Goodbye Petey

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Jul 1, 2007
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Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
Had to make the dreaded last trip to the vet with Peter yesterday. Again, he was another rescue so we don't know his true age but he spent 13 wonderful years with us. He was a full size Chincilla with beautiful coloring--one of the nicest I've seen and he was 10 pounds, so he was fairly large. He was our last survivor from our California bunch that we moved here with in 2008. Goodbye my big boy and binky free, we are gonna miss you a lot.
Thanks--sharing my thoughts here helps to lessen the grief and re-inforces all the good times I can remember. Peter was a world class jumper and got up on things only one other could get to--ate the wires on my radio that I thought was safe as the counter top was over 3 feet high--that's what I get for thinking.
Already a year my big boy--time flies. You definitely were the best jumper I've ever seen and the stereo wires can testify that even though I thought it was up high enough. Miss you a lot and all of the bunnies we came here with, too. Down to our last bunny, Cosmo--has your attitude but only half your size.
Hey Petey, already 5 years--doesn't hardly seem like it's been that long. Still miss you big boy--at 10 pounds+ , you were definitely the biggest male Chin I'd ever seen. Miss you a lot my big lap bunny--watching TV is not as much fun without my big lap warmer. Til next year, I hope.
Hiya Petey, doesn't seem like it's 6 years since I had to say goodbye. Still miss you and all your quirks. His nickname was "Peter Pan"--I'd open the door to his hutch and he'd stay in his litter pan where all the others would come right over to their door so I could let them down to the ground. I had to pick his pan up, set it on the ground and then poke at him til he got up and out so I could clean his pan and put it back. He was just a laid back, lap bunny and liked to chill out--he'd stay on my lap watching TV for hours til I had to get up. So many fond memories my old man, till next year buddy, bye.

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