She may be legit, but for such a long drive, I'd give an ultimatum NOW. Photos - or cancel. My intuition is telling me that the rabbits are probably not worth the drive.
I've noticed that in some cases, vent disease pimples are yellowish and don't pop well. The pimples not caused by vent disease are generally white and clear up after carefully poking with pin and draining.
Dry white flakes usually indicate fur mites. Fur loss with a well defined border on skin could be a fungal infection. Because rabbits often sit with their ears back over their neck (which holds in heat/moisture) a bacterial infection can develop. I would consider treating for fur mites due to...
Double mane Lions have that fur pattern as young kits. It's where the heavier skirt will grow in.
We remove the doe from the litter at 5-6 weeks of age. The kits will continue to nurse far longer if left with the doe. We separate the litter by sex by 10 weeks of age.
I've seen grey stool in our rabbits with GI stasis, or on occasion, in apparently healthy rabbits. I would give him Nutri Cal (for cats/dogs) since he's off feed, and have him checked by a veterinarian if his appetite continues to be poor.