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Jan 16, 2006
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[align=center]This is the place for RO Veterans to play catch up! [/align]

[align=center]All Rabbits Only members registered from the board'sinception through to July 15th, 2005 -- a week after Carolyn's famed Bunny Boathouse Party-- can access this private room. [/align]
[align=center](Nobody else can see it!) [/align]

[align=center]So pull up a chair, relax, havesome refreshmentsand get on that keyboard andlet everybody know how you're doing! [/align]


[align=center]We willalso set aside aprivate area in our Chat Room! [/align]
[align=center](coming soon!)
[align=center](if you're a registered RO member, you can access it with your user name and password)[/align]


[align=center]Come on by and remember good times and good people!


[align=center]Who Is Carolyn? Who Is Pam Nock? Who is Buck Jones?[/align]

Welcome all!

I'm one of theoriginal RO members who came from the unmoderated Rabbits Only forumon Delphi which was started at least 10 years ago by Danielle Hayduk (editor of the defunct Rabbits Onlymagazine)akaZiggy143(The old forum still languishes in cyberspace). I have a copy of the 1999 "Who's Who in Rabbits" that was produced by Danielle listing the Rabbits.com magazine site and forum.

The Rabbits Onlyforum changed over March 2004 to the moderated format we are familiar with today.

Unfortunately, Danielle was an absentee owner and forum problems including lapseof contractforced moderators to start the new "Rabbits Online" forum recently.

"Buck Jones" (now deceased) and Carloyn were also two of the original members. Carolyn was the moderator of the forum when it switched over in 2004.



Hello Everyone!

I couldn't let a "Buck Jones" moment go by without stopping in! :) When I first joined in 2003, it was like a big family with Bunny Mommy and King Sherman always entertainingus with their hilarious stories! There wasBuck, Carolyn, Pam, Luvabun,m.e.,Tina and Apollo, Elf Mommy,My Bunny Boys (who has since changed her name - you know, my kids would really be confused if I changed my name every time I had a new kid! :X)There were others too, JimD, and Lissa...

When you were on everyday it was your "family time." It was your place to talk about your bunnies, to share your ups and downs, the bunny family was your life line if your bunny got sick. It was your cheering section when your bunny learned something new or youfound some new "thing"to try out. It was yourbunnypedia for those of us who were new to the careand upkeep of bunnies.And then we learned that it was a cycle... That it was our responsibility to learn and share with the "newbies" as they came on board. There was always far more giving than there was taking.

There was a lot of love. Not justbunny love. A lot of people love.

It was good to reminisce! Take care everybody! :hugsquish:


OHHH how exciting!!

With life whirling by at 100 kilometers a minute everyday, sometimes I loose sight of the things which helped me or were a constant by my side with those terrible 2's of girls'o'mine. Until today when I received an email from the forum telling me about this new area.

WELL...I have been a member since late 2004 I think? When I first took my bouncing baby bunnies home from a market in Taiwan. This site was INVALUABLE to a gal raising two of these furkids in a country where English was not the most spoken language! They have since flown back and forth once and now reside here in Canada in our lovely condo with their legal 'new' dad who loves them and gets frustrated with them as much as I do!

Hi Pam! Hi Rasberry :)

Hopefully others will post soon

Ciao for now, not forever...

Cher, Jezebel and Jaden
Hi everyone,

i really dont know what to say, i used to be extreamly active on here but over this summer i have rather negleted the whole forum! i hope to back on more frequently from now on!

Both my girls, Daisy and Dandy, are doing well, still hate each other and fighting through the bars as always though! :Xthey turned 4 in july, they are big girls now! lol
Hello everyone, Shannon a.k.a Ty-bee here! Like Raspberry I couldn't let the mention of Buck go by unnoticed!

Gosh I haven't been on here in forever. I can't even remember what was going on in my life the last time I stopped in...so I'll just update and if I repeat anything forgive me!

