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  1. TK Bunnies

    HELP!!! I'm really scared about Teacup

    Ok so Teacup has been doing really well for these past couple days, we're still waiting for her 2nd vet appointment later this week. After school today I grabbed some cilantro and went up to check on the bunnies. Teacup was panting and breathing hard. I gave her the food and she ate it really...
  2. TK Bunnies

    Dry Pellets

    Ok I think I'll try 1/4 cup for each. There is a bit of a gap between Teacup and Vinagan in age. Teacup will be 9 this month and Vinagan will be 4 in April. I've always supported Purina, they bunnies liked it and they seemed healthy, but mabey it was just that we never really limited them. I...
  3. TK Bunnies

    Dry Pellets

    Teacup is 4 1/2 pounds and Vinagan's probably around 5 pounds, they both get a lot of exercise generally.
  4. TK Bunnies

    Amazing Website

    I just thought I'd share this with everyone: I LOVE THIS WEBSITE!!!! It is amazing!!! People from all over the world share recipes for free!! It's great, you can find just about anything you're looking to make on here, I made Kung Pao Chicken and He Jia...
  5. TK Bunnies

    Anyone make your own rabbit food

    I was just wondering if anyone makes there own rabbit chow? I like cooking and it's something I've never tried. Anyone on here do it? Or is it a bad idea?
  6. TK Bunnies

    Dry Pellets

    I was just at the vets yesterday with my adult rabbit Teacup, we found out that she has bladder stones caused by excess calcium in here diet. The culprit? Our dry rabbit pellets. So we've switched to Oxbow. So I have both a question and a warning for other rabbit owners. Warning:If you are...
  7. TK Bunnies

    HELP!!! I'm really scared about Teacup

    Once again thank you for all your help!!! :) Ok, we took her to the vet yesterday and were pleased to see her hopping around much more easily. Still she was peeing everywhere and there were spots of blood in some of her pee, plus that day I noticed she had a large bulge of skin hanging down...
  8. TK Bunnies

    HELP!!! I'm really scared about Teacup

    Ok I got an appointment with Dr.Mather at the Eau Claire Animal Hospital for tomorrow afternoon. Hopefully they'll be able to help
  9. TK Bunnies

    HELP!!! I'm really scared about Teacup

    Thank you for the link, we don't have any liquid ibprofin. I'm not sure how much she ways... Kali was a regular rex and sort of chubby and she weighted 8lbs, Teacup is a light normal sized mini rex, so what do you think she weighs.... mabey 4 lbs, 5? I'm going to call the vet now and see what...
  10. TK Bunnies

    HELP!!! I'm really scared about Teacup

    Pipp wrote: That's what really worried me, because she was down stairs on the 1st floor when my dad found her yesterdayand she and Vin live on the 2nd floor, my bedroom. All the bunnies are sort of scared of the stairs and she's only ever been down out of my room 4 or 5 times, Kali's snuck...
  11. TK Bunnies

    HELP!!! I'm really scared about Teacup

    I just went up to check on her as I just got off the bus. She was out from under the bed sitting between her waterdish and food bowl. She ate around 3 leaves of lettuce last night, some carrot this morning and possibly pellet food while I was at school. She said hello when I went up there and...
  12. TK Bunnies

    HELP!!! I'm really scared about Teacup

    Thank you, we think the thump was her falling down the steps. I'll see if we can take her to the vet tomorrow, my parents work and I have school, so it'll have to be in the afternoon. We always bring them veggies before we go to bed so mabey I'll bring up some lettuce and put it near her...
  13. TK Bunnies

    HELP!!! I'm really scared about Teacup

    She won't eat any hay, I offered her some but she just gave me an "are you crazy?" look. She sipped the water, but I don't think she's thristy anymore. She's peeing a lot more then what I think is normal, but I don't know. Her poops are exactly the same as they always were, not different at...
  14. TK Bunnies

    HELP!!! I'm really scared about Teacup

    Her poops are normal, and she always has a very noisy stomach. So you don't think it's a stroke?
  15. TK Bunnies

    HELP!!! I'm really scared about Teacup

    Ok, she's not glassy eyed and she's not really lethargic anymore. My mom is wondering if I should try offering her lettuce, since she really loves it to see if she'll eat. I just found some homemade canned pumpkin, I could put it in the blender, should I? Feed her or not? We don't have a...
  16. TK Bunnies

    HELP!!! I'm really scared about Teacup

    Ok, I just gave her the water in the syringe and she strech all the way out to reach me (without moving her hindlegs though, she can move them, but she's acting sore). She drank all the water and then twisted around to sniff the leg I was worried about. She's more active then she was a hour ago...
  17. TK Bunnies

    HELP!!! I'm really scared about Teacup

    Thank you all for the speedy reply. Just spend a while up there with her, and she seems a lot better, which is odd because it's only been about 30mins. She moved and even was grooming her face, she was examining the bed around her and said hellow to Vin. I lay down next to the bed to...
  18. TK Bunnies

    HELP!!! I'm really scared about Teacup

    I haven't been on this forum in a while but quick update: Kali was put to sleep this summer because of a tumor behind her eye, Vin is ok and I think Teacup may be dieing! :tears2: This morning around 2am my dad heard some thumping and thought I was sleep walking, so he got up to see what was...
  19. TK Bunnies

    Arugula and Swiss Chard

    Are Arugula and Swiss Chard ok for rabbits? My mom was wondering, and I've never heard anyone say anything about it so I thought I'd ask.
  20. TK Bunnies


    I was just upstairs hanging out with Teacup and Vin to see how they're taking life without Kali when I noticed Teacup scratching her shoulders. I know scratching is normal but when she did it I saw a tufted of fur go flying so I went over to her and put my hand on her shoulder and pulled the fur...