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  1. Ruth

    Peppermint oil..

    I'm glad to hear it! :)
  2. Ruth

    Peppermint oil..

    They could be fine, I think it would depend on how strong it is. Bunnies do well with peppermint itself, so if it's a vague enough smell, and not like just coming through the vents or something, I assume it would be alright. I tried using eucalyptus oil in a bath a few months ago. I was very...
  3. Ruth

    Urgent help

    I've only ever used ivermectin to treat pinworms and I used the edible paste/gel for horses. Rather than measuring it out, (I tried, it was practically impossible) I just use a pinprick and have never had any negative symptoms or side-effects. I don't know how it would go for treating other...
  4. Ruth

    Peppermint Tea

    I also give my bunnies some cold mint tea every once in a while. I use my own home-grown peppermint for tea and I used to have a bunny who loved eating the used tea leaves. Funny, but she did.
  5. Ruth

    Urgent help

    I'm so sorry! This is heartbreaking! Don't blame yourself! Even if that is the reason they are and sick (which it still might not be) and if you had known, you would have done everything to prevent it. It's not like this happened due to your lack of caring for your rabbits so don't fault...
  6. Ruth

    Little Evi is adjusting very well!

    Yeah! It's good to hear that she's adjusting well. It's cute that she follows you into the kitchen!
  7. Ruth

    Emergency vet won't take bunny -- she has a cold :(

    Oh my days. That is terrifying! I can't suggest anything you can do now. JBun had the best suggestions. Though I might recommend feeding her fresh oregano and mint leaves or even some cold mint tea as it helps clear up sinuses and get the blood running. It won't fix the issue but it might help...
  8. Ruth

    Unable to reintegrate little Evi.

    Haha! Yup, that's a problem. It's nice that they're warming up at least!
  9. Ruth

    Unable to reintegrate little Evi.

    That's such a sweet cat! Well that's probably the best you can do for now. I'm so sorry this happened. Rabbit bonds are weird and hard to deal with. I was saying try it the other way, letting Evi run around the girls while they are in the pen, I know there is a lot of them but it in my case...
  10. Ruth

    Spot the Rabbit

    We had a bit of a photo session today and my brother commented on how much he looked like one of the stuffed animals. So cute! Just thought I would post because pictures of other people's bunnies make my day. Hey if anyone else wants to post pictures of their bunnies underneath it could be fun
  11. Ruth

    Unable to reintegrate little Evi.

    I once had two girls who were bonded. One of them had to be taken out for a while and kept an eye on and when I put here back their bond had "broken." So they had a large pen with a hutch in it, and I put the one I was trying to reintegrate in the hutch and left them there for a day. I thought...
  12. Ruth

    I lost a pet rabbit to a fox -- question to others who have gone through this experience

    We have a large yard with free range chickens, geese, and sometimes I used to let my bunnies free range. However, I lost my favourite lop to some wild dogs in January. I often just let her out in the backyard and she would follow me around. Her cage was a hutch outside and one night she escaped...
  13. Ruth

    Questions about a female rabbit

    Huh... I would think they would at least wait till the babies were producing their own cecotropes which I read was around 8 weeks. I'm sure some start producing them earlier but still. I know in most states it is illegal to sell them before 8 weeks old and I always thought that was the reason.
  14. Ruth

    Questions about a female rabbit

    Yeah there's not really much on it, so when I stopped neutering/spaying my animals, about 10 years ago, it was definitely an experiment. I have heard there can be cases where they remain jerks, but out of the 7 girls I have had that hasn't been the case, especially if they were a sweet baby. I...
  15. Ruth

    Questions about a female rabbit

    I don't spay my rabbits and all of the girls I own that have been hormonal for a time have calmed down, so there is definitely hope. In my experience if they get that hormonal they are only a jerk for about a month or less, but my sister had one girl that was that way for a few months...
  16. Ruth

    Fatty sleeps weirdly and I find it cute

    They're so cute! The white one is really pretty and I love how grumpy the gray one looks in that cute pink dress
  17. Ruth

    Fatty sleeps weirdly and I find it cute

    That's so cute!
  18. Ruth

    Breed identification help

    Good luck! Last year I got a 2 year old lop who I don't think ever had her nails trimmed. They were curling and made her walk a little awkward so I knew I had to trim them immediately, but boy she was resistant. She only let me get 1 maybe 2 nails and then I had to leave her alone for a while...
  19. Ruth

    Holland lops

    I only got lops in recent years, and only one of them has had ear problems. Even then it hasn't been vet bad so far. With the one that is more prone to ear infections, I have heard it's best and in my experience it has worked, to keep an eye on and clean and massage their ears about once a...
  20. Ruth

    Help bunny with stuffed noses how to help - (RIP)

    I'm so sorry for your loss! I hope your other boy is safe!!