My hubby, Aaron returned from his last deployment in March 2006. Shortly thereafter he transfer out to a new NONdeployable unit. He'll be with this unit for 2 more years. Now he trains Marines coming out of boot camp. The hours are long but atleast he's not in Iraq right!

I had another baby this past February. The arrival of Emma Grace put us at 4 kids! The other kids adore her and for that I'm glad. She a great baby too...always happy...sure makes things easy for mom..lol! Brooke turned 7 and is in soccer and Brownies. Tyler is 5 now and started kindergarten this year. It seems odd having 2 gone during the day. Lauren is now 3 and still every bit the princess!! Her and daddy have come a long way....you'd never know he missed so much of her early childhood!

As for the animals, Mr. Peabody is still here and as much the spoiled bunny as ever. He's since been litter-trained and I'm LOVING it. Why didn't I do it sooner?!?! He took to it like a pro...thanks goodness as my hubby thought I was insane litter-training a bunny....lol! We've also added to the animal brood here as well. My brother got my kids a cat for Christmas. He took them to the shelter and let them pick her out. Then Brooke conned her daddy into getting hermit crabs. We started out with just 3 and are now currently housing 11. Interesting creatures!!

I think thats pretty much it for an update on me. You're more than welcome to check out my myspace page if you'd like as thats where I have updated pictures of my gang. I hope everyone else is doing well! Take care! I'll try to get in here more often!

~Shannon a.k.a Ty-bee

Hi all :)

I have not been around as much as I first was, but I stopped in now and again. Recently, Haley emailed me and told me of the move and invited me to come by - I did and I guess I was full of all sorts of chatter cause I"m a posting mad-woman once again! LOL!

I have Bo who we got 3 years ago at a fair, Cloverbunny who was attacked and bitten by my sister's dog and she phoned me to carefor her. Of course I never thought I'd be able to help this baby cottontail enough to keep her alive....... Let me tell you - she just let me know it was time to come out and play with bo by SNORTING at me several times! :?I used to think she was sneezing..... Once I figured it out she really does it to get my attention LOL!

Now, we have Heidi. Our baby (big baby!) Palomino. She's precious but different from the other two. We named her right - she tries to hide all the time! LOL!

I have 2 children - luke is 16 and just got his driver's license! :shock:and Lexi is 11 going on 12 and very busy all the time.

Luke has sheep that he shows, and he's quiet, but a comedian and a junior in high school. This year he made me so proud when he took my horse into the county fair and grand championed in one discipline with him - neither had ever been in a horse show before!! He also got first place in Western Showmanship! It was pretty awesome!

Here they are:


Lexi rides and has for a few years now. I bought Dakota (the one Luke shows) for her but he wasn't trained yet - he's still pretty green in some areas and she started to ride my father inlaw's mare. Well, she is pretty much ours now. I might even end up buying her from him. She's a good girl and adores Lexi. Her name is Pokie. They did really well also and placed in a big class that most girls her age don't make it in. She won a chair and a huge ribbon - they also won several other ribbons and classes at fair and open shows this year. This is them:


Lexi also plays volleyball, sings in choir and plays basketball. She or Luke will show Heidi this year. I want Luke to since he's only got a couple of more years in 4H.

I enjoy watching my kids, playing with my animals and I work part time. I love to read! and rarely watch television - unless it's SVU, CSI or a couple of others - I don't like it.

Good to see everyone again! :)
It's been a while....I was quite active for a while, but in my last year of high school, its quite busy..job, horses, family, friends, and the like. I'll take new pictures of my crew when I have the time, they're all doing wonderfully. They're happy and spoiled :D
Hi everyone! My name's Mandy aka ditty816.. I use to be on here constantly back in the day... I'm from a small town north of Pittsburgh, PA

some of you may remember me or not.. I'm the one who's got three bun's.. Rexie, Sherbie & Snuggles... Rexie is a blue standard Rex.. Sherbie's a blue-tort mini Rex and well Snuggles was a mix breed.. never did find out what he really was.. a mini of sorts cause he his tooth problem.. he had bad molars that needed ground down all the time.. I took him in from a foster family.. they didn't have the time or $$ to care for him anymore..

