (aggression)

    ok. When were they first allowed together? Usually after a tornado fight, the chances of a successful bond are slim. If you wanted to continue to try, my suggestion would be to completely separate them so that they are out of sight and smell of each other. The idea here is to have them apart...
  3. Blue eyes

    Unusual rabbit poop

    Cecotropes look like grape clusters. Eventually your rabbit will get the idea and after that you will likely never see one again. They will be eaten directly. There is no need to alter her diet because of this. She is too young to be getting any greens if she had not already been eating them...
  4. Blue eyes

    Unsuccessful bonding (aggression)

    For how long has T been neutered? Perhaps the bonding attempt started too soon after their surgeries. It can take awhile for hormones to settle after surgery and those hormones can negatively affect any bonding attempts.
  5. Blue eyes

    New Member Hello!

    Welcome to the forum!
  6. Blue eyes

    Alcoholic Rabbit!??!?

    Haha. Never experienced this! Perhaps it's the scent attracting him.
  7. Blue eyes

    Massive guilt in hindsight

    Welcome to the forum. I'm glad you found a place with other rabbit people who can relate. Reading your story, it seems that there are factors that are unknown. Unless you have a necropsy, there really isn't a sure way to know what actually caused Minky's demise. You mentioned she was sitting...
  8. Blue eyes

    Breed identification help

    What are their ages?
  9. Blue eyes

    naturalistic rabbit set up?

    I guess if your pot is well established, then there isn't a need for the mesh. :) The mesh might be needed for newly growing plants that can be chewed down til they're dead. Your pot looks nicely thick and full!
  10. Blue eyes

    naturalistic rabbit set up?

    Some of those could be artificial plants. But I have seen people use a metal hardware mesh over a pot that the plant can then grow through. That way, even if the rabbit chews down to the mesh, it won't get to the root and the plant can regrow. I'll look for a photo to show better. I also love...
  11. Blue eyes

    Bonding (Intact) Male rabbits

    Yup. But I assume your males were neutered? OP was talking about intact males. ;) [I'll clarify that in their title]
  12. Blue eyes

    Problem with fruit flies/gnats

    Thank you for posting. I can see some changes you could try to make to (hopefully) help out with the issue. I would start with changing to either wood pellets or recycled paper pellets for litter. Pellets (as opposed to shavings or shredded paper) are much more absorbent. But it isn't just the...
  13. Blue eyes

    Problem with fruit flies/gnats

    Could you post a photo of your rabbit's cage setup?
  14. Blue eyes

    Bonding (Intact) Male rabbits

    Neutered male rabbits have the potential to get along. Intact... highly unlikely. What is likely is that they may seem totally ok together while the little one is little. Once those hormones kick in, well that'll be a whole different story. The difficulty for you is that it will be easy to...
  15. Blue eyes

    Dang, now I have to cage them all ....

    Nice looking pumpkins!
  16. Blue eyes

    Water: reverse osmosis vs well water

    I would second the idea of getting your well water tested-- not just for your rabbit's sake, but for the people too. Never know what might be in the ground water. We are also on well water and got it tested. Ours happens to have high levels of arsenic!! An RO system will do nothing to filter...
  17. Blue eyes

    Rabbit hemorrhagic disease

    There is a lot of info at the following thread as well (with links to current US maps of cases)...
  18. Blue eyes

    Hay feeder

    My way of feeding hay is putting it directly in the litter box and refreshing twice daily. I used to be hesitant to feed hay that way when I first heard of that idea. But it turned out that it works just great. They won't eat soiled hay but they get hay quite easily. There are some other...
  19. Blue eyes

    New Bun Momma here!

    Welcome to the forum!