Possible Emergency--sudden loss of legs

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New Member
May 4, 2016
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This is one of those stories--partially. A small Bunny was chased in my house last night by my stupid feline. I thought it was one of my many other furry friends (rat/guinea) so I rushed to grab it, gently of course. Bunny seemed uninjured, and jumped around normally, it was just extremely scared, as I assumed it would be.

I placed it in a small cage, gave it some basic water and a hidey for the night. This morning my husband noticed it, and bunny went limp directly after that.
It won't stand up--but his legs seem fine;he kicks them. I'll provide a video below if Tapatalk will allow.
Breathing seems short. I'm not able.to get it to a vet till the 9th.. What should I do? Is it just stress that led him to collapse?
Well, I called our local exotics vet and they said to bring him in and they'll rehabilitatize him. :) I hope he'll do alright. He's active but just can't move that well
He may have floppy rabbit syndrome, which is an emergency. I'm glad you are taking him to your vet and hope he will be ok.
While it is similar, the bunny had more of a head tilt/head facing completely up, towards his back. Upon trying to move, he'd fall on his side and kick his feet. He's at the vets now, they were going to rehabilitatize him. Hope he'll do alright. :)

eedit to add-- I've unfortunately never owned a rabbit, so pardon if my knowledge is little to none
Thanks for taking the little guy to the vet :) Head tilt has several causes, one of which is a parasite called E. cuniculi, it is often present in a rabbit's system, but won't present itself unless the rabbit is under stress or the immune system is weakened. That's one possibility, the other is it could be a result of infection from a puncture wound from your cat. Puncture wounds are not always obvious but can easily get infected.

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