Snuggles ended up dying yesterday due to complications of a UTI and I'm sure, GI stasis.. he stopped eating but was on Critical Care for a couple weeks... his vet wouldn't do another tooth trimming until his UTI was completely healed..

I haven't really had time to post on here since the change-over cause I actually have a daughter now.. her name's Kaitlyn Rose and she's 15 months old.. keeps me active.. she's trying to walk now and a handful..

I remember being on here and seeing Buck post all the time.. was a very sad day when he passed... also remember a big big bun by the name of Apollo :)


Hello Everyone, its been a while since I have logged on. This is so strange last night I had Buch on my mind remembering his post and how helpful and his wit, then when I check my email I learn about this place.
Alots has changed here I am down from 50 rabbits to 5.my beloved Bloosom past away during the summer, I still have one of her kits that is 2 years old and her mate sweetie, and 2 rescue rabbits that people have found in their yards, one is a rex and very sweet.

Ah-h-h-h-h-h, now this is fun. I joined because of Buck - someone in my own 'old age' group. Actually I lurked for almost a year prior to joining. It took so long to join becauseI didn't want to have any run-ins with aformer member (rhymes with Menace)who was often agitated, rude and contentious. I had experienced his temper and name calling on another boardand was content to lurk until his bad behavior finally went over the top.

What I realized was the good people on the board and the good things happening far out weighted the occassional bad egg and bad event.

I miss Carolyn. What a dynamo of energy. How she ever managed everything by herself is beyond me. Maybe that's another reason why I named our newest cat Sherman. Obviously in honor of King Sherman.

When I joined, myrabbit, Coney was 14 years old. He never made it to 15. Dubya, Presley and Frodo are gone. Dr. Melody Frankenbunny, Wilbur Igor and M. Ali live on.

Thanks to everyone whohelped me keep my rabbits healthy and happy over the years.

Does anyone hear from the 'Missus'?
How cool is this!!!! Sorry I didn't first notice the welcome thread and made my own. Please delete it.

I don't have time now to read all of these wonderful notes. I'm going to print them out and take them home tonight when I have more time to focus and enjoy.

For now, here's what's new....

Howdy All!

I sincerely hope and praythat this finds all of you and your babies well.

Tucker, Fauna, and Cali-Flower are all doing very well, *knock on wood*. I had a scare when I tried a new vet and she diagnosed my Fauna-Girl and Tucks with pasteurella. It seems as though it was a misdiagnosed, thank the Good Lord. I was in shambles as you all can imagine.

The latest and greatest news from Tucker Town is that we have a new resident in town. Her name is Darla and she is a Holland Lop Tort. No, she doesn't live with Tucks, Fauna, Cali and me, but she has a penthousesuite in the building. Her father is my boyfriend whohad gotten bitten badly by the bunny bug and decided he wanted one of his own. When I wentto the ARBA show in Goshen, CT this past weekend, he let me pickhis babyout for him. She's totally melted his heart. He won't do anything that would in the slightest way tick her off and she knows it.

Just this morning, when Jesse (Darla's Dad) stopped by for coffee,I gave him Buck's lecture about being the Alpha Bunny. I'll have to reiterate it a couple of times or else he'll have a spoiled princess on his hands. She's just a Love though. He's amazed by every little thing she does. I've fallen in love with him all over again after seeing the way he is with her.

Pictures will follow soon of Tucker's Town's new resident. Her suite is known as Darla Drive as she's DEFINITELY the one in the Driver's Seat!!

Much Love,


Of course, I couldn't wait to read what the updates were on everyone, so I just did.

