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  1. Zee-Man

    Can my bunny eat these flowers? Reports on hibiscus: "The young branches and leaves eaten by goats. " Goats are ruminants, rabbits are not. That said, the bacteria in the cecum work in similar fashion to those in the rumen. only comments on rosa rugosa...
  2. Zee-Man

    Keeping Warm

    Dosiedoe has done well in her outdoor hutch. She has a hide box which I insulate with only 3 layers of cardboard. She adds to that with fur as she would when nesting for kits. As others have said, it is most important to raise the rabbits off the ground. For hide boxes, they should not be much...
  3. Zee-Man

    Hides house recommendations please

    Dosiedoe lives outside all year. I insulate her "warren" and she adds to that with her fur. Harvey has his own apartment with his own insulated warren.
  4. Zee-Man

    Hides house recommendations please

    You might try your hand at building one! Common hand tools are enough. For materials use furring strips for the frame and fence boards for the sheathing. 3D box nails will be sufficient.
  5. Zee-Man

    A Guide to Herbal Remedies: For Breeding Does

    So those are stinging nettles (family urtica), to which herbalists have ascribed increased milk production. They are normally presented to kine chopped and wilted. Dehydrating them for a day destroys the histamine that gives them their sting. They are delicious as a cooked green for humans...
  6. Zee-Man

    A Guide to Herbal Remedies: For Breeding Does

    What kind of nettles? Dead? Purple? Stinging?
  7. Zee-Man

    Rabbit Water Intake

    I've an American Chinchilla. She drinks widely varied amounts of water. That is chiefly because she gets plenty of wild fodder. There are days when she will drink 250 ml and days when she will barely drop the level of her bottle.
  8. Zee-Man

    Autumn Activities

    I planted arugula, kale, beets, and turnips so the rabbit(s) can have fresh greens as the yard forage becomes scarce.
  9. Zee-Man

    Where do you keep your hay?

    My local ranchers did not make square bales this year 😓 Fortunately a homesteader friend of mine has some bales to spare from his cows. I'll be set for the winter.
  10. Zee-Man

    Indoor growing

    One of my bucket gardens laid fallow all summer long. Just this week all the plantain seeds I had tried to grow last winter decided to sprout. I'll have some decent wild fodder for the winter this year!
  11. Zee-Man

    Indoor growing

    I had very bad luck trying to grow kale, turnip and even dandelion indoors last year. While the house is warm, the patio door location was probably too cool. I have kale coming up in the garden right now. Ill try to transplant to a bucket soon. I have some dandelion established in a bucket this...
  12. Zee-Man

    Catnip okay for rabbits?

    Catnip is related to mint. Some of the sources that have been linked claim all mint is safe for rabbits. Maybe you could provide a link to the product you are using?
  13. Zee-Man

    Can BunBun eat.........

    We should also be concerned about Dogbane, which might be confused with milkweed since it a similar seed pod. Those in the know would not mistake them for each other. Nonetheless, dogbane is poisonous for human ingestion and likely so for rabbits.
  14. Zee-Man

    Concerns about hay box?

    The manger I made hangs on the outside of the hutch. Only screen keeps the hay from falling out. Doesidoe can easily get what she wants. Using a manger cut hay waste by a large amount. There is still some waste, she drops what she doesn't like. The manger also has a trough for pellets. I cut...
  15. Zee-Man

    What grass is this?

    So I have some foxtail growing in my yard. I took the time this morning to feel the stem. While the reports I read on foxtail in pasturage talk about the stems having barbs I could not sense any. The awns are rather prickly. I can see how they would injure soft mouth parts. The stems could...