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dr_peter_kraz wrote:
( I just cut myhair to about 5cm long on wensday)
Ooooo you have to share pictures of the clean-cut look! hehe

dr_peter_kraz wrote:
sandhills_rabbits wrote:
Lol....great pictures! Your rabbit Faye is just beautiful. I especially lovethe picture where she is looking out the window. It's just such agorgeous shot.

I fully believe that, hopefully that picture will turn into a painting one day.:D:D:D:D

Oh, it's going to be!! I've got to paint that picture, because I amjust in love with it!!! I just love the thought of a dreamy littlebunny gazing out a window at the snow outside.... it's just sopicturesque!
sandhills_rabbits wrote:
Is Faye being spayed tomorrow? I know she's havingsurgery.... it's nothing serious is it?
yea shes getting spayed, but me and Carolyn are concerned because thevet tech told me to stop food and water after 7pm. Which Idid no such thing but I am going to have a word with the vet about thisand if he agrees me and Faye are going to cancel the appointment and goelse where for the spaying. But I sure everything well befind. Thank you all for being here with me. I'mglad I don't have to do this on my own.


Peter & Faye

P.S. I think you will all love the clean cut look (I do) I'm very pleased with it..
dr_peter_kraz wrote:
yea shes getting spayed, but me and Carolyn are concernedbecause the vet tech told me to stop food and water after7pm. Which I did no such thing but I am going to have a wordwith the vet about this and if he agrees me and Faye are going tocancel the appointment and go else where for the spaying. ButI sure everything well be find. Thank you all for being herewith me. I'm glad I don't have to do this on my own.


Peter & Faye

P.S. I think you will all love the clean cut look (I do) I'm very pleased with it..
it may be a case of an IDIOT tech who doesn't know rabbitsgiving advice, but yes please do see what the vet says, and if the vetagrees with the tech RUN RUN RUN far away from that vet. OtherwiseSpeak to the vet and let them know their tech is giving out BADadvice. OUr prayers are with you and paws are crossed.
Yeah, i have had (and i am sure others havehad)bad experiences with vets who don't know anything aboutrabbits. Once i took a bunny in for fur mites, i suggestedfur mites, but the vet blew me off and perscribed a $215 per rabbitcure. YEAH RIGHT!:shock: In the endI wasright and the cure for the whole rabbitry cost me $1.29

My point is that i wouldn't dare let a vet who knows very little aboutrabbits get near one of my bunnnies with a knife. I don'tcare how many dogs, cats, skunks or squirrels they have spayedbefore! When i go to a vet i find myself starting to quizthem on rabbit diseases and rabbits in general--lol!

Good luck! It should be fine. Faye is a beautiful rabbit. I love her [shadow=orange]color[/shadow]
sandhills_rabbits wrote:
I LuV MaH BuNs wrote:
i think we need to add dr peter to the sexy guys on the forums list!!

ROTFL!!!!!! You better becareful what you say.... Faye might get upsetthat youre talking about her owner in that way! ;)
Thats rightsandhill rabbits, Faye does not like other women.
dr_peter_kraz wrote:
Thats right sandhill rabbits, Faye does not like other women.

she likes me pete!!! dont you lie:D:D:Dhello mydearest friend, do not take her in please, i really dont have a goodfeeling about this. ill talk to you tomarow:)

I think Faye is adorable - that pic where is islaying across your legs, all fluffy looking is just wonderful! Goodluck with the spay - suprised the tech said to withhold food &water :?, but perhaps he/she isn't rabbit savvy. As long as the vet is,thre should be no problems. Thinking of youboth - Jan
Thank you so much,

I have missed all of you. Oh and such a welcome.I'm flattered. All the pictures above were lost on mycomputer so now I having themback means a lot tome:D. Faye has lost 1 1/2 pounds since this picture bye theway. I see there is a lot of new people with some greatquestions:). I cant tell you how happy I am to be chatting withyou. And I love talking about buns ( for people reading thisis the best place for it). So I have so new information aboutabscesses and treatment (which I don't have time tonight but I plan onposting it tomorrow). Faye just came out on top after havingan abscess the size of a golf ball on her foot:(, she one strongbun. I'll get into it more tomorrow but (like I was tellingRabbit girl ) injections of penicillin was the real hero. Itwill be great to get feed back about it.

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