How great it is to see so many familiar faces back!!

Did anyone ever Google "Pam Nock"? Good Lord, Woman, you have an amazing amount of pages just on googling you. Did you read about Jesse's new Holland Lop?

Razzamattzz...you look as classy as you ever have in that picture. The glasses are to die for. One things for sure - you got stiiiile, Sista! How's Sebbie? Still neglected since you got that dog of yours?

Cher! I'm so glad to see that Jade and Jez are doing so well. I was quite worried about Jez for a bit there, but due to your wonderful and careful care, her life was once again saved. Bless your heart for keeping such good tabs on my babies.

HunnyBunny63, I think we all can relate to having our busy lives take over and before you know it, months have gone by. No worries about how often you stop by, just glad to see you here and although your little ones still don't take well to tolerating each other, I'm thrilled to hear all is normal in your corner of the world.

Ty-Bee!! Seems that you and your hubby made the best of your time together when he had leave, ey?! ;) Congratulations on Emma Grace! How are her siblings handling having another baby in the house? When your husband's 2 years are up, is he through with the Service? Good Lord, you've made so many sacrifices along with him to serve our country. I am truly grateful to you, him, and your children for what you have done. How does Mr. Peabody and the new cat get along? Hermit crabs are definitely interesting to watch.

BoBBunny, Congratulations on Heidi! I know we had some disagreements in the past, but I hope you have put that behind you as I have. Bygones. Having a child that drives would be almost too much for me to take on. I was just saying to my best friend this past weekend that I don't know how parents do it when they have to hand over their car to their 16 year old. :shock: I'm so glad to hear that Bo and Cloverbunny are doing well. Bo is such a gorgeous boy. He has always been one of my favorite of his breed. Such a stunning boy he is. By the way, in the book Life Lessons From Elvis, Elvis says: "It's cheaper to buy horses inbulk." Would be nice if we all had the extra cash hanging around, wouldn't it? He was a crazy fool when it came to horses. Absolutely adored them. One horse really put the screws to Raspberry. Ask her about it if you don't know.

Labell, glad to hear that things are busy, but all your babies are doing well. Write more when you have a chance. :)

Hi Ditty816! I'm sincerely so sorry to hear about Snuggles. God knows that no one could've loved ho, more. I'm sure you tried everything that you could. It's so terrible to lose them. I know the pain is raw at this point. I also know that Buck is giving him a lot of Love until the two of you are able to reunite again. As Buck would say, "Don't beat yourself up over the could've, would've, should'ves. You did everything you can."Most importantly you made his life on this earth a very happy and loving one. My heart goes out to you. You can be sure I'll be thinking and praying for you during these next few weeks. I hope that Sherbie and Rexie are able to comfort you. Congratulations on Kaitlyn Rose. I absolutely Love her name! Really nice choice.

Hi kpc, :) I'm so sorry to hear you lost Blossom. Going from 50 down to 5 is quite a jump. I hope Blossom's babies are able to give you some comfort. How odd that you were just thinking of Buck yesterday, and voila - here's a tribute to him. This would've meant so much.

Hi Seniorcats!! :shock:Coney made it to 15 years old? Good Lord!! That gives me so much hope and it makes me so happy! I'm sick to death of people telling me Fauna's old. She's only 8 - and although I know that's supposed to be old for a rabbit, I refuse to acknowledge it for total fear on my part. I just know that Dubya, Coney,Frodo and Presley are up there playing with Buck and all his other bunny buddies. I feel certain that Buck Jones checks in on all of us and our babies. He had big arms and an even bigger heart. If anyone can handle the little ones when they get to the other side of the Rainbow Bridge, I know it's Buck. I wouldn't want it to be anyone else.

Bless Dr. Melody Frankenbunny, Wilbur Igor and M. Ali. So glad to hear that they're still getting into mischief and giving Mom some love and attitude when they feel the urge. So you named your newest cat, Sherman? Good Lord, I hope he's nicer to you than Sherman The King was to Dear 'Ol Bunnymommy! The hard time he gave her is a memory I'll always treasure.

