Sadie and Bartleby pen 5.25 x 3.5 ft
Opals pen 5.25x4 ft my foster bunny
Opal Playing in Pen Video
And Totoro who is completely free roaming during the day but we put a tempt gate up at night.
We blocked off that door in our living room during winter hence the weird blankets up in the...
Bartleby AKA Burt is a lop/angora mix. He's about 7lbs, and of course very cute. He needs to go to his forever home where he will be loved and appreciated as the special boy he is. He's been neutered, and can be housed with other rabbits; although he comes on really strong the first meeting (he...
I have an unaltered female netherland, and she cannot be spayed. I am fostering a dwarf hotot who was neutered last Thursday, and her and him live in cages side by side- they groom, lay together, and they play through the cage. I really want to know how long I need to wait before letting them...
My husband I had a debate on her name. We've decided on Eartha Kit, as I wanted a diva name for her, but I didn't want to call her Beyonce like my husband was calling her. My husband refused to call her Mae as he had an ex named that LOL
She is an insanely cuddly rabbit, she loves when you get...
I just want to make sure I've done everything I can. I'm use to dealing with underweight dogs or cats. All the rabbits I've dealt with haven't been this thin. So I just want to make sure everything is done to help her. She eats like she's never eaten a day in her life. It's really sad. She even...
She went to the vet, the lady that brought her to me took her to the vet. I've had lots of rabbits, and even some skinny ones I've rescued but they didn't need a special diet as they were just a little underweight, but this one is just skin and bones. Her fluff covers quite a lot, the vet was...
You might consider leaving food out they like in a really open place. You can often lure babies out with snacks as they will get hungry. when I'd get an escapee, I'd make a makeshift corral, put food on the inside, and keep watch in the dark till someone came in to get some noms. A bonded buddy...
I'm adopting a friend for Sadie and am supposed to get her tomorrow afternoon. However this bunny friend came from a previously abusive home. The sister of said abuser is bringing her to me because she couldn't stand seeing the bunny being treated badly anymore. The abuser didn't give her proper...
Honestly, your mom sounds like my grandfather. It wasn't until I told him that he would kill my dog, and I would never forgive him that he started feeding it better when I was away.
what is it about the parrot food she likes, is it because it's brightly colored? Because she could make treats...
Welcome to the clan of bunny slaves! You'll love having a bunny. They a very special pets to have. After I got my first one as a little kid, I've been addicted to bunnies. They are awesome!
Sadie and Gigi are best buddie, and they love each other a bunch. Gigi is a tiny little kitty of 7lbs, and Sadie is a chubby netherland at 3lbs. Wherever Sadie is, Gigi isn't far behind, and vice verse. (Sorry, my camera is a potato)
Sadie loves my husband more than me. She'd run away with him and marry him, and raise little kits with him is she could. She's got a serious crush on him and I'm so jealous. I want you to love me little bunny!
(Netherland dwarf/Siamese sable)
Hell yeah, and they'll bite hard. Reason why I tell people not to get buns for little kids. If you know about their nature though, they rarely bite. They only really bite when they are scared such as being lifted off the ground, redirecting their fear like if there's loud noises or a scary...
This is Sadie, my netherland siamese point. My husband got her for me a year and a half ago as a surprise. We'd just moved into our new house, and I remarked how much I missed having a rabbit (had my last one before her in 2015). Shortly after a lady showed up with Sadie and was told 'surprise'...