Is there anything organic you can spray on hay.

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May 19, 2015
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My bunny doesn't eat enough hay. He likes pellets, kale, carrots and parsley much better.

I would like to spray something on his Timothy Hay to make it more tempting for him.

He appears perfectly healthy but I think eating more hay would make him healthier.

I second the Orchard Grass or Botanical. Chewy was picky about his hay for quite a while so I bought a bag of Orchard Grass and he couldn't get enough of it. Now I switch it up, between the Botanical, Orchard and Timothy. Lately, he cannot get enough of the Timothy Hay.
Ours love orchard grass and I'm allergic to Timothy so it's a win for both sides. Most of ours came to us not having had hay (rescues), but they learned to eat it with gusto. I did have to cut out pellets with a couple til they were eating hay as pellets were all they knew til they "found" us, but all now are great hay eaters and only get a table spoon of pellets each nite as a treat. They do get veggies twice a day and unlimited orchard grass-our vet maintains they don't need pellets and can live fine on hay and veggies.
I wouldn't try to spray anything, but you can put a handful of fragrant herbs (like mint, basil or thyme), fresh or dried, cut in small pieces in the hay bag before closing it. It will flavor the hay a bit and it can help. Still, I've been buying the same brand of hay for my rabbits for years and there are some bags that they like and some that they refuse to eat or will eat only some of. I still fail to understand their logic, as they sometimes reject a perfectly good bag of green dust-free good-smelling hay. It's hard to tell without knowing exactly what you feed your rabbit, but maybe cut down the pellets - if your rabbit is more hungry he will be more amenable to eat his hay. If you feel like he really doesn't eat as much hay as he should (about the size of his body in hay everyday) you have to try something soon - the lack of hay (especially the long hard fibers) in his diet could lead to GI stasis problems (one of mine went into stasis just because she didn't like the new hay bag and, having 2 rabbits, I hadn't noticed that she barely ate from it - she recovered but she could have died).
You could change the hay or mix it, to see what your bun likes :)

One thing my vet suggested for one of my bunnies who didn't eat his hay was to sprinkle some Critical Care onto it. I don't know if it will work for you, but it worked for my bun :D He's a Critical Care addict

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