2008 ARBA Convention

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I am all packed and we are leaving at 4 am on Saturday. It will take 16 hours to get there UGH but we felt it was better for the bunnies to drive straight through so they wouldn't have to be in their carriers for two days.

I am showing 18 mini-rex, very excited, this is my first convention.


I know Roger (RAL Rabbitry) took BOV OTTER in Mini Rex!!

He alsotook 2nd and 4th placeOtter SR doe and 3rd place junior doe.

He took 7th placeJR black doe out of 86. I was thrilled for him! He's works so hard on his Mini Rex. He certainly deserved it.

I heard that Best In Show Open was a Belgian Hare!

Congrats Roger! My rabbits did o.k. My best was my Self Senior Doe Jersey Wooly took 8th out of 54.

I brought 2 Himalayans for my friend and she ended up winning Best of Breed! Boy was she shocked.

Monday during convention was not a good day, one of my junior woolies started having seizures and ended up having about 9 that day. But after talking to a few people, it was decided that she probably had low-blood sugar and I gave her some Cola. This actually helped and she ended up not having any more seizures. She is fine so far *knocks on wood*.

Because of this, I didn't get very many pictures but thats o.k. Had a good time regardless.

Wow! That's upsetting. Glad to hear the cola worked. Have to remember that. (Is that an issue with the woolies or smaller breeds?) Glad to hear she is OK so far.

Congrats on the 8 out 54! Excellent showing!
Sharon, glad to hear that the little woolie is OK!

Thanks Blue Giants and Sharon. I had a blast at my first convention. It was a little overwhelming but awesome to see some of the new breeds and varieties and to see breeds of rabbits that I haven't seen before.

Really wish I could go and see all the breeds and everything. I think it'd be cool to talk to people who are "in the Know". I think I'm just a fan of learning all I can about the animal's I care for.
OMG I am SO angry with myself! Lexi and I had planned to go to see all of the bunnies....... I forgot!!! :(
*hugs Sharon*

I know you work hard at this. I personally think your bunnies rock. I still want Chubbs. Man I would bunnynap him in a second.

Grats Roger that is awesome!

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