Rash on bunny?

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Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2022
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Hi, Maple has a few bald patches which I think are just because she's shedding, but on one of them the skin has become sore. I don't know if she's just been itching it and damaged it (I've put her in a medical shirt now to try and stop further damage) - has anyone seen something similar and have an idea what it could be?

I am taking her to the vets on Wednesday, but I'd appreciate any ideas in the meantime. I have a spot-on treatment which I was going to apply soon as a preventive treatment anyway, but now I'm a bit hesitant to put anything on her before I see my vet.PXL_20230524_194239507.jpgPXL_20230525_203521241.jpg
Hm it's a very defined shape isn't it? It does look a bit sore. Honestly I would bother with the at home treatment and see what the vet says. At least the pet shirt will stop her from scratching it! 👍
If she may have somehow had that patch of fur ripped out, that could cause some minor skin irritation and redness, which should resolve in a few days, if this is what happened.

But if it wasn't that chunk of fur getting ripped out, and nothing had previously been applied there, or she hasn't received any recent injections, if there's evidence of skin irritation, mites would be the most common cause. Your vet should be able to confirm if that's the case.

Medirabbit: skin conditions
If she may have somehow had that patch of fur ripped out, that could cause some minor skin irritation and redness, which should resolve in a few days, if this is what happened.

But if it wasn't that chunk of fur getting ripped out, and nothing had previously been applied there, or she hasn't received any recent injections, if there's evidence of skin irritation, mites would be the most common cause. Your vet should be able to confirm if that's the case.

Medirabbit: skin conditions
The fur came out while I was stroking her and VERY gently pulling out her loose fur (definitely not plucking), so I wondered if maybe the regrowth had started and caused her to itch at it? Obviously not having hair in that area would mean there's no padding when she scratches, so I thought maybe she did the damage herself 🤔 it got worse a few days after the fur came out, which made me think she'd damaged it by chewing with her teeth or scratching.

She does sometimes get bald patches before her new fur grows in, so I assumed it was because she's shedding, but with this bald patch looking so sore, I have begun to wonder if it's some parasite causing it. There's no sign of walking dandruff, which she's had before, so I suppose it could be something else 🤷‍♀️

She hasn't injections for 2 months, and she's had nothing applied there.

The shirt doesn't cover that whole area unfortunately because this patch is at the top of her back leg 😔

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