Anyone in the know about Baycox?

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Jun 9, 2019
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New Zealand
I took my 2 young rabbits to the vet today as one had produced mucousy poo and I hadn't yet taken them in for a check since I got them a couple of weeks ago. Because their mum had died a month ago the vet suspected Coccidiosis and gave me a dose of Baycox for each of them. We will also be getting dropping sampled for worms.

I have noticed my buns are not running around quite so much today. They are eating and drinking plenty still. I'm not sure if lack of apparent energy is because their sick, due to the medication, or for unrelated reasons.

Does anyone know if Baycox has side effects and what I should expect?
What dose did the vet give? It should be 2.5-5mg/kg. If too high a dose is given it can cause reduced appetite. Also if the poultry version is given then it could cause issues as it's caustic if not mixed with something acidic to make it more neutral.

I expect it wasn't the poultry version. This was the vet recommended as rabbit savvy by our local rabbit rescue so I'm trusting he knows rabbits well. The dose was only 0.08ml so very little. They just seemed a bit quieter last night. We are also working on a diet change as they were dropping a lot of caecotrophs so too much sugar. They were fussy about hay for while, but we've gotten some meadow hay they are enjoying now.
It's a strong med, so some digestive discomfort wouldn't surprise me, and I think I remember reading about it occurring with some rabbits. I would think that as long as they are eating and drinking enough, and their condition doesn't deteriorate further, that they should be ok and should start improving within the next day as the med wears off. But if they deteriorate at all, I would get them to the vet immediately.
It's a strong med, so some digestive discomfort wouldn't surprise me, and I think I remember reading about it occurring with some rabbits. I would think that as long as they are eating and drinking enough, and their condition doesn't deteriorate further, that they should be ok and should start improving within the next day as the med wears off. But if they deteriorate at all, I would get them to the vet immediately.
Ok, I think there may have been some discomfort as they also weren't flopping in relaxation as they usually do and were sitting more isolated from each other. However, they did not lose their appetite at all and this evening they have perked up a bit. A little more hopping, a little more flopping. So I think things are going well.

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