As to The Missus, she's doing well. She has found Love and is enjoying herself quite a bit. Last I knew, Ernestine was doing wonderfully. She's such a sweet rabbit. The Missus definitely lucked out with her.

As someone noted, this is definitely fun! With all the new names, I had a hard time keeping up with the old friends.

Thanks to Pipp for her thoughtful tribute to Buck and in honoring our friendships.

Peace and Love to All,

Carolyn wrote:
HunnyBunny63, I think we all can relate to having our busy lives take over and before you know it, months have gone by. No worries about how often you stop by, just glad to see you here and although your little ones still don't take well to tolerating each other, I'm thrilled to hear all is normal in your corner of the world.


thanks, thought it was funny to call england my corner of the world! lol

gald everyone else is doing well and i really do hope to stay more active from now on. Also i forgot to mention before i started college last week, im doing an animal mangement course which means i will hopefully learn lots more about rabbits!
Carolyn wrote:
Ty-Bee!! Seems that you and your hubby made the best of your time together when he had leave, ey?! ;) Congratulations on Emma Grace! How are her siblings handling having another baby in the house? When your husband's 2 years are up, is he through with the Service? Good Lord, you've made so many sacrifices along with him to serve our country. I am truly grateful to you, him, and your children for what you have done. How does Mr. Peabody and the new cat get along? Hermit crabs are definitely interesting to watch.

Lol...we sure did although I can definately say another baby was not in the plans! The good Lord had other plans though and I'm sure glad he did. Emma is such a delight and she truely makes the family feel whole. Oh the older siblings absolutely adore her and if they had their way they'd buy her everything in sight!

Unfortunately no,Aaron has decided to go for retirement. As of this past July he's served nine years so it'll be 11 when this contract is up. So why not go to 20. He's found his nitch I guess you could say...he enjoys his job..most days. Unfortunately we recieved terrible news last night, in that one of his "guys" from his lastunit was killed in Iraq this past weekend. The worst part is the unit arrives home today. Aaron is taking it quite hard as they were really close. As they sayyour brothers in armstruely are your family!

As for Peabody and the cat, Chloe...well it's a love-hate relationship! Chloe loves to play with him and Peabody hates it. I've come to the conclusion that Chloe thinks he's her gaint plaything and NOBODY can make her believe otherwise. Peabody for his part tolerates her but by the look on his face when she's around I believe he is plotting his revenge!

I'm so glad to hear all is well in Tucker Town!

hunnybunny63 wrote:
Carolyn wrote:
HunnyBunny63, I think we all can relate to having our busy lives take over and before you know it, months have gone by. No worries about how often you stop by, just glad to see you here and although your little ones still don't take well to tolerating each other, I'm thrilled to hear all is normal in your corner of the world.


thanks, thought it was funny to call england my corner of the world! lol

gald everyone else is doing well and i really do hope to stay more active from now on. Also i forgot to mention before i started college last week, im doing an animal mangement course which means i will hopefully learn lots more about rabbits!

How Cool that you're taking an Animal Management Course! You'll have to keep us updated on how you like it and if they mention the most precious animals in the world - Rabbits - Of Course!!

I love England!! I would live there in a heartbeat if I could afford it and had a connection for work. The people, the land, the architect, where it all started for rabbits - it's all so lovable.

Hope your first week went well. :)
Ty-bee wrote:
Unfortunately no,Aaron has decided to go for retirement. As of this past July he's served nine years so it'll be 11 when this contract is up. So why not go to 20. He's found his nitch I guess you could say...he enjoys his job..most days. Unfortunately we recieved terrible news last night, in that one of his "guys" from his lastunit was killed in Iraq this past weekend. The worst part is the unit arrives home today. Aaron is taking it quite hard as they were really close. As they sayyour brothers in armstruely are your family!

