Bunny Tastes

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Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2014
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No, I don't mean eating rabbits! I mean, what is your bunny's fav food/ treat? I haven't tried giving my bun anything more than just cranberries and normal food. Well, I guess I did try giving my bunny some cilantro and dehydrated cherries but he just turned his nose up. Are they supposed to eat cherries? I mean, he didn't actually eat them but I'm wondering if it was hazardous? I don't blame my bunny for not liking cilantro, I smelled it and it smelled terrible! Wait are rabbit supposed to have cranberry?! I know, I know, I should've checked to see if it was dangerous or not...
Mine's absolute favorite is banana. He also loves apple, watercress, romaine lettuce, and parsly. He's not a fan of cilantro, tomato, or mint(he will eat it if there is no other option). He also seems pretty interested in foods he's not supposed to have, like chicken rice, corn, french fries. I think he'd eat just about anything I was eating.
Mines favorite is Fig she also likes bananas, apple's, seedless grapes and romaine lettuce. She dislikes sweet potatoes, cherries and tomatoes. But none of these items are harmful to the rabbits!
Dehydrated fruits are concentrated so are naturally higher in sugar than the fresh fruit. That means the max per day amount for dehydrated fruit should be less than the 1-2 tbsp. of fruit/treat allowed per day.

Potatoes are actually controversial. There are those who advise against feeding potatoes or sweet potatoes because of their high carb content and because of the toxicity of the eyes of the potatoe. Here are two links:

My rabbits have all loved cilantro (though I don't!). They've also loved banana and strawberry tops.
Does anyone have any answers on the safe amount of parsley you can feed a bun? I read it was safe, bought a bunch and then someone else told me it was bad and they shouldn't eat it too often. I'm panicked now because he's been eating it as part of his mix of daily greens for about 4 days now. Can anyone help? We're also working on training and I would love any suggestions on good training treats they can have daily. He goes nuts for raisins but again, while I thought these were good, I read somewhere that they're horrible for them except for like 1 per 2 per WEEK! I've used his greens as training treats but after a few he knows it's not a "treat" exactly and goes to sit by his food bowl like "ok, give me the rest now."
Common hogweed. Bishop's goutweed. Parsnip. Yarrow. Narrowleaf plantain.

And everything they find under fruit trees, of course.
Does anyone have any answers on the safe amount of parsley you can feed a bun? I read it was safe, bought a bunch and then someone else told me it was bad and they shouldn't eat it too often. I'm panicked now because he's been eating it as part of his mix of daily greens for about 4 days now. Can anyone help? We're also working on training and I would love any suggestions on good training treats they can have daily. He goes nuts for raisins but again, while I thought these were good, I read somewhere that they're horrible for them except for like 1 per 2 per WEEK! I've used his greens as training treats but after a few he knows it's not a "treat" exactly and goes to sit by his food bowl like "ok, give me the rest now."

Parsley's higher in calcium, so that's why you don't want to feed a ton of it. And probably not feed it at all, or at least not too much if your bun is prone to bladder sludge. I feed it to my buns every day since it's growing in the garden now, and they love it, but I don't feed them more than a sprig or two a day, being as they are just small dwarf rabbits. As long as your bun isn't prone to bladder sludge and you aren't seeing a lot of calcium sediment in the urine, then your bun likely isn't getting too much calcium, and feeding parsley daily, I wouldn't see as being a problem.

Grapes and fruit are sugary treats, so it should be limited like blue eyes mentioned. But a limited daily treat a day is usually fine, provided it doesn't cause mushy poop or other signs of digestive upset.

Even though there are general dietary recommendations for rabbits, it's still going to vary some with each individual rabbit based on metabolism and any specific health considerations. With diet, it's all about finding the right balance of fiber from hay and nutrients from other foods, where they are producing good healthy fecal poop, no mushy cecals or uneaten cecals, and the urine is a normal consistency with minimal excess calcium excretion. And also they're not showing signs of having reoccurring bouts with digestive upset or lack of appetite.

For my rabbits favorite foods, they love parsley, romaine, dandelion, ribwort plantain, a little carrot treat. I think willow leaves are one of their favorite though.