As for Peabody and the cat, Chloe...well it's a love-hate relationship! Chloe loves to play with him and Peabody hates it. I've come to the conclusion that Chloe thinks he's her gaint plaything and NOBODY can make her believe otherwise. Peabody for his part tolerates her but by the look on his face when she's around I believe he is plotting his revenge!

I'm so glad to hear all is well in Tucker Town!


Hi Shannon!

I was afraid you were going to say he'd go for retirement, but in 11 years, I guess it's better than any of the companies would offer today.

Your poor husband. Every day when I see the news and hear of more casualties, it darkens my heart as such young, courageous lives are being taken from us. I can't imagine how hard it is on you to settle down after you've heard that your husband was such good friends with the Soldier. It cuts a little too close to home. I'll light two candles tonight. One in honor and prayers for your husband's safety and grief, and the second for the Friend he lost. We have no clue what they're dealing with in reality. I can't begin to imagine. I'm just glad that your man is in a nondeployment unit.

Oh that Chloe better watch out! Peabody might strike back when she least expects it. He's a good sport to put up with her silliness!

Bless Emma's siblings. You're doing a heck of a job raising such loving and generous children. Good On Ya, as Buck would say.
Carolyn wrote:
hunnybunny63 wrote:
Carolyn wrote:
HunnyBunny63, I think we all can relate to having our busy lives take over and before you know it, months have gone by. No worries about how often you stop by, just glad to see you here and although your little ones still don't take well to tolerating each other, I'm thrilled to hear all is normal in your corner of the world.


thanks, thought it was funny to call england my corner of the world! lol

gald everyone else is doing well and i really do hope to stay more active from now on. Also i forgot to mention before i started college last week, im doing an animal mangement course which means i will hopefully learn lots more about rabbits!

How Cool that you're taking an Animal Management Course! You'll have to keep us updated on how you like it and if they mention the most precious animals in the world - Rabbits - Of Course!!

I love England!! I would live there in a heartbeat if I could afford it and had a connection for work. The people, the land, the architect, where it all started for rabbits - it's all so lovable.

Hope your first week went well. :)
in our biology lesson this afternoon we had soem skeletons to look at of which one was a rabbit! also in the corner there was clear box things showing the insides of animals, its full of liquid to reserve the organs and tissues or whatever is in there! one was a rabbit and i thoguht they were all very digusting!
Carolyn wrote:
Thanks to Pipp for her thoughtful tribute to Buck and in honoring our friendships.
Hey Carolyn, thanks for making this forum the best place on the planet! :bouquet:

I'm sorry yourwelcome thread got deleted, We had a plan for that one.;)

Seniorcats, you may notice that 'Hanky's' name on the membership list is greyed out -- that's for a reason!! We lost allthe 'banned'specs during the changeover to rabbitsonline.net, but that was one that immediately got put back in. ;)

And everybody, BBB is your room, so feel free to tell us howyou'd like it. We can leave everything in just this one thread, just like the old forum was, or make separate threads, what's everybody's preference? (Probablybest to keep one other thread for picsto keep it sane for peeps on dial-ups?)

We'd like to track down as many people on the membership list as possible, so we can keep the list in a separate thread... but should it have missing member posts?

(And if anybody wants to be theModerator for this room, your help would beawesome, please PM me!)

One more thing... All theattachments were deletedin the move, it would be awesome if the members here could reinstall their avatars (coughcarolynchercough), and check out old threads andput the pics back. (We actually backeda lot of them up on aPhotobucket account, I'll have to dig up the link and password).


Pipp wrote:
Seniorcats, you may notice that 'Hanky's' name on the membership list is greyed out -- that's for a reason!! We lost allthe 'banned'specs during the changeover to rabbitsonline.net, but that was one that immediately got put back in. ;)

Thank you